Monday, February 22, 2016

Blog Tour with Giveaway: The Asset by Anna Del Mar

Why SEAL Heroes Are So Incredibly Sexy

Anna del Mar

I’m a huge fan of our special operation guys. They’re awesome. Take a look behind the headlines and you may spot them as those silent, invisible shadows taking care of business where trouble lurks. In a global scene fraught with confusion, violence and danger, they are always present even though they’re seldom seen. 

Read the accounts or ask one of the many hostages who has been plucked from the misery of captivity in Africa, the Middle East or the high seas and they’ll tell you: They never saw salvation coming and, afterwards, they never knew the names of their rescuers, but they were elated to see those camouflaged faces crawling out of the night. Here’s a recent and rare public account of a dramatic SEAL rescue.

I’m partial to the SEALs. My weakness for these guys might have something to do with my years as a Navy wife, when I got to meet some real SEALs. They were friends and neighbors, husbands and fathers who disappeared for weeks and months at a time in secret deployments, only to return as peaceful, outstanding and beloved members of our community.

I won’t lie. All of the active duty SEALs I’ve ever met were physically fit. These men are proud athletes. Their survival and the safety of their teams can depend on their fitness. Physical fitness goes a long way in defining beauty these days. So, yes, lots of dreamy-looking guys. Hot bods add sexy points.

But I like brains with my brawn and while we’re at it, I want moral character in my heroes as well. The SEALs’ arduous selection process, combined with a long, grueling training pipeline, help foster all of that. By the time these guys make it through, their brains have developed into quick, critical thinking, decision-making machines. So they have skills. They’re smart. They rely on each other and work as a team. They’re loyal, resilient and determined. They won’t quit.

All of this goes to explain why as a debut romance author, special operators have the starring roles in my new Wounded Warrior series, a collection of hot, smart romances about strong heroines struggling to find their place in the world and the brave, sexy, military heroes who challenge their limits to protect the women they love. In The Asset, the series’ first novel, we meet Ash Hunter, a Navy SEAL wounded in Afghanistan who’s struggling to overcome his injuries when he finds himself staring down the barrel of Lia Stuart’s shotgun. 

Lia is a fugitive, hiding, desperately trying to escape her terrifying past. She may not be a SEAL and she’s definitively keeping secrets, but Ash recognizes her for who she really is: a fighter and a survivor, the kind, caring, passionate woman he could love, if only she wasn’t so afraid to let him. When she risks her cover to help him, Ash commits to a new mission. He will lay down his life to save hers. 

The Asset is a story about courage, resilience and love’s extraordinary healing power. I chose to write a SEAL as the protagonist to honor a special breed. I hope to convey the strength, courage and complexity of those silent warriors whose heroism often goes unnoticed and unnrecognized. They keep watch but are seldom seen and for their service, I thank them.

So why are SEAL heroes so incredibly sexy? Easy. Braw + Brains + Heart = Sizzling hot. 

About The Asset:

Get a Copy: Amazon | B&N | GooglePlay | iBooks | Kobo | Carina Press
Series: The Wounded Warrior #1
Release: February 22nd 2016

Anna del Mar’s explosive, sexy debut novel in the Wounded Warrior series, perfect for fans of Lisa Marie Rice and Lora Leigh—the story of a woman desperate to escape her dangerous past and the navy SEAL who would lay down his life to save her 
Ash Hunter knows what it is to run. A SEAL gravely injured in Afghanistan, he’s gone AWOL from the military hospital. Physically and mentally scarred, he returns home to his grandmother’s isolated cottage—and finds a beautiful, haunted stranger inside.
Like recognizes like. 
Lia Stewart’s in hiding from the cartel she barely escaped alive, holed up in this small Rocky Mountain town. Surviving, but only just. Helping the wounded warrior on her doorstep is the right thing to do…it’s loving him that might get them both killed.

Soon, Ash realizes he’s not the only one tormented by the past. Pushing the limits of his broken body, testing the boundaries of her shattered soul, he’ll protect Lia until his last breath.
About Anna Del Mar

Anna del Mar writes hot, smart romances that soothe the soul, challenge the mind, and satisfy the heart. Her stories focus on strong heroines struggling to find their place in the world and the brave, sexy, kickass, military heroes who defy the limits of their broken bodies to protect the women they love. She is the author of The Asset (Carina Press), the first novel of her Wounded Warrior series and three other novels scheduled for release during 2016.

A Georgetown University graduate, Anna enjoys traveling, hiking, skiing, and the sea. Writing is her addiction, her drug of choice, and what she wants to do all the time. The extraordinary men and women she met during her years as a Navy wife inspire the fabulous heroes and heroines at the center of her stories. When she stays put—which doesn’t happen very often—she lives in Florida with her indulgent husband and two very opinionated cats.

Giveaway Info:  
Thanks to the team at Harlequin and Carina Press, one lucky winner will receive the following:
  • $25 Amazon Gift Card
  • eCopy of The Asset
Please enter via the Rafflecopter form.

Tour Schedule:

Monday, February 22nd - Books and Things Guest post
Wednesday, Febraury 24th - Blushing Reads Review with short Guest Post
Friday, February 26th - The Book Cellar Interview

Monday, February 29th - Curling Up With A Good Book Guest Post
Wednesday, March 2nd - Book Briefs Guest Post
Friday, March 4th - Supernatural Snak Interview

Monday, March 7th - Sassy Book Lovers Review with short Guest Post
Wednesday, March 9th - Happy Ever After Book Reviews Review with short Guest Post
Friday, March 11th - Ramblings From Beneath The Sheets Short Teaser 

For more info about The Asset goto the Tour Page


  1. Mmhmm I know a couple ex SEALs and they are a fine bunch. lol.

  2. "But I like brains with my brawn,"

    Me too! Bad boys who don't have much to offer aside from their rebellious natures bore me now. I'm a believer of the brain being the sexiest organ.

    1. My point exactly, Talk Supe. I couldn't have said it better. The brain is the sexiest organ for sure.

  3. I do need more than good looks so your post has me intrigued....

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. Good! I love intrigue. And I agree with you. Good looks only take you so far in a story.

  4. I don't think I've read any books about SEALs but I do think the author makes some good points. I do like a man with some brains who can think quick on his feet and is not short on bravery (at least in books, in real life I'm not sure I could handle having a man who's always going off into danger).

    1. You make a good point, Candace. Our military families have to deal with those fears when their loved ones deploy. It's always scary. At the same time, brains, quick thinking and courage are all traits that translate so well to every day life and to romantic fiction, I should add. :)

  5. Thanks for coming on the blog! I totally agree with all your points and I think this is why romantic suspense has become my fave contemporary romance genre. :) Btw, loved this book. :D

    1. Hi again, Melissa. I'm so glad you liked The Asset! I'm grinning from ear to ear. I love reading and writing romantic suspense. Action, adventure, relationships, love, lust...It's such a complete opportunity for a story. Thanks again for having me on Books and Things and congratulations on a fabulous blog.

  6. Mmmmm. seals, enough said, I am interested

  7. Love this and it sounds fabulous! I have a weakness for all men military as well.

    1. I know what you mean, Kindlemom. I do too. I hope that The Asset hits the spot. :)

  8. I loove military men in books, so I'm going to check out this series. :)

    1. Thank you, Joyous Reads. I hope you will enjoy the read as much as I loved writing the story.

  9. I love military men and SEALS are F-I-N-E fine!

    1. F-I-N-E indeed, kimbacaffeinate. The more I learn about them, the more impressed I am with them.

  10. it sounds like a great setting here and I can understand the appeal for the SEALS! thanks for sharing!

  11. Shared, Google thx for the giveaway

    1. Thank you, Anne! And good luck with the giveaway.

  12. Never heard about this before but it does sound interesting, though I think it's too old for me :P Glad you loved it though!

    Asma @ IceyBooks

  13. Hello Melissa and hi to all of your wonderful readers as well. I stopped by to thank you for having me on your gorgeous blog. I really enjoyed reading all the comments and will reply to all of them next. I do love my SEALs! Thanks again for a very enjoyable discussion.

  14. Oh yes. Love our special ops guys. Always a treat when they come into the USO. It's amazing how fit they are. Whew! The book sounds amazing!

  15. Love a good read about Seal operatives! They are so dominating! Great post!

    1. Thanks, Naomi! I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I can't tell you how much I enjoy writing about characters with rich SEAL/special ops backstories.

  16. Your book sounds great. I'm looking forward to reading it. :) Thanks for the giveaway.

    1. Hi Jane. Credit for the giveaway should go to my publisher, Carina Press. They're so great to my readers. Thanks for giving The Asset a read. I hope you have a great time reading it.

  17. Awesome! They are totally sexy, and not just physically. ;) Thank you!

  18. I love military books! Sounds like something I would like.

  19. I have read my share of this type of book and actually loved all of them. This one sounds really good and who can find any faults with a SEAL???


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