Where Did That Idea Come From?

Ever since I nervously announced to the world at large that Entangled Publishing was taking a chance on me and publishing my first novel – Luck of the Devil—that has been the second most asked question I’ve received. We won’t even talk about the first question which is “can you introduce me to your agent?” Short answer: I don’t have one.
Anyway, back to the secret of where Luck of the Devil came from. What brilliant flash of lightening struck my brain and beamed Faith Bettincourt into my head fully formed like her own reverse version of a Greek Goddess? Okay, lean closer. Real close. Not that close.
Here is the secret I’ve never shared with anyone else. She came to me in the grocery store. Yep. Frozen Food Aisle 3 am frozen pizza run. There I am, middle of the frozen pizzas watching this young woman in nurses scrubs who looked completely frazzled, wandering the store and arguing with someone on her cell phone. I don’t mean to pry but its 3 am and I’m a writer. Prying into other people’s stories and then changing them slightly to make them funny is what I do. And I hear the words:
“I don’t know what the Hell I’m going to cook? Why am I doing the cooking? Satan is your mother after all. Why don’t you cook her something? Then it might be good enough.”
And it just sort of resonated in my head. Who hasn’t had the family reunion from Hell? Or had their in-laws show up at the doorstep with a big smile and a heart full of “you’re not good enough for my precious darling son?” I know I live through it at least once a year. More if my in laws are feeling particularly spiteful.
We’ve all been there. Even if we don’t want to admit it. And that is when Faith Bettincourt wiggled into my brain and said “oh sista you have no idea.” Which lead to me sort of stealthily following the young woman in mid breakdown through the store. Because at that point she was Faith Bettincourt for me. Frizzy hair falling out of its ponytail. Nurses scrubs covered in gunk. Totally flustered. The Devil’s youngest daughter in all her glory. Right there in the middle of the grocery store.
Shortly afterwards I went on vacation and had way too much free time on my hands. And up piped Faith. Before the vacation was over I was hip deep in her life and dying to know more. But it all started because of my love of pepperoni at 3 am and one very frazzled young nurse.
To be fair, I did give her my mother in law approved easy cheese cake recipe. Who knows if it worked for her but it always gives mine something to cram in her mouth so she’s too busy to criticize me. Here it is if you want to try it.
Patricia Eimer’s No Bake, No Fuss, No Muss Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cheesecake Recipe
1 premade graham cracker crust
1 box cream cheese, left out to soften
1 container of Cool Whip (this can be flavored of you want to change it up a bit. I’ve used both chocolate and the French Vanilla before in different variations)
1 cup of sugar
2 tsp of vanilla
1 bag of strawberry glaze
Chocolate sauce to taste
Cut the cream cheese into chunks once it’s softened and toss in a bowl. Add the sugar and the vanilla extract. Then add the Cool Whip and beat with a mixer until smooth. Once the mix is smooth, slowly start adding in the strawberry glaze and continue mixing. Then add chocolate sauce to taste still mixing. Once the whole mixture is consistently mixed together pour into premade pie shell and cover with that plastic lid thing they always give you. Put it in the fridge, pour yourself a glass of wine, and complain about how much work you had to put into making gourmet deserts for your guests. Hope your spouse is impressed with your efforts. Demand that they do the dishes.
After a stint of “practical thinking” in her twenties where she earned degrees in Business and Economics,
Patricia Eimer gave in and followed her passion for books. Her first novel,
Luck of the Devil, is coming out August 2011 from Entangled Publishing.
Thanks Patricia for coming on the blog today! I actually think I could make that cheesecake! I don't have in laws, but there are some people *cough* I could stuff food in so there would be no criticizing! :)
So... does this whet your appetite for something fun to read? Well...
I am able to give away one ebook of the Luck of the Devil to one lucky winner! Just comment below and give me your e-mail. Easy! I'll end the giveaway on the 31st! Good Luck!
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