
Friday, October 14, 2016

Review and Giveaway: Edgar Allan Poe Adult Coloring Book by Odessa Begay

Genre: adult coloring book
96 p.
Published: 9/6/16
Publisher: Lark Crafts
Source: From publisher for review
Dive into the macabre, mysterious world of Edgar Allan Poe’s chilling tales with popular coloring book artist Odessa Begay (Little Birds). Inspired by Poe’s beloved stories, Begay has created images that reference settings, motifs, and details that fans will recognize.

Poe Coloring Book

My thoughts:

I have to admit, I've not been a huge fan of the adult coloring books. I don't hate them, but have not really been inspired to color them. I'd rather make my own pictures to color. However, I'm a huge fan of illustrations so it wouldn't be unusual to find me looking through one of these kinds of books.

Halloween approaches and I don't think it is just for the kiddies anymore (or was it ever "just"?). To me, Poe is the perfect poet and author for this season so you know I had to have this one. I also wanted to see how she interpreted the snippets of stories we get authored by Poe. The most famous of his poems and stories: "The Telltale Heart", "The Pit and Pendulum" and "The Raven" is included but also "The Cask of Amontillado", "Ligeia", "The Gold Bug", "The Fall of the House of Usher" and many more. I enjoyed seeing her macabre interpretations of the subject matter and I found her illustrations quite creative and have a sense of dynamic feel to the pictures. It is one you can just sit and look at if you wish.

Here are some examples from the publisher (click to enlarge):

I not sure how to exactly rate this one, but if it is for creativity and execution, I'll give it a 5. I guess the rest would be up to you and how you wish to complete the picture. I think with this subject matter, I'd say color outside the lines. I think Poe did in his own way. :D

The publisher is letting me giveaway one book to a lucky person with a snail mail addy from the US or Canada. Just fill out the form below to enter. Good luck!


  1. I love this! Thanks so much for the chance to win and Happy Friday!

  2. I admit to coloring with my kids when they were small (the now teenagers), I don't with my younger kids, but maybe I should. I didn't really enjoy coloring when I was a kid, I know that sounds strange but I was never good at staying inside the lines.
    I know who would really enjoy this and it would be the perfect gift for! Thanks for chance to win this. I a a huge Poe fan!

    1. I loved purposely going outside the lines. But then I had a teacher in grade school and parents that encouraged it. :D

  3. I always found adult coloring books fascinating. I think the illustrations are so beautiful, thanks for the opportunity.

  4. The illustrations are way cool. I don't get much time to color, but I love the coloring books. Have a safe weekend.

    1. I think I just enjoy the creativity that is put into them. :) Happy weekend!

  5. I used to love coloring as a kid, and picked up a few books not too long ago but haven't colored all that much in them yet. Thanks for the giveaway!!

    1. I need to make my own. :) However, until then, I'll enjoy these. :D

  6. I'm with you, Melissa...haven't got into the adult coloring books. I hardly have time to read, let alone color! But the illustrations are amazing, for sure.

  7. Very cool! I'm not in the coloring book craze but it's neat that there is a Poe coloring book.

    1. I do love illustrations and that is what got me. :D Lots of quotes as well!

  8. I'm not on the coloring bandwagon...and that looks really hard! lol But it is gorgeous!

  9. I do like coloring, but I need to find more time for it! I really love this coloring book though because I'm a big fan of Poe.


    1. I think that is what makes a lot of us intrigued with this one. Poe is perfect for this time of the year.

  10. I saw this beauty during New York Comic Con and fell completely in love. Just perfect!

  11. I enjoy coloring, but do not find them as relaxing as others. This one is just awesome

  12. Nice! I actually love coloring books, no matter kids or adults, because I love art in general. I think it's great that publishers are turning well known stories and other popular reads into coloring book. This one is lovely and should be great to get into :)

    1. I really like the way you talk about coloring books here! Perfect!

  13. Those are so cool! I've always loved coloring. It's very calming, haha.

  14. I love to color while I watch TV - it's relaxing and fun.

  15. I loved coloring as a child, but have to force it into my time schedule nowadays. My MOM however has rediscovered the child in her with these awesome new adult coloring adventures and Poe just happens to be one of her favorites. Can you see where I'm going with this? ^-^ Thanks for the chance!

    1. Oh perfect for her!! I do think she'll love the creativity in this one!

  16. I would never of thought of how you'd rate an adult coloring book but you nailed it! It's totally on the illustrations and the quality. I like this one and could totally picture myself doodling in this one :) Thanks for the giveaway!!

  17. Oh man, I have to enter. My wife would LOVE this! Haha

  18. WEll, I love Poe. My adult children love coloring, I have trouble with the repetitive motion and pain but do like this

    1. You could always direct them in coloring? You'd still like the pics. :)

  19. I'm a fan of the adult coloring books. I don't know why I ever stopped coloring.

    1. I haven't caught the craze yet, but I really liked this one. :)

  20. I like those illustrations too! They would be fun to do.

  21. i loved coloring books as a kid, and have been meaning to try out one of the adult coloring books. i love Edgar Allen Poe, so this might be a good place to start. Thanks for the chance to win.

  22. I never jumped on the coloring book train but I do like how this one is more creepy than cute.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  23. Like you, I'm not really into the whole "adult coloring book" scene. But this one is better than most!

  24. I haven't gotten into the coloring books yet because I've been so tight on time with all else going on. But I might enjoy the relaxing feel of coloring, like when I was younger. :)

  25. A dear friend loves these. This would make a great gift for her.

  26. I love coloring so much I wrote a book and started a blog about it!


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