Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Girl in the Clockwork Collar (Steampunk Chronicles #2) by Kady Cross

In New York City, 1897, life has never been more thrilling - or dangerous.

Sixteen-year-old Finley Jayne and her "straynge band of mysfits" have journeyed from London to America to rescue their friend Jasper, hauled off by bounty hunters. But Jasper is in the clutches of a devious former friend demanding a trade-the dangerous device Jasper stole from him...for the life of the girl Jasper loves.

One false move from Jasper and the strange clockwork collar around Mei's neck tightens. And tightens.
This is the second in the Steampunk Chronicles, the first being The Girl in the Steel Corset. In this one our group travels to the US to help out Jasper who has problems at the end of the first book. That mystery unfolds as does the mystery of how Finley is doing by combining her two selves. We also get a hint of romance with the promise of more.

I'd have to say that my main complaint with this book was that Jack Dandy was absent in this tale. Even though I don't enjoy love triangles, I really loved that bad boy. However, even though he wasn't present within, he was not totally gone. He was mentioned quite a bit, so I suspect we will see more of him in future books. I can't wait.

My only other complaint was probably more personal in nature. I didn't care for the way Tesla was portrayed in this book. He was seen as the stereotypical genius that is lacking in common sense. I haven't studied who the man was, but the few things I have read didn't quite seem to relate him in that way. But then again, who am I to criticize this? He could have very well have been as presented. I think it was more about the stereotype. I think I would have just wanted something a bit more original in nature.

The mystery behind the collar was quite easily figured out. However, it was not presented as something that would take us by total surprise as hints alluding to Mei's character were quite telling. So this wasn't a criticism, just as an observation. Oh and I should also mention is that I hope we get more of  a new character, Wildcat, in the coming episodes. I think she would fit Jasper quite well. She's also a character I think I'd grow to enjoy as much as Finley. In fact, people who love Finley will love Wildcat. :)

I give this book 4 stars. I think it will appeal to those that enjoy steampunk and those that don't like shrinking violets as their heroines.
I was given this eARC from NetGalley and the publisher and no compensation for my review was given.


  1. More determined then ever to read some Steampunk, thanks for a great review.

  2. I had to set this one aside for a bit. I just don't know if steampunk is for me *darn it*

  3. I really loved this book, even more than the first one! My prediction for the third book is that it will really ratchet up the tension between Finley, Griff, and Jack Dandy, leading to some intense battles (whether through words or fists).

  4. Yet another series I really need to read! I'm a big steampunk fan even though I haven't really read much of it, but I've heard good things about these books. Given that Jack is the bad boy, he's obviously the one I'll be attracted to so consider me disappointed in advance that he's not in book 2!

  5. Hehe! Jack Dandy... I'd have missed a character with a name like that too!!! I haven't read that much Steampunk, and *sigh* haven't read the first book in this series...

  6. Sounds like an intriguing series. I haven't read the first one, but it might be something i'd enjoy. I think my sister would really like it too. thanks for your honest thoughs.


  7. I wasn't a big fan of book 1 and so hadn't intended on reading the sequel, but if I was going to read it, it would have mostly been because of Jack Dandy. So now this is no chance I'm picking this one up.

  8. I haven't tried this series yet, but I heard a lot of great things about it. it's nice that even with these points you enjoyed the book. thanks for the review.

  9. Not a shrinking violet you say? Yes I would enjoy reading about her then

  10. Loved this book! The girl in the collar was what I would say,"pyscho" Can't wait to see what happens next!

  11. Glad to see over all you ended up enjoying this one with the few down falls. :) Thank you!

  12. "straynge band of mysfits" - For that alone I should start this series!!!

  13. Hmm, never saw Wildcat as a fit for Jasper, but now that you mention it, might be very true. I'm sorry, I'm team Griffin so I don't give a hoot if Jack Dandy is in the next book or not. I want Finley and Griffin together. I find his hesitation and their slow flirtation very endearing. I love how slow the romance is building. I loved this one. I'm not a big Steampunk lover, or I didn't think so, but I love this series!


  14. I haven't read this series yet, but I'm not happy about the no Jack thing either. Bad Boys are what I live for! LOL


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