
Monday, October 17, 2016

Release Day Blast with Giveaway: Rendezvous With Yesterday by Dianne Duvall

The much-anticipated sequel to Dianne Duvall's A Sorceress of His Own is here! Get the newest Gifted Ones novel (a prequel to the best-selling Immortal Guardians series) at all major e-retailers today! 

The Gifted Ones Book 2
By Dianne Duvall
Publishing Date: October 17, 2016
Special Pre-Order Discounted Price—$4.99
Modern-day bounty hunter Bethany Bennett helps her brother track two fugitives to a forest outside of Houston, Texas. But what should have been a routine apprehension of two bail skippers spirals out of control and ends in violence. After Beth and her brother are both seriously injured, a mysterious figure suddenly looms over her. And, when the smoke clears, Beth finds herself not only in another place, but in another time.   As Lord Robert, Earl of Fosterly, attempts to identify and track down the nameless enemy who has been plaguing his lands and people with violence, the most peculiar woman stumbles into his path. Small, vulnerable, yet possessed of a bold, fiery spirit and wicked sense of humor, she persists in dubbing Robert and his men members of something called a medieval reenactment group . . . until she sees his castle and labels herself mad. It seems bounty hunter Bethany Bennett has come to him from the future, bringing with her laughter and chaos, swiftly winning the hearts of his people and inspiring within him a love he thought he would never experience again. But when Robert discovers a way for her to return to her time, will the love they share be enough to keep them together?

Now Available!


A persistent pounding on the door heralded the dawn and roused Robert from a sound sleep.  
Beside him, Beth stretched, then settled back into slumber.  
Content to join her, he cuddled her close and sighed.
Boom!  Boom!  Boom!  “My lord?”
Robert groaned.
“I don’t think he’s gonna to go away,” Beth mumbled.
“My lord?” Marcus called.  
Boom!  Boom!  Boom!  
Growling epithets, Robert threw back the covers and lunged out of bed.
Beth squealed when the icy morning air hit her sleep-warmed skin.
Laughing, he tossed the blankets over her head, then drew the bed curtains closed and called to his squire to enter.
“Forgive me, my lord,” Marcus said upon entering.  His gaze darted to the concealed bed and back again as he closed the door behind him.  “A missive has arrived.”
Robert crossed to his trunk and retrieved his braies.  “From?” he asked as he donned them.
“Terrington.  The messenger insisted it be brought to you at once.”
As Robert reached for the rolled parchment, Beth poked her head through an opening in the curtains, clutching them closed beneath her chin.  “Good morning, Marcus,” she offered with a cheerful smile.
Marcus jumped and lowered the scroll, his head whipping in Beth’s direction.  Face flushing, he bowed.  “Good morrow, my lady.”
“Would you do me a huge favor and light a fire in the hearth?  It is frrrreezing in here!”
“At once, my lady.”  Tossing the missive to Robert, Marcus hurried to the hearth and began to carefully construct what Robert guessed would be a great, roaring conflagration.  
Robert glanced over at Beth and fought a smile.  
Her hair was loose and adorably mussed from sleep, her eyelids a little heavy.  The many kisses they had shared the previous night had left her lips puffy and rosy.  The coarse stubble that coated his own jaw had abraded hers enough to leave it a bit pink.  
Just the sight of her made his heart light.
Forcing a frown, he nodded his head toward Marcus, whose back was to them, and motioned for her to duck back behind the curtains.  Even though her head was the only thing visible, he did not want any other male to see her so enchantingly disheveled.
A teasing glint entered her warm hazel eyes.  Glancing at Marcus to confirm he couldn’t see her, she suddenly flung the curtains wide, giving Robert a thrilling look at her beautiful bare body bathed in the morning sunlight that sifted into the room, then yanked the curtains closed again.
Robert laughed silently as she tucked the heavy material beneath her chin, her face alight with amusement and feigned innocence.
Setting the missive down on his trunk, Robert quietly crossed to the bed.  
Beth grinned up at him, daring him to do he-knew-not-what.
Grinning back, he palmed her face and gave her a little push that sent her tumbling backward amidst blankets and giggles.
Ensuring no gap remained in the curtains, he returned to his trunk and grabbed a linen shirt.  Marcus, he noticed as he tugged the material down over his head, concentrated overmuch on his task, adding to Robert’s amusement.  

And don’t miss the book that started it all!
A Sorceress of His Own (The Gifted Ones, #1) -

6ade4-authorpic_dianneduvallDianne Duvall is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Immortal Guardians paranormal romance series and The Gifted Ones series. Her books have twice been nominated for the RT Reviewers' Choice Award for Best Vampire Romance and are routinely deemed Top Picks by RT Book Reviews, The Romance Reviews, and/or Night Owl Reviews. Reviewers have called Dianne's books "utterly addictive" (RT Book Reviews), "fast-paced and humorous" (Publishers Weekly), "extraordinary" (Long and Short Reviews), and "wonderfully imaginative" (The Romance Reviews).   Dianne loves all things creative. When she isn't writing, Dianne is active in the independent film industry and has even appeared on-screen, crawling out of a moonlit grave and wielding a machete like some of the vampires she has created in her books.   For the latest news on upcoming releases, contests, and more, please visit  You can also find Dianne online . . . 
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  1. Nice excerpt! They sound like fun characters.

    1. So glad you liked it, Christy! Robert and Bethany were a lot of fun to write. :-)

  2. Thanks for sharing this, I think this is a new to me series. I'll check out the first book. ;)

    1. Don't forget the Immortal Guardian series. This one is an offshoot of that one which I know you'll love as well.

    2. Thanks for joining us, Kindlemom. I hope you'll enjoy the series! :-)

  3. Happy Release Day for “Rendezvous with Yesterday” by Dianne Duvall!!

  4. Hadn't heard of this one, so thank you for sharing!!

    1. Thanks for joining us, Lily! I hope you'll enjoy Robert and Bethany's story if you give it a try. They were such a fun couple to write. :-)

  5. It's finally here! I hope that everyone loves Robert and Beth's story, thank you so much for featuring it. Happy Reading! ☺ - Crystal @ Author's Taproom

  6. I really love the sounds of this one. Happy release day! :D

  7. I absolutely need to read something by this author!

    1. If you do, I hope you'll enjoy it! I think every one of my novels is on sale right now, if you want to give one a try. :-)

  8. Woot! I am waiting for this on audio Melissa. I devoured book one on audio and loved, loved, loved it!

    1. Kirsten Potter is a wonderful narrator, isn't she? She's narrating this one, too. I love that she does both series, so—when there is crossover—she's already familiar with the characters. :-) I hope you'll like Robert and Bethany's story!

    2. Sweet! Kim, you'll love this one as well! Listen to Dianne... :D

  9. Fun excerpt! Sounds like I need to check this author out!

    1. So glad you like it, Melissa! Thanks for joining us. :-)

  10. thanks for the excerpt. It's one of the authors I need to try

    1. Thanks for joining us, Melliane! If you give one of my books a try, I hope you'll like it. :-)

  11. If you give one of my books a try, I hope you'll enjoy it, Heidi!

  12. I love time travel romance and have been curious about this one after some reviews!

    1. I've always loved time travel romance, so this was a lot of fun to write. I hope you'll enjoy it, Lily!

  13. Hehehe! I love how Robert is hiding Beth! Great excerpt!


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