
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Audiobook Review: The Dispatcher by John Scalzi

Narrated: Zachary Quinto
2 hrs. 19 min.
Publisher: Audible Studios
Published: 10/4/16
Source: tbr pile (free until Nov. 2, 16)
One day, not long from now, it becomes almost impossible to murder anyone - 999 times out of a thousand, anyone who is intentionally killed comes back. How? We don't know. But it changes everything: war, crime, daily life.

Tony Valdez is a Dispatcher - a licensed, bonded professional whose job is to humanely dispatch those whose circumstances put them in death's crosshairs, so they can have a second chance to avoid the reaper. But when a fellow Dispatcher and former friend is apparently kidnapped, Tony learns that there are some things that are worse than death and that some people are ready to do almost anything to avenge a supposed wrong.

It's a race against time for Valdez to find his friend before it's too late...before not even a Dispatcher can save him.
My thoughts:

This is a quick listen and I was curious since Zachary Quinto narrated it. He did a superb job of voicing the characters and his smooth voice seemed to lend an edge to the telling. It almost felt like a bit of a suspense novel as well.

In this short the world is firmly developed. In fact the world building really seemed to be the main factor in the story. Why are people who are murdered coming back? How? What is the timeline for the reset? Most of these things are answered and others (like why and how) are left to your imagination, but all feels plausible in this world. Plus it makes sense that the first things humans would do with what seems like a miracle... monetize it and make it a job. That is the dispatcher. They make sure people survive in circumstances and are given a second chance to get things right. It also lends itself to exploitation and an underground which has developed within this type of "job".

The characters are interesting but I didn't really connect with them. It is understandable since this, to me, is not a character book but really an exploration of a mystery and the world it inhabits. That part of the story is fully told and I was left satisfied after 2+ hours of this novella. I give this book 4 stars and highly recommend it to those that enjoy a different kind of world and a good sic-fi story.

Bloggy Freebie Note: This audio novella is free until Nov. 2 so get yours free now! A good way to try this one and see if this sci-fi is for you. :) Go HERE to get the audio (that is not an affiliate link).


  1. I want to listen to this solely for Zach Quinto! I'm not a fan of books where I can't get into the characters, so I don't know if this would work for me, but also ZACHARY QUINTO. The struggle is real. Thanks for putting this on my radar, Melissa! :)

  2. It's so hard to really love a read when you can't connect. Wonderful honest review for this Melissa!

    1. True, but this story was really about the worldbuilding so it didn't bother me in that way as much. :)

  3. Oooh I'm going to have to grab this just because the narrator lol Thank you

  4. Hmm... even though this is a freebie, I think I will pass. I want to connect with the characters.

    1. You may connect more than I did. I think I was all involved with the world so it I may have interfered with myself in connection. :)

  5. omg Zachary Quinto narrated the book? /swoon
    sorry you didn't connect with the characters :(

  6. I can only imagine how yummy Zachary Quinto's voice was for this!! Glad you enjoyed the audiobook :)

  7. I need to try this scifi author. I hear great things. Thanks for the heads up about the audio freebie.

    1. I need to read more of his work. So need to get Redshirts! :)

  8. Happy dance. I have this and cannot wait :0 I can handle the non-attachment if the story is good. Great review Melissa :)

    1. Sweet! You may become more attached that I did so it may not even be a blimp of an issue for you. :)

  9. Yea. Total no brainer. Instantly added to my audible library.

    Thanks for the recommendation! Sounds fantastic. :)

  10. Okay okay. You convinced me. I've downloaded and will try it out on my next walk :D

    1. I knew I had you at free. ;) Totally what got me as well. ROFL!

  11. Is it completely wrong that I just don't get why you need a Dispatcher? Is he trying to save people who are dying naturally? Crap, I need more coffee... I actually LOVE Scalzi because 1. I follow his Twitter & blog (usually) and he's hysterical 2. last I checked, he lived in Ohio (my home state - woot!).

    I have no clue why I'm being dense on this one - I'm sending the freebie link to my dad and seeing what he thinks ;) Great review!!

    1. Hm... It is an important plot point so I may spoil things if I tell you but it is well explained why you need a dispatcher. In fact that point was well explored philosophically. :D

  12. I'm more of a character-driven story person but you've made me curious enough to want to give The Dispatcher a try, Melissa. Of course, it helps that Quinto is narrating. ;) Thanks for the link...I'm downloading now and will let you know what I think. :D

    1. I tend to like character driven stories as well, but I also love a good worldbuilding. :D Hope you enjoy!

  13. This sounds like a great "tset' book, I'm interested in hearing Quinto narrate as well!

    1. And it's short so not a lot of time to invest either. It still is a complete story. :)

  14. OMG. Zachary Quinto?! I looove him. I will definitely buy this audio just for this very reason. Yep.

  15. I was thinking I'd put this on my TBR solely because of Zach Quinto, but freebie?! Already downloaded. THANKS!

  16. In such short novellas it is hard to connect with the characters, but it's great that you still enjoyed it!


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