Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Thrill Ride (Black Knights Inc. #4) by Julie Ann Walker

Ex-Navy SEAL Rock Babineaux’s job is to get information, and he’s one of the best in the business. Until something goes horribly wrong and he’s being hunted by his own government. Even his best friends at the covert special-ops organization Black Knights Inc. aren’t sure they can trust him. He thinks he can outrun them all, but his former partner—a curvy bombshell who knows just how to drive him wild—refuses to cut him loose. 
She Won't Back Down 
Vanessa Cordova hasn’t been the team’s communication specialist very long, but she knows how to read people—no way is Rock guilty of murder. And she’ll go to hell and back to help him prove it. Sure, the sexy Cajun has his secrets, but there’s no one in the world she’d rather have by her side in a tight spot. Which is good, because they’re about to get very tight…
I have to admit it took me a little longer to get into this one at first. Both Rock and Bill seemed to be laminating way too much about not falling in love with the girl they were obviously in love with. I mean, I get those guys were really trying to convince themselves but it got old after a bit. It did ruin a bit of the jungle adventure in the first half of the book for me.

However, I really got into the second half. Even though they were still professing their non-love it was lessened by the action and twists on trying to figure out who was the bad guy and how to clear Rock's name. The book really took off for me then. Oh and Rock! Sorry, but I kept getting Gambit in my head from X-men. It was the accent that did me in. I can see why Vanessa fell for his accent.

I will say though that I really enjoyed Vanessa throughout the whole book. I liked how she threw herself into situations in which she knew she had fear. I also liked Eve (Bill's intended). Still a bit flighty but yet trying to conquer her fears. Somehow I find that more brave than facing down a bullet with the guys. Even so, it was nice to be surrounded by hot men at all times. :D

I give this book 4 stars. Despite the slow beginning, I did have some fun with the crew. I can't wait for Bill's arse to be kicked most likely in the next book. :)
I received this eARC from Sourcebooks and NetGalley and no compensation for my review was given.

I'm also nominating this cover for:
I have been enjoying this meme on Felicia's The Geeky Blogger's blog and have finally found some time to join in. The other players are Amanda from On a Book Bender, Christi from Smitten with Reading. Button made by Missie at The Unread Reader

So, any thrills in your ToT?


  1. it's funny it's the only series I always remember your old reviews when I see the cover. I'm glad it was still good even if more difficult at first.

  2. I have this book! A friend got it for review then sent it to me since she knew that I loved the series. I even might have made my book club read Hell On Wheels for discussion last night LOL :)

    1. Oh I hope you enjoy it. This series has been fun for me. Hope the book club enjoyed HoW! :)

  3. Sounds like a slow burner but one worth sticking with.

    1. It was and I was familiar with how the series works, so I knew I'd get my HEA. :)

  4. Ooh, this series sounds great! I'll have to check it out. Of course, it helps that there's a hot guy snuggling with his bike on the cover -- rawr!

  5. A man and his bike! I love those kinds of covers :)

    1. Those are nice covers. Just wish he had the bike painted like it was in the book.

  6. Hello sexy shirtless motorcycle man, my name is Jenny. Won't you please follow me to my harem? Thank you:)

    I enjoyed the first two books in this series but I've since fallen behind. THERE ARE TOO MANY BOOKS I WANT TO READ MELISSA! Glad after a bumpy start this one ended up being a pretty solid read for you:)

    1. LOL! Jenny! How DARE you! :)

      I know about the books. They keep multiplying like bunnies! :D

  7. Every cover in this series is hot! Great choice this week.

  8. Yeah, I bet riding him would be thrilling. ;)

  9. I always wanted to marry a navy seal. I think this book will scratch my itch. LOL!

  10. I'm not sure if this a series I'd like or not. I'm pretty open minded to trying new genre's though! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    1. If you just want some fun suspense romance, then this fits the bill.

  11. I meant to review this one tomorrow but read another book cos I thought I had that author over for an interview today, oops

    1. I hope you enjoyed it too. Will look forward to your review!

  12. In order! :D

    All the men need their arse kicked in this series until they "get it". :D

  13. I love romantic suspense..have you read Lori Foster? I am adding this series to my ever growing never slowing wishlist!

  14. This series sounds great, I really like romantic suspense, and it's great that this turned around for you. Every time I read a review of yours I add like 4 books on GR because it's always a series book. :D

    And YES, this is a great choice for a ToT pick!

  15. Prrrr, I bet that ride sounds nice. ;P LOL! Thank you!

  16. Glad you enjoyed this one. That's great you gave it 4 stars, even with a slow beginning! Guess the rest of is quite worth it. This is another series I've never read though...


  17. I'm reading this book right now and LOVING it! The gorgeous cover is just the icing on the cake! YUM! smiles....

  18. I'm not a huge fan of the genre, but at least when it's hot guy on the cover, I'm tempted to pick it up.


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