I'm so glad to meet again! We were interrupted the last time we tried to talk. Finally a moment to get to know you.
Thanks, Melissa. You’re very kind. I apologize for the last time. It’s those idiots that I can never seem to ditch completely, but today, I think I have it handled. Ask away.
For those that have not met you in the first book, what can you tell us about yourself and your brothers?
We’re not supposed to talk about this so I’ll just say I’m in charge of our team of six guys who have special powers which we use to fight demons. I’m from Australia and moved to Gossamer Falls about eight years ago with my Dad who’s the sheriff. The rest of the guys already lived there, and we’ve been together as a team ever since. Technically they aren’t my brothers. We’ve just been through a lot together. We’re…close. As for my power, let’s just say I have a dark side.
Not much. The Mandatum is an ancient secret society that covers the globe and is made up of those dedicated to destroying evil. But you can’t go around talking about this, Melissa, otherwise we’ll have to send Tristan to take care of your memory to keep you safe. The Mandatum takes it secret status seriously.
Well, you can send Tristan here anyway... just sayin’...
I know they can seem fun to have around, but you’re better off without them. Especially Blake. You haven’t heard from him have you? He’s been trying every trick in the book to get back to see you, but trust me, he’s nothing but troub—
*Blake bursts through the door*
Blake: I’m back! Don’t send Tristan! Or at least make sure Melissa doesn’t forget me! Not that anyone ever could.
Matthias: I wish I could. What are you doing here? Never mind. Go away.
Blake: Melissa begged me to come. Or she would have if someone had let me talk to her. She’s my soul mate. Or she would be if we ever got to spend time together. But don’t worry. I’ll be quiet. I’m just here to bask in the beauty that is Melissa. *Takes Melissa’s hand and stares lovingly into her eyes*
Melissa: *stares back and then remembers he’s not quite 21 yet...*
*clears throat*
Between all of you, you have a lot of supernatural abilities so I have to ask, what is your biggest inner strength?
Blake: His biggest inner strength would probably be his heart. Killer resting heart rate. Although we’re all in great shape. Or maybe it’s his abs. Not as awesome as mine of course. Wanna see? *starts to lift shirt*
Matthias: *yanks shirt down* You idiot! She’s talking about emotional inner strength.
Blake: Oh. *shoves off Matthias then flashes shirt up and down quickly before Matthias can stop him* See? Wanna jump me now?
Matthias: No she does not! But I want to thump you now.
Blake: I’m flattered, dude, but you’re not my type. Melissa, did I mention I was twenty-one now?
Matthias: You haven’t even turned eighteen!
Blake: I’m inner emotionally twenty-one.
Melissa: *grins*
Matthias: Your inner emotion is negative two.
Blake: Well, you’re worse. Your inner emotion is zero.
Matthias: *frowns* Zero would actually be higher than— Never mind. Melissa, my inner strength would be the ability to stay calm and remain focused in dire situations when everyone else panics. These morons let their emotions take over. Or in Blake’s case, his hormones.
Blake: Melissa can take over my hormones any day. *winks at Melissa*
Melissa: Um...
*considers the temptation but keeps reminding herself with a mantra they aren’t 21 yet... they aren’t 21 yet*
*still considers looking at Blake’s abs... still not 21 yet*
Matthias, I know you have a weakness for kids. Care to comment?
Matthias: *Shifts uncomfortably* Kids are innocent. Need to be protected. They should never have to deal with evil or pain. No one, especially me, should ever show them anything but kindness.
Blake: *Claps Matthias on the shoulder and smiles at Melissa* Hey beautiful babe, how about your next awesome question?
Melissa: *Smiles back*
Matthias, are you dating anyone? What kind of girl would you like? How do you feel about Aurora and Ayden? Any juicy gossip about the others? ;)
Matthias: *lights flicker as he clenches jaw* Dating? Who told you? Is this about that newspaper article? Stupid Aurora set me up. I am not “looking for love.”
Blake: So you are dating someone?
Matthias: I never said that.
Blake: You never didn’t not say that.
Matthias: If I was dating someone, I wouldn’t kiss and tell so—
Blake: Why would you have to tell her? If you kissed her, wouldn’t she know? Or do you kiss so badly she wouldn’t be able to tell?
Matthias: I kiss just fine.
Blake: Says who?
Matthias: Says no one!
Blake: Then how do you know? Maybe Melissa would volunteer to judge your kissing skills. Take her in your arms and pucker up. I’ll be an impractical observer.
Matthias: Shut up!
Blake: What? It’s for science.
Matthias: Sorry, Melissa. Okay, as for a girl, strong and independent.
Blake: Like Aurora?
Matthias: No! *shoves Blake away* She’d have to enjoy books, have a good sense of humor.
Blake: To make up for your lack of one.
Matthias: I put up with you, don’t I? She’d need to be able to keep secrets, understand the whole Mandatum thing. Love kids and family. Enjoy spending time together just her and me. I’m not a big crowd kind of guy.
Blake: This dream girl is sounding a lot like Aurora.
Matthias: No she isn’t. In fact, let’s say that my dream girl is everything opposite of Aurora. Period.
Blake: My dream girl is everything Melissa.
Melissa: *blushes*
Matthias: *rolls eyes* As for Aurora and Ayden, he took this whole pretend boyfriend thing way too far. I knew it would be a disaster. I’m just hoping he gets it out of his system soon, before she gets him killed. She’s already proven she’s dangerous for him. For all of us. And I don’t have any gossip because I can keep a secret, unlike blabbermouth Blake.
Blake: Hurtful, dude.
Melissa: Favorite books? Favorite music? Favorite anything else?
Blake: He has tons of books, especially those old weird talking ones.
Matthias: He means the classics. I was raised on Shakespeare, Greek Epics, Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain. I go for classical music as well. It was always playing at our house. It reminds me of…better times.
Blake: Elevator music? Yuck!
Matthias: That’s not the same music at all! I can’t talk to you. Favorite food would be Mrs. Lahey’s banana bread or my dad’s key lime pie. Favorite pastime is annoying Aurora until I can figure out how to get her out of our lives.
Blake: But she’s part of the team now so—
Matthias: And I also have to figure out how convince the rest of the idiots she’s not part of the team.
Blake: She’s so part of the team and dude, I am so your brother. Aurora’s like your big sister. We’re family! Which means since Melissa is my one and only, she’s your girlfriend-in-law! Which means maybe the whole kissing her thing wasn’t such a good idea. We’ll find you someone else to practice on.
Matthias: This is a nightmare. We’re outta here. Thanks Melissa. Always a pleasure. *takes Melissa’s hand and kisses it*
Blake: You’re outta here. Melissa and I are just getting started. And what did I just tell you about kissing my girlfriend? Although, I guess she could score you on it. You know, with a paddle, like on that dancing show. *mouth breaks into a sly grin* And then Melissa and I could use the paddle later to get all kinds of kink—
*black whip materializes and wraps around Blake*
Blake: No! Oh…wait a minute. I get it. Whips! Good idea Matthias. Although you should see how well you score first and then ask Melissa if she’s into the whole group—
*Matthias yanks Blake out the door*
Blake: *calls from outside* Melissa! Find me my love! Ow! That hurt. Dude, we really need a safe word.
Melissa: *fans self * Whips? Kissing? Abs?
*laughs and grins then has a realization...*
*mumbles* Why aren’t they 21 yet?!
Well, that was fun! All I have to do is.. wait. :( Still, remember everyone when they all turn 21 I am claiming them all! :)
Here is the daily question:
The Hex Boys guardians/fairies, each a different color, are dedicated to protecting them. Which color would your guardian/fairy be?
Demons at Deadnight
Series: Divinicus Nex Chronicles #1
For seventeen-year-old Aurora Lahey, survival is a lifestyle.
Aurora has the crappiest superpower on the planet. And it’s just unleashed a hit squad from hell. Demons are on the hunt, salivating to carve her carcass into confetti.
The Hex Boys—mysterious, hunky, and notorious for their trails of destruction—have the answers Aurora needs to survive. But their overload of deadly secrets and suspicious motives makes trusting them a potentially fatal move.
The battle to save her family, herself, and stop demonic domination may cost Aurora everything worth living for, and force her to reveal her own dark secrets. But no worries. She needs the Hex Boys to pull this off, and, chances are, teaming up with these guys will get her killed anyway.
About Demons at Deadnight:
Drop Dead Demons
Series: Divinicus Nex Chronicles #2
Survival. It’s an on-going battle.
Aurora Lahey finally knows why supernatural slayers salivate to slaughter her, but how to stop them? Not so much. Sure, she’s discovered her own lethal powers, and has six sexy, super-charged, demon hunting Hex Boys watching her back–the hottest one watching every part of her. But when a seductive stranger delivers a deadly ultimatum, Aurora and the Hex Boys plunge into a do-or-die hunt for a legendary Mandatum treasure, which will finally shift power in their favor. Or unleash hell on earth.
Pursued by demons of mythical proportions, Aurora and the Hex Boys race deeper into the shadowy world of a centuries-old mystery and brutal conspiracy, where no one and nothing is what it seems. Where love and betrayal go hand-in-hand, and trusting the wrong person not only breaks your heart, but gets you killed.
Uncovering shocking secrets from the Hex Boys’ past, hiding her Divinicus Nex identity, lying to her pretend-wish-he-were-real boyfriend, dodging demons, breaking into ancient tombs, taking the unexpected side trip to the dark depths of the Waiting World, tracking a traitor, and passing Physics…Aurora could do that in her sleep. Or more likely, die trying.
About Drop Dead Demons:

About the authors:
This mother-daughter duo were in and out of inter-dimensional paranormal prisons until they finally quit making up cover stories for secret societies and started writing novels. The Supernatural Continuum Warlords of the Supernatural Continuum Warlordian High Command had pity upon them, and instead of having them slaughtered by the slow, tortuous flesh eating underwater, earthworm squid, they transported them into a habitationally friendly dimension called OOARCHTOHUTHLAMADILFRUMP, also known as 21st Century Earth.
Due to a demon infestation in their sleepy mountain California town, and a lack of sexy Hex Boys to stop them, Alyssa and Eileen were forced to relocate to Los Angeles. The Amazon best seller,
DEMONS AT DEADNIGHT, is book one in the
DIVINICUS NEX CHRONICLES series, and the first of their exclusive re-creations of supernatural society secrets. You can uncover more paranormal, inter-dimensional classified information at
AEKIRK.com and
Citizens of Earth, you are welcome.
About A&E Kirk:
Giveaway Info:
Each week of this tour will feature a unique Divinicus Nex prize package giveaway, so be sure to follow along for more chances to win! The weekly prize packs:
WEEK 1: Choice of ebook (book 1 or 2), celtic cross necklace, feather hair clips
WEEK 2: Choice of ebook, (1 or 2), Signed Hex Boy Heaven Poster, Love letter from a Hex boy
WEEK 3: Choice of ebook (1 or 2), Signed Hex Boy Poster, Divinicus Nex earrings
WEEK 4: Choice of ebook (1 or 2), Hex Boy Heaven Mug
Tour-Wide Giveaway: One lucky winner will receive a grand prize package consisting of a $100 Amazon gift card AND the chance to name a character in the third installment!
At each tour stop you will find a daily question. To be eligible to win the grand prize, you must answer at least 4 different daily questions. So go and visit the other tour stops, check the amazing content and answer the daily question!
Please enter via the Rafflecopter form. Giveaway is open internationally.