Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Binge Post: NetFlix Strikes Again!

Yea, my brain has yet to come back in full force. Wait... does your brain actually go full force? What does that mean? 


So, I've still been Netflix'ing more than I had before. I'm one of the cool kids now, right? 😎

Finally saw Stranger Things:
I loved trying to figure this one out and I loved how the relationships in this one all played out. I really do recommend it to anyone who likes fantasy or sci-fi. Just don't expect everything to make sense all the time... or sometimes at all... but that is the fun of this one.

I also saw the first season of The Magicians.
I still need to continue it and while the first season was a bit uneven in pacing for me, I was still hooked and now I have to know what else is going on. This one has some interesting characters in it and I think that is what drives this show and not the magic (at least in the first season).

Frontier. Jason Momoa... need I say more? LOL
This one took me a while to get into it but by about the 3rd episode, I wanted to know more. Note to those that don't like a lot of violence... it is quite violent and bloody.

I've also seen the first season of the Santa Clarita Diet
I didn't like this one as much as I thought I would but I think it was the hype getting in the way. I did love Joel and Shelia's relationship and that really pulled me through the series. No matter what happens to either of them they are there for each other. Yea, this one is ironically the most romantic one that I saw. LOL

I almost forgot I saw Sense8
This one took me a while to get into but once I did I liked it. They all share emotions and they can also share abilities. I'm curious where it will go in the next season. I'm just so sad that Capheus who was played by Aml Ameen is going to be played by Toby Onwumere next season. I'm sure I'll get used to the change but it is always jarring when a show does that to you.

One movie to mention:
The Fundamentals of Caring
The trailer does nothing to show off Trevor's dark sense of humor. Yea, the kid is an asshole but he has reason and it makes you love him for it. LOL Selena Gomez does a good job as Dot and she has the same sense of humor as Trevor. This one surprised me and I really loved the ending to this one. No spoilers... just see it. 


Almost forgot... Happy Women's Day!

Hope you are celebrating it and #resisting


  1. Oh I didn't know about the last one

  2. Loved Stranger Things, can't wait for season two! I tried Santa Clarita and like you, didn't love it. I don't think I will continue with it. Oddly enough I started watching the TV series Frequency (after having loved the movie) and I really like it. It is kind of addictive.

    1. Oh that often isn't the case if you loved the movie. Now I'm curious about Frequency. I will probably still go with another season of Santa Clarita Diet b/c I do like the characters.

  3. Ooh, I haven't heard of any of these so thanks for adding them to my list! I definitely need more TV to help procrastinate my work.. ;)

  4. I loved Stranger Things and Santa Clarita. Sense 8 took me awhile to get into but once I did BAM! lol

    I can't seem to get into The Magicians but magic was never all that interesting to me.

    I haven't heard of that last one.

    We just watched the latest season of Chef's Table and that romance doc I blogged about - Between the Covers. I just added quite a few shows to my watchlist so hopefully I'll have some new faves to talk about soon.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. I know! I thought I'd totally be into the magic, but it is the characters that have me watching it. Same thing with me for Sense8. The last is a movie and is quite cute.

      I haven't seen Chef's Table, but I have seen Man Vs. Child which is a cooking show and I love those kids.

  5. I should watched ep 2 of Stranger, 1 was so meh, but I was told it gets better

  6. STRANGER THINGS! I love that show, can't wait for season 2 :) The Magicians looks interesting, I'll have to give it a try!

    1. I was surprised that I didn't like The Magicians as much as I wanted to like it but the characters pulled me in about half way.

  7. I'm afraid that show will have me balling so I've been afraid of watching it. :) I did see a couple of eps but then lost it again. I think that is why it's easier for me to Netflix it. LOL

  8. Yes, you are definitely one of the cool kids now, Melissa. And I am so not. So many shows to still watch though I might have watched a few of Frontier...

    1. LOL! I'm probably more of the tag along to the cool kids. *snort* Frontier surprised me after a bit.

  9. My Netflix queue is super long. I'm going to wait until Spring Break (counting down the days) to do my binge watching.

  10. I tried watching the first episode of the Santa Clarita Diet but couldn't get into it. If you want a fun zombie show I recommend iZombie. She's a zombie who works at a morgue and eats the brains of victims that are brought in in order to help solve their cases.
    Frontier is on my list of shows to watch. Mainly because of Jason Momoa.
    Aaand I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who hasn't watched Stranger Things. Everyone was dressed up as some character from it. Maybe I'll get around to watching it but it just doesn't sound like my cuppa tea.

    1. I have iZombie on my list. I saw a couple of eps but I think I need to binge. I'm curious about next season's Frontier. Oh and if you try Stranger Things, go for a few eps. I think it takes a few to really get into it.

  11. Oooh I've only watched a few of these, will have to check the others out! :D

  12. I've not watched Stranger Things yet. But I have been working through Magicians as they come out on tv. :) I need to find time to binge watch too. :)

    1. I hoped to catch up so perhaps I could catch it on tv, but they don't have all those eps out... and I'd probably forget to watch anyway. LOL I think you'll like Stranger Things.

  13. ALL the cool kids are Netflixing... lol. I liked Stranger things, and I just finished The Magicians. Santa Clarita... not sure about that one. :)

    1. Re Cool kids: I knew it! LOL

      Yea, I didn't love Santa Clarita, but I didn't hate it either. :)

  14. Gah. I wish I have the time to binge watch shows nowadays. I did see a bunch of films this past weekend, so that's great. :D

    1. Oh hope there was some good ones! I know several good films did come out recently.

  15. My friend and I randomly watched The Fundamentals of Caring last year and I really enjoyed it too! I loved Santa Clarita Diet; sorry it wasn't quite as good as you were hoping.

    I'm still curious about Stranger Things and Sense8. I'm so bad at watching things though!

    1. Fundamentals surprised me as well. I am sticking to Santa Clarita and hope it picks up better. Their relationship really did pull me through. :)

      I'm bad as well and that is why I binge. :D

  16. I need to jump on the Netflix thing...though I don't tend to have the attention span for TV, haha!

    1. LOL! I just keep forgetting when things come on... and they when they change the time! Oh my brain! LOL

  17. I loved Stranger Things!! I am excited for the second season. I need to check out that movie because I LOVE Paul Rudd :) Happy watching!!

    1. Oh if you like Paul Rudd, then you'll like the movie. That was a good one.

  18. I love Netflix for the Marvel shows. I am looking forward to 'Iron Fist', the fifth instalment of the Defender series.

    1. I'm really looking forward to the Defenders. I'll probably watch Iron Fist b/c of that. :)

  19. I have seen some of them and oddly not the one everyone else has (Stranger Things). I watched the first episode but it wasn't my thing. I will try it again in the future. I love love love Frontier (it was right up my alley), Sens8 was a surprise like for me, and Magicians is on my list! I am in KDrama mood at the moment.

    1. Actually it took me a few eps to get into Stranger Things. I thought I was going to not watch it either at first... but really got into it after a bit. I think it is like Sense8 was for me... it takes a bit to really get into the characters and what is going on.

  20. you have an interesting list, but i am not a tv person. No netflix either:P

  21. We love The Magicians. I have Netflix and never really get to watch anything. Between my clients, grandbabies, blog and reading I have to squeeze in sleep!

    1. Sleep is for the weak... ;) I just started since I cannot get my brain to brain. :)

  22. I really want to watch Frontier, it looks good <3 some others look good as well

    1. LOL! I wonder why... ;) I think you would like several up there.

  23. I've started Sense8 and the Magicians when they both came out but haven't finished them ha. I enjoyed Santa Clarita Diet, I think it was because I had no expectations haha.

    1. I think that was my problem. I got stuck on the hype for Santa Clarita. It did take me a bit to become totally hooked on Sense8.

  24. Oo Frontier. I'm binge watching CSI Miami right now. Man there are a lot of them.

  25. I've watched Stranger Things, Frontier and Sense8. I really loved all of them. Netflix has been amazing at their original programming. I'm also a huge fan of their Marvel stories. I want to try Lemmy Snicket soon. I've heard great things.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. I have been wanting to try Lemmy Snicket too! :) I also need to still see the movie.

  26. Thanks for showing me a veritable list of a bunch of stuff I still need to watch. haha

  27. I loved Stranger Things. The kids were great and Winona Ryder did the best I have ever seen her. Sense8 lost me. I was so confused, I only watched the first one. I have the Magicians on my list but wasn't sure about it. Nope I won't be watching the Frontier one-just not my favorite thing. I did really like The Santa Clarita Diet. Binged that one and Stranger Things. Do you like historical things? I watched The Crown about Queen Elizabeth when she was young and her romance with Prince Phillip. Binged that one too :)

    1. I agree about Stranger Things and Sense8 requires a few eps to get the hang of it. I have thought about The Crown, but I have to get a few things off my list first. :)


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