Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Tough Justice Blog Tour!

Chills, Thrills & Long Hours:  Q&A With Romantic Suspense Author Carla Cassidy on the 8-Part FBI Thriller TOUGH JUSTICE
Plus FREE eBook!

Q. Tell us what you love most about your Tough Justice books?

A. This is an easy question. I loved writing the heroine, Lara Grant. She was such an intriguing character to explore. Tough as nails, she also had an aching vulnerability that made her so wonderfully human. I wanted to be her, with all her strengths and flaws. Of course, the evil Moretti was also such fun to write. I love it when a villain is smart and wicked and a worthy adversary.

Q.  How did you get into writing crime/suspense?

A. I’ve always read suspense novels. I’m particularly drawn to the dark minds of killers and find them such interesting characters. I like finding out what demons drive them and taking a walk on the dark side with them. I want to explore their motivations and what makes them tick. 

Q. What suspense novels keep you up reading all night?

A. I love anything by Lisa Gardner and Carol O’Connell. I’m also a big fan of Gillian Flynn and Wendy Corsi Staub. I also adore Dean Koontz’s books. These are just a few of my go-to authors. There isn’t enough time or space for me to mention all the authors I enjoy.

Q. What are your favorite crime/suspense TV series to binge on?

A. The Real Housewives of New York…no, just kidding! Actually, I love NCIS: Los Angeles, Criminal Minds, and Law and Order SVU. I also really enjoyed The Following with Kevin Bacon and several other shows that are now over. I’ve taped up episodes of several of the new shows like Quantico, Blindspot and the latest season of Blacklist to binge on when I find the time.

Q. Where do you get your ideas?

A. Actually, coming up with ideas is the easiest part of writing for me. Inspiration is everywhere! I get inspired by a news story or a snippet of conversation overhead in the grocery store. I love to play the game of ‘what if’. What if that man who is standing in front of the pizza parlor just killed his wife and is there to establish an alibi? What if the two women having coffee are really plotting the murder of another woman who belongs to their neighborhood association?

Q: Can you tell us a little about your average writing day?

A. I usually turn on my computer around eight in the morning and check social media and my mail. Then it’s straight to work. I have found my brain works best in the morning hours although my computer is on and I try to work until about eight or nine at night. I might not actually be typing all those hours, but my mind is almost always writing or working out character traits or figuring out ways to get my heroine in or out of danger. I love writing and I can’t imagine doing anything else with my time.       

Be sure to check out part 1 of Tough Justice, EXPOSED, available to readers for FREE!

For more information about the series, visit


“A wonderful start to this chilling, pulse-pounding series with a storyline that not only entertained through strong dialogue and engaging characters, but left me wanting more.”  —Harlequin Junkie

“The first in an 8 part series, this promises to be an exciting ride.” –For the Love of Books

 Get part 1 of TOUGH JUSTICE for FREE

About the author: Carla loves danger…but only when it comes in the pages of a book. She’s been a professional cheerleader, a singer and dancer, but the best job she’s ever had is writing books for readers to enjoy. She’s had over 140 books published and has enough ideas for new books to keep her busy for years to come. Visit her website at


The amazing team at Harlequin is offering up a $25 Amazon gift card to one lucky winner! Please enter via the Rafflecopter form. Giveaway is open internationally.

Tour Schedule:

For more info about Tough Justice you can go to the Tour Page


  1. I didn't know about this series but it sounds interesting and now I'm curious about Lara!

  2. I like the sound of Lara already! Great interview!

  3. Real Housewives! *snort* A huge yes to Criminal Minds, that's one of my favorite shows, it's just so well written and the cases are always so interesting:) This was a fun interview, thanks so much for being a part of the tour Melissa!

    1. Thanks for having me in this tour. This is an interesting series!

  4. What a great interview!! Can't wait to read the stories!

  5. I can't watch Criminal Minds. It's just too disturbing for me. Great interview!

  6. Dark suspense is usually too much for me, I prefer lighter mysteries. Though sometimes I can read them I usually avoid them. Like Rummanah I can't watch Criminal Minds, it's too disturbing for me!

  7. What if this is a cover for all the crimes you committed? LOL Sorry, couldn't resist. Thanks for having the blog as part of the tour.

  8. Heck yeah! The Real Housewives franchise is giving James Bond a run for his money. Those women are better than any spy or assassin!

  9. I'm with Heidi-Criminal Minds scares me. No cover story needed! But it would be a good one. And yes the women on those Real Housewives...I can see them plotting each others murders. Don't be one of them and don't mess with them. Someone should write a series based on them!

  10. She does sound like a great heroine! I love tough but vulnerable too :D


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