Thursday, February 14, 2013

Author Guest Post/ Blog Tour: Patricia Eimer

Why I’m In Love With British Humor 

When I was given the chance to write this blog, I thought oh man what do I think is funny? Oh no, I’ve got to go find something that’s funny and smart. Like 30 Rock. Or Parks and Recreation. Ooh, ooh, Lena Dunham won a Golden Globe for some television show that everyone says is smart, funny and that I should just love because well apparently I used to be this generation. So I tried to write a smart, sassy, Tina Fey-esque blog post about funny smart television and I very quickly realized something. I don’t watch any of these shows and I probably can’t bluff you that I do.

Please don’t judge me. I’m sure I would love them if I watched them but the thing is, I don’t watch a lot of television and if you don’t catch my interest from about five minutes into your very first episode I probably won’t tune back in. So I never got into Parks and Recreation or 30 Rock and as for Girls? I don’t watch enough television to make it worth paying for HBO. Even if Girls is fabulous which I keep being told it is.

Anyway, what do I find humorous? I’m proud to say that I’m a zany, tongue in cheek comedy fan. If I’m going to sit down and actually watch television or a movie (which is rare now that I’ve got kids since it seems like I’m always driving them somewhere) then I want it to be a goofball comedy. Rude is not necessary but usually appreciated as well. Same thing for science fiction comedy.

As much as I should like smart, sophisticated comedy I find that time and again I find myself debating whether or not I really should watch Bridesmaids again. Or making sure that my DVR won’t accidentally eat an entire season of Dr. Who. Or clicking on old episodes of Torchwood (the BBC version not that travesty from Starz) to giggle as Jack tries to shag every alien in sight. Twice. Sometimes I even dig out my old episodes of Firefly and Eureka.

Unfortunately for me, my girlfriends have caught onto my comedy love and over Christmas my very best girlfriend, found me a rather endearing radio comedy that I could listen to while I work. Unfortunately, John Finnemore’s Cabin Pressure—a radio comedy about a “small charter airline for whom no job is too small but many jobs are too difficult”—is so funny that usually I spend almost the entire time laughing my head off and very little time actually working when it’s on.

So whether it’s Rebel Wilson causing mischief during a wedding or Matt Smith announcing that “there are dinosaurs—on a SPACESHIP”, or the silver tongued Roger Allam helping a confused Benedict Cumberbatch figure out how many otters you can fit in an airplane—if you want to completely distract me and make me laugh you only have to do one thing. BE COMPLETELY ABSURD. The weirder you are, the more likely it is that I’ll laugh.

About the Author:
I'm a small town girl who was blessed with a large tree in the backyard that was a perfect spot for reading on summer days. Mixed with too much imagination it made me a bratty child but fated me to become a storyteller. After a stint of “thinking practically” in my twenties I earned degrees in Business and Economics and worked for a software firm in southwestern Germany but my passion has always been a good book. I currently lives in Pittsburgh with my two wonderful kids and a husband that learned the gourmet art of frozen pizzas to give me more time to write. When I'm not writing I can be found fencing and arguing with my dogs about plot points. Most days the Beagle wins but the Dalmatian is in close second. I'm in a distant third.

Author Links:

Devil May Care (Speak of the Devil #2)
Weddings are hell… 
After a month of planning not one, but two, demonic weddings, all Faith Bettincourt—the youngest Crown Princess of Hell—wants is to spend some quality time with her angelic boyfriend, Matt. But when a ghost from Matt’s past walks through Faith’s apartment door, her preoccupation with the weddings from Hell is all that’s keeping her from turning his ex, in all her devious angelic glory, into a down throw pillow. 
Which is about when Matt’s zealous mother declares war on Faith’s family. 
Now Faith will stop at nothing to stop the craziness and make sure the impending nuptials go off without a hitch. All she’s got to do is rescue one of the grooms and go up against an army of so-called do-gooders, and everything will go back to normal. Or as normal as it can be where the Devil's spawn is concerned. With any luck, she might just be able to resuscitate her love life while she's at it.
Bloggy Note:
I'll be reviewing this one tomorrow. The publishing date is the 26th. I read and enjoyed the first book Luck of the Devil which I recommend. 
Where to get the books:
Entangled publishing is having a tour wide giveaway! 
One winner will win a $50 Amazon gift card (open internationally) and one winner will get a Devil May Care prize pack (open US only)

Just fill out the rafflecopter form below to enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I think the humor is one of the best things about the new Who - Matt Smith can do comedy so well - even watching him move is a joy to watch! Im a Brit so that type of humor is something I love!

    Oh, and I loved Devil May Care by the way! I adore the banter between characters!! :-)

  2. British humor is the best! I love it!

  3. Such a fun guest post! I have to admit I don't watch any of those shows either despite all the great things I've heard about them. *hangs head* I appreciate smart humor, but sometimes it's the absurd and ridiculous that I need - I want my stomach to hurt from laughing too hard, and absurd usually makes that happen:)

  4. Oh man... Firefly. There was some good humorous moments in that one. Some of the best comedies are just off the wall. I can say I do enjoy your humor since I've enjoyed both books!!

  5. What an awesome contest :D

    Aww Firefly, those were the days

  6. I've found that TV has become my refuge from the kids and such more and more of late. Sometimes you just need a break from Super Why and Doc McStuffins. lol But I don't like sitcoms and most other comedies bore me to death. Give me a great drama with plenty of great humor and witty dialog—Firefly is such a great example!—and I'm in.

    Great post Patricia! :D

  7. All hail absurd British humor! I adore Dr. Who and Firefly (ok, that's not British but it's awesome). I clearly need to watch the BBC Torchwood (I only saw the Starz version....and NO.). Glad to hear you liked it! Wonderful guest post :-)

  8. Love it and love this! =)
    Happy Valentine´s!

  9. There's nothing I love more than good British humor. I just finished a YA Brit book that reminded me so much of Adrian Mole, and a bit of Bridget Jones. I laughed myself into stitches.
    I'm don't really watch TV either so that post about all the shows wouldn't be as fun. :)

  10. YAY! I;m all for British humor as well. I find my self much more at ease as well as able to laugh easily when characters in books or even tv shows are British.

  11. Yeah, British humour is the best but then I would say that.

  12. I do love British humor, have you never seen Fawlty Towers?
    I do like watching old British detectives, like Morse, A touch of Frost, Midsommer Murders.

  13. really nice post!! thank you so much for sharing!

  14. Thanks so much for having me. And Aurian-- yes I love Fawlty Towers I just couldn't find a way to work in a reference to them or Black Adder.


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