I have a confession to make first. *hangs head* I am not a fan of the "chose your own story" type of... well, story. I just never usually find what I would do in their situation and really don't like to go back and read it in another scenario. So, I will admit that the following reviews are slightly prejudiced but will try to be very fair. *straightens up*
Here we go..

Cinderella: Ninja WarriorFrom Goodreads:
In this fast-paced story full of adventure and romance, Cinderella is more than just a servant girl waiting for her prince—she's a tough, fearless girl who is capable of taking charge of a dangerous situation. Seeking to escape the clutches of her evil stepmother, Cinderella perfects her ninja skills and magic talents in secret, waiting for the day when she can break free and live happily ever after. In a special twist, readers have the opportunity to make key decisions for Cinderella and decide where she goes next—but no matter the choice; the result is a story unlike any fairy tale you've ever read!
I admit I jumped to get this one. First, it was described as a twisted fairy tale (heh... twisted!). Next, Cinderella was a ninja warrior! I was sold and didn't even read the blurb. Anyhoo... I do admit I did enjoy this book. The choices laid out for you to make seemed like easy choices and no brainers to me. So, the story I read I really enjoyed. Cinderella was a girl that, despite the torturous, and even more physically abusive Stepmother than we are used to seeing, we find learns to stand up for herself. She is one that is concerned about others and is unfailingly kind. Plus, in this book, magic runs throughout the kingdom and Cinderella inherited a considerable amount of natural magical ability from her mother. In this book, there is no fairy godmother, but a cat who helps her become more of a wizard and also a ninja warrior. The story I read was written well and I was interested in this book from the beginning to the end.
There are at least 6 possibilites. All have the first chapter and the last chapter in common. So, you control the journey, but not the outcome. I give this book 4 stars. I cannot comment on the other journeys as I just read the one story and went to the next book. Others who enjoy this sort of thing will enjoy reading Cinderella on a different journey, but coming to the same conclusion.
Sleeping Beauty: Vampire Slayer
From Goodreads:
In this thrilling story full of adventure and romance, Sleeping Beauty is more than just a lonely princess waiting for her prince—she's a brave, tenacious girl who never backs down from a challenge. With vampire-slaying talents that she practices in secret, Sleeping Beauty puts her courage to the test in the dark of night, fighting evil as she searches for a way to break the spell that has cut her off from her family. In a special twist, readers have the opportunity to make key decisions for Sleeping Beauty and decide where she goes next—but no matter the choice; the result is a story unlike any fairy tale you've ever read!Sleeping Beauty: Vampire Slayer is an entirely new type of fairy tale–one that will keep today's kids guessing and offer them hours of magical fun.
I admit I was more interested in reading Sleeping Beauty after reading the first book in this series. In this story, a vampire was the one who felt slighted by the princess's mother. She curses Beauty that when she is 16 she will prick her finger and she will be awake at night while the kingdom sleeps, but during the day while the kingdom is awake, she will sleep. If she finds her true love and then proves her love, the curse will break. But how is she to find true love being the only one awake?
Beauty was a strong character. Despite her father's coddling, and with her mother's help, she becomes a slayer to keep herself safe. She didn't want to rely on anyone since, obviously, she couldn't if they were all sleeping. The choices in this book were not as straightforward and I first thought they would be, but I was still satisfied with my choices. As with the first book, the first chapter and the last are the same no matter what you chose. So, again, the outcome is the same, but not the journey.
I give this book 3 stars. I did not enjoy this book as much as the first. In some ways I liked this princess much more, but some of the scenarios just seemed to contrived and the ending seemed rushed. However, I still recommend it to people who enjoy these type of chose your path books.
I was given these ebooks from the publisher and NetGalley and no compensation for my review was given.