Friday, January 29, 2016

Tough Justice 7-8 (ending!)

by Tyler Anne Snell
Series: Tough Justice #7
Publisher: Harlequin Special Releases
Published: 1/12/16
Source: Kistmet Book Tours, Publisher and NetGalley for review
Keep your friends close. Your enemies closer. And your colleagues? 
Trust has never been easy for Special Agent Lara Grant. Life taught her a hard lesson as a child, one she's never forgotten. But now, when the betrayal is so close to home, Lara is pushed to the very limit. 
As the players finally move into position, it's time to go all in, or go home. It doesn't matter that fear is shaking her very core, it doesn't matter that everything she has…her team, her new family…is on the line. 
What does matter is that there has always been one truth about Lara Grant: when her back's against the wall, she comes out guns blazing. And at last her target is in her sights…
My thoughts:

This really is the book that wraps up everything in the story arc. We find out all the answers to our questions and it really felt like the ending book. I even finally started liking the romance a bit more (still not sold, but it is one of those things that will grow on you as a series goes on). Then a small thing... *can't say* happens and we are back on the edge of our seat needing the next book!

by Carla Cassidy
Series: Tough Justice #8 (ending)
Publisher: Harlequin Special Releases
Published: 1/12/16
Source: Kistmet Book Tours, Publisher and NetGalley for review
Live or die. Her or Moretti. The time is now. 
The worst has happened: her mark is on the run. But Special Agent Lara Grant has no clues. No destination. Just fear for those she loves and bone-deep belief that he's coming straight for her. But she knows Moretti …just as he knows her. And when the final clue clicks into place, the hunt is on. 
Lara will do anything it takes to catch this evil man who has caused the deaths of countless innocent people. With emotions on a knife edge, Lara is running on instinct, on the desperation of unconditional love. With adrenaline pumping, this is it for Lara…flight is not an option; all she can do is fight to the end…
My Thoughts:

NO! Okay, I wanted something else to happen... um... can't say (I'm trying to not spoil anything but it is SO HARD right now). Let me just say it would have been an alternate ending to one aspect of the arc (not an important part) but we now know that under no uncertain terms will it happen. :'( However, despite my disappointment that I had a feeling wouldn't happen anyway, the story line still gripped me. Although this was more of an addendum to the story arc, it is still filled with the same action that you got from the other books. It was a good addition to the story.

The serial wrap up:

I give this whole series 4 stars. I really recommend it to those that love thrillers especially. It was fun and kept you on the edge of your seat. For those wondering how all the authors worked out, I think it worked out fine. In a way it was like I was binging on a serial tv show and we just ended the first season. I would read another serial in this world again but I would need all the books at the same time like I did this one. Each episode is priced reasonably well and it is better than some thrillers out there now.

Don't forget that the blog tour is going on now for these books w/ international giveaway:
Just click on the pic above to go to the post here!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

On My Wishlist: Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

Glass Sword
by Victoria Aveyard
Series: Red Queen #2
448 p.
Publisher: Harper Teen
Published: 2/9/16
Mare Barrow’s blood is red—the color of common folk—but her Silver ability, the power to control lightning, has turned her into a weapon that the royal court tries to control.

The crown calls her an impossibility, a fake, but as she makes her escape from Maven, the prince—the friend—who betrayed her, Mare uncovers something startling: she is not the only one of her kind. 
Pursued by Maven, now a vindictive king, Mare sets out to find and recruit other Red-and-Silver fighters to join in the struggle against her oppressors.

But Mare finds herself on a deadly path, at risk of becoming exactly the kind of monster she is trying to defeat.

Will she shatter under the weight of the lives that are the cost of rebellion? Or have treachery and betrayal hardened her forever?
Yea, I kinda need to know what happens. Can I has it now? :)

Monday, January 25, 2016

Tough Justice #4-6

by Gail Barrett
Series: Tough Justice #4
Publisher: Harlequin Special Releases
Published: 1/12/16
Source: Kistmet Book Tours, Publisher and NetGalley for review
Can they get out of this investigation alive? 
Special Agent Lara Grant's team are racing against the clock to prove infamous crime boss Moretti is behind a recent series of murders. With each lead ending up in a body bag, Lara's trapped by the weight of her own guilt. How many would still be alive if it weren't for her troubled history with the villain? 
But he won't quit, so neither can Lara. The sniper is the key to finding the link between Moretti and the current cases. But before they can reach him, Moretti hits closer to home than Lara could have imagined…
My Thoughts:

This one really seemed to capture my attention and I finally realized that this serial reminded me of a tv series. One where you are trying to figure out the overall arc, but are presented with a mystery to be solved within the hour... oh and get a glimpse of what needs to be solved in the next. I think that is why the change of authors do not bother me and it felt familiar. I feel like I'm binging on a series. :)

In this one I really need to know what Moretti is playing. I'm even questioning if he has anything directly to do with what is going on. If he doesn't, then why does he know so much. Darn it! I want those answers but I know they won't come until the end. This episode was still very action oriented and I'm still not behind the coupling of Lara and her partner. I'm not against it, but just don't quite feel it yet. Still, too many secrets between the two of them (with one demanding answers but giving none himself) so at this point it doesn't work. Plus, with so much going on, it is hard to have a fully realized romance in the story. This one ends with another bang and I need to know what happens next...

by Gail Barrett
Series: Tough Justice #5
Publisher: Harlequin Special Releases
Published: 1/12/16
Source: Kismet, Publisher, and NetGalley for review
A mission that will turn this case on its head… 
With a sting set for a downtown bar, Special Agent Lara Grant and her team are on high alert to snare the most dangerous man in Manhattan. No one tears their team apart and gets away with it! Their aim: to get the perp's DNA from his shot glass… 
Mission accomplished, but each step forward in the case takes them two steps back into Lara's past—this time, to the years before her undercover assignment, and a family torn apart by a brutal murder. But Lara knows she can focus only on the present. Because when the DNA results come through, they shock the team and rock the very foundations of the case…
My thoughts:

Yea, all I can say is this... I KNEW IT! :D Okay, the reveal here wasn't a total shocker since it was all but told to you in the previous editions, but you never know when they will throw in something you didn't expect. However, if you don't think there was any surprise, you will be mistaken. Now to figure out how all the pieces fit together. Another great addition to this serial.

by Carol Ericson
Series: Tough Justice #6
Publisher: Harlequin Special Releases
Published: 1/12/16
Source: Kismet, Publisher, and NetGalley for review
A sinister surprise is lying in wait… 
With her trusted team all focused on getting justice, Special Agent Lara Grant is relieved to finally see some progress, even if their investigation has now turned to delving into some gruesome events from over twenty years ago. 
An exhumation is necessary to unravel all the knots of this case, but Lara is surprised by how close their quarry is… In fact, he's just one step ahead, almost teasing them by how near he is…
My thoughts:

Oh this one not only has us feeling like things might actually get solved, there are a few surprises thrown in for good measure. I was questioning one aspect of the storyline and I think I was right! It was a small niggle and the fact that I read so many thrillers and watch them, I picked up on it. Yes, I know I could be a detective... if it was on tv. LOL Oh I can feel the ending and everything coming together. Immediately picking up the next one.

Don't forget that the blog tour is going on now for these books w/ international giveaway:
Just click on the pic above to go to the post here!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Tough Justice # 1-3

I decided to break these up into sections of the serial since I will review them separately on NetGalley. I'm doing more than one post on them since otherwise it would seem impossibly long. I'll try to keep the review sections short.

Series: Tough Justice #1
by Carla Cassidy
85 p.
Publisher: Harlequin Special Releases
Published: 1/12/16
Source: From Kismet Book Tour, Publisher and NetGalley for review
A new job. A new case. A new criminal... ? 
Special Agent Lara Grant will do anything to get her mark - until her last undercover case, infiltrating the notorious Moretti crime ring, forced her to get close to the top. Way. Too. Close... 
Now starting a new job in New York City, all Lara wants is to leave the ghosts of her past behind. Until a dramatic sniper attack leaves Lara's face - and real name - all over the media. In the blink of an eye, her cover is blown, her identity exposed. 
Then a woman's body is found, branded with the ritual Moretti tattoo. Someone knows who Lara is... and exactly how to make her pay...
My thoughts:

I normally don't do serials since I hate getting snippets of stories doled out at a snail's pace (can you say impatient?) but since these were all out and they were done by different authors, I was curious.

This series started out with a bang. As I was reading, I didn't think I'd get into Laura's character but as the book went on (and it was short) I found myself rooting for her. When the end came... and it ended with a "bang" and a cliffie (I have the next one YES!) I was totally captivated and I have to know what happens next. If you try this one (and it is free at the time of writing the review) get the second book. You don't want to be left hanging! :) It was a good start to this serial.

Series: Tough Justice #2
by Tyler Anne Snell
89 p.
Publisher: Harlequin Special Releases
Published: 1/12/16
Source: Kismet Book Tours, Publisher and NetGalley for review
He's got his eye on her…and won't quit until she's dead! 
Special Agent Lara Grant is back in her enemy's sights, but this time she's not alone. She has a brand-new team and Lara knows she'll need to trust them with her life. Starting now. 
When a lead becomes a victim, Lara and her team are thrown. Lara put Moretti away for life—so how can a guy who is still in prison be pulling strings? There's only one way to find out. 
But when Lara comes face-to-face with the monster from her past, will she get answers? Or unleash hell? 
Part 2 of 8 in the chilling, high-octane FBI thriller TOUGH JUSTICE from New York Times bestselling author Carla Cassidy and authors Tyler Anne Snell, Carol Ericson and Gail Barrett.
My thoughts:

This one picked up right where the last one left off and didn't leave you hanging for answers to the last chapter of the last book. Thank goodness! :) It starts with a bang and doesn't quite let you catch your breath. The "flavor" of the character Laura was a bit different. While she was very rigid in the last book, she seemed more reckless. Not so much that she frustrated you, but just enough to see the difference in how the character was portrayed. It didn't bother me as it also felt like we got to know her better and that is why we perceived a change in her. This one also ends with a bit of a cliffie, but not as brutal as the last one. Still a good addition to this story.

Series: Tough Justice #3
by Carol Ericson
83 p.
Publisher: Harlequin Special Releases
Published: 1/12/16
Source: Kismet Book Tours, Publisher and NetGalley for review
She burned Moretti…now it's his turn. 
Destroying Moretti was Special Agent Lara Grant's biggest coup, but she paid a heavy price to make the bust. She'll do anything to keep him—and her secrets—behind bars.
But Lara knows he's playing the FBI like a maestro even from jail. So when her boss's daughter is kidnapped, it's personal…and not just for Lara. 
With the team at breaking point, it's up to Lara to keep everyone focused. Until a chilling photo is delivered to her home address. Moretti knows where she lives. And he knows what she's hiding…
My thoughts:

I am thinking I can sense a change in the "flavor" of the characters through each author, but admittedly I'm not sure if that is because I'm aware of the change in author. I will say this, even though I can "feel" the change it doesn't bother me and it does bring out something in the characters and the secondary characters because of the difference. I like it. :)

Although I do perceive a change, the action and the author is true when keeping to the overall arc of the storyline. This one also ends at a sort of cliffie, but it is okay since all the books are out and it is more like getting a slice of the pie and knowing you can have the rest later (without bad consequences, of course... LOL). This one seemed to bring in a bit more of the team, but none of the big questions are answered. However all immediate questions are as they are in each addition to the story. I'm getting more curious about Moretti and want to know exactly what his role with Lara was in the past. I'm not the only one wanting to know, it has become a sore spot with her partner as well.

Onto the next...

Don't forget that the blog tour is going on now for these books w/international giveaway:
Just click on the pic above to go to the post here!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Tough Justice Blog Tour!

Chills, Thrills & Long Hours:  Q&A With Romantic Suspense Author Carla Cassidy on the 8-Part FBI Thriller TOUGH JUSTICE
Plus FREE eBook!

Q. Tell us what you love most about your Tough Justice books?

A. This is an easy question. I loved writing the heroine, Lara Grant. She was such an intriguing character to explore. Tough as nails, she also had an aching vulnerability that made her so wonderfully human. I wanted to be her, with all her strengths and flaws. Of course, the evil Moretti was also such fun to write. I love it when a villain is smart and wicked and a worthy adversary.

Q.  How did you get into writing crime/suspense?

A. I’ve always read suspense novels. I’m particularly drawn to the dark minds of killers and find them such interesting characters. I like finding out what demons drive them and taking a walk on the dark side with them. I want to explore their motivations and what makes them tick. 

Q. What suspense novels keep you up reading all night?

A. I love anything by Lisa Gardner and Carol O’Connell. I’m also a big fan of Gillian Flynn and Wendy Corsi Staub. I also adore Dean Koontz’s books. These are just a few of my go-to authors. There isn’t enough time or space for me to mention all the authors I enjoy.

Q. What are your favorite crime/suspense TV series to binge on?

A. The Real Housewives of New York…no, just kidding! Actually, I love NCIS: Los Angeles, Criminal Minds, and Law and Order SVU. I also really enjoyed The Following with Kevin Bacon and several other shows that are now over. I’ve taped up episodes of several of the new shows like Quantico, Blindspot and the latest season of Blacklist to binge on when I find the time.

Q. Where do you get your ideas?

A. Actually, coming up with ideas is the easiest part of writing for me. Inspiration is everywhere! I get inspired by a news story or a snippet of conversation overhead in the grocery store. I love to play the game of ‘what if’. What if that man who is standing in front of the pizza parlor just killed his wife and is there to establish an alibi? What if the two women having coffee are really plotting the murder of another woman who belongs to their neighborhood association?

Q: Can you tell us a little about your average writing day?

A. I usually turn on my computer around eight in the morning and check social media and my mail. Then it’s straight to work. I have found my brain works best in the morning hours although my computer is on and I try to work until about eight or nine at night. I might not actually be typing all those hours, but my mind is almost always writing or working out character traits or figuring out ways to get my heroine in or out of danger. I love writing and I can’t imagine doing anything else with my time.       

Be sure to check out part 1 of Tough Justice, EXPOSED, available to readers for FREE!

For more information about the series, visit


“A wonderful start to this chilling, pulse-pounding series with a storyline that not only entertained through strong dialogue and engaging characters, but left me wanting more.”  —Harlequin Junkie

“The first in an 8 part series, this promises to be an exciting ride.” –For the Love of Books

 Get part 1 of TOUGH JUSTICE for FREE

About the author: Carla loves danger…but only when it comes in the pages of a book. She’s been a professional cheerleader, a singer and dancer, but the best job she’s ever had is writing books for readers to enjoy. She’s had over 140 books published and has enough ideas for new books to keep her busy for years to come. Visit her website at


The amazing team at Harlequin is offering up a $25 Amazon gift card to one lucky winner! Please enter via the Rafflecopter form. Giveaway is open internationally.

Tour Schedule:

For more info about Tough Justice you can go to the Tour Page

Monday, January 18, 2016

RIP, Music, Crafts, and Martin Luther King Jr. Day

What is with the end of last year and the beginning of this one? I've noticed that a lot of people have lost family members (so much ((HUGS)) if you need it even if you haven't lost someone, I'm sure you know someone who has so you might need one anyway) and we have lost some great talent. Natalie Cole, Lemmy from Motorhead, David Bowie and Alan Rickman. The ones that were male and seemed to be 69 (Lemmy JUST turned 70). So surreal. We need more creativity and love in this world right now, not less. So, grim reaper... knock it off!

I think this was the best tribute to David Bowie. It was done 2 years ago, but Chris Hadfield dedicated it to him recently. Yes, if you didn't know... that is space and Chris is a real astronaut aboard the International Space Station for the vid.

...and one done by that babe with power all grown up:

This was shot while filming his own show: "Lessons Learned"

Braine of TalkSupe is getting crafty book bloggers together. If you would like to join (the deets are still being worked out) then contact her. Just goto her blog, TalkSupe for contact information. :)

With what has been going on in politics these days I think it is a good thing to take time to honor someone who was trying to do good for everyone. 

I hope you have a great day filled with love and a lot less loss. ♥︎

Friday, January 15, 2016

Lion Heart by A. C. Gaughen

Series: Scarlet #3 (series ender)
348 p.
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens
Published: 5/19/15
Source: Library
The eagerly-awaited conclusion to the Scarlet trilogy delivers another action-packed and romance-filled adventure. 
Scarlet has captured the hearts of readers as well as the heart of Robin Hood, and after ceaseless obstacles and countless threats, readers will finally find out the fate of the Lady Thief. 
Imprisoned by Prince John for months, Scarlet finds herself a long way from Nottinghamshire. After a daring escape from the Prince's clutches, she learns that King Richard’s life is in jeopardy, and Eleanor of Aquitaine demands a service Scarlet can’t refuse: spy for her and help bring Richard home safe. But fate—and her heart—won’t allow her to stay away from Nottinghamshire for long, and together, Scarlet and Rob must stop Prince John from going through with his dark plans for England. They can not rest until he’s stopped, but will their love be enough to save them once and for all?
My thoughts:

I was so bummed when I missed this one for review. It took me a while to get this one but I made sure my library would have it so I could read it.  I knew this was the ending book to the trilogy and ending books tend to disappoint me a lot. With this book, I have to say I was not disappointed and I would gladly choose to read the trilogy again. Yes, this one is great for the permanent collection.

We ended tragically with the second book so I knew we were in for a lot in the beginning of this book. I had forgotten quite a bit but it all came back as some of her injuries were accounted in several of the pages. Her injuries were both things that tried to destroy her but some of them made her stronger. It should be noted that she does struggle somewhat with those injuries so it does make her power seem more real and strong in the end.

I loved the light parts of the book. You almost didn't expect them to happen with all the dark that surrounds Scarlet. The ending was fulfilling but the impact it intended wasn't quite as strong. Still, I wouldn't want the ending any other way. The author's notes at the end tells where history is real and where she deviated from it. I think those that like to know how much history involved will enjoy those notes.

I give this book 4 stars. It is a solid ending to a great trilogy. I recommend it to those that love historical fiction, fantasy, and retellings. I think that older YA as well as adults will really enjoy this tale.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

On My Wishlist: Wylde Magic by Erin Kellison

Wylde Magic
by Erin Kellison
Released as a single: Jan 2016
Returning home after a decade of study, historian Jack Wylde has to contend with a family curse he’s dedicated his life to breaking and a brother on the edge of madness. The last person he wants involved is Sergeant Evangeline Renard, the only friend he ever had as a kid, now on the Bloomfield police force. When news spreads of a vicious animal attack on the outskirts of town, he knows eventually the bloody tracks will lead to the dilapidated steps of what was once the grand Wylde family estate. And sure enough, look who’s knocking on his door… 
*Wylde Magic was first published as a short story in the Mammoth Book of Southern Gothic Romance. Jack and Eva’s story will continue, releasing Winter 2016.
This has already been published as a novella in an anthology. It sounds like something I would enjoy and I do like Erin Kellison's writing. I cannot wait to read this one and then dive into the rest of the series when it releases.  

What is on your wishlist this week?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Impostor Queen by Sarah Fine

Series: The Impostor Queen #1
336 p.
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books
Published: 1/5/16
Source: Edelweiss and publisher for review
Sixteen-year-old Elli was a small child when the Elders of Kupari chose her to succeed the Valtia, the queen who wields infinitely powerful ice and fire magic. Since then, Elli has lived in the temple, surrounded by luxury and tutored by magical priests, as she prepares for the day when the Valtia perishes and the magic finds a new home in her. Elli is destined to be the most powerful Valtia to ever rule. 
But when the queen dies defending the kingdom from invading warriors, the magic doesn’t enter Elli. It’s nowhere to be found. 
Disgraced, Elli flees to the outlands, the home of banished criminals—some who would love to see the temple burn with all its priests inside. As she finds her footing in this new world, Elli uncovers devastating new information about the Kupari magic, those who wield it, and the prophecy that foretold her destiny. Torn between the love she has for her people and her growing loyalty to the banished, Elli struggles to understand the true role she was meant to play. But as war looms, she must align with the right side—before the kingdom and its magic are completely destroyed.
My thoughts:

I was totally captivated by this book from the beginning. I had yet to read anything by this author, but I'm telling you now, this will not be the last. The worldbuilding here is supurb and I cared a lot for Elli our main character. I was on the edge of my seat wondering each time how she would survive and I was not disappointed. I loved the way here character grew into a member of her new found family and I did enjoy the slight romance that was budding. The second half of the book really takes off and will probably please more people than the first half. It was not that way for me. I was into the book from the start.

I'd say my biggest complaint was the secrecy. While there were reasons given for it, there were also salient reasons to have things more out in the open much sooner than later. It was frustrating and I didn't think it had to be quite so frustrating. I was not completely satisfied with the romance, but that was intentional since you see things looming for our couple that is not all light and sweetness. I would have liked to have a better conclusion there in this book, but I do understand it is a series so I will impatiently wait. ;) The ending is not a cliffie, but questions are raised to give the series it's arc.

I give this book 4 1/2 stars. I will have to go and read the rest of Sarah Fine's work since I'm now very curious as to what other worlds I need to explore. I recommend this book to those that enjoy PNR with a girl who is learning who she is and her place as a leader in this world.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Audiobook Review with Crafts: Illusion by J. S. Cooper

Series: Swept Away #1
Narrator: Carly Robins
8 hrs. 50 min.
Publisher: Audible
Published 3/10/2015
Source: Library/Hoopla
The day started like every other day... 
One morning, Bianca London found herself locked up in a van with a strange man. Ten hours later, she and the man woke up on a deserted island, with no recollection as to how they got there. Bianca has no idea what is going on and her attraction to the man is the only thing that is keeping her fear at bay. 
The night ended like every other night... 
Jakob Bradley, wanted nothing to do with the strange woman he had been imprisoned on the island with. He was more concerned in figuring out why they had been put on the island and how they could get off. He didn’t care that as the days went by he was starting to enjoy her company more and more. 
But was everything as it seemed? 
Bianca and Jakob find themselves trying to figure out how they may be connected, but as they grow closer, secrets start being revealed that may destroy everything they thought they knew about each other and their budding love.
My thoughts:

Well, I received the 3rd book in the mail so I decided to try the first two books on audio to catch up. I could tell I needed to read these books in order. I was unsure how I would like it as I saw that it didn't quite meet up to expectations with other bloggers I trusted.

Well, I get why it didn't meet expectations. Even with my lowered expectations I got an eye workout. I know that might sound confusing when it is an audiobook, but my constant eyerolling at the characters and what happened to them gave me that workout. I was also frequently heard saying, "Really?!" and "No Kidding!" Yea, it wasn't the best audio experience I've had. 

I did like Carly's narration. That wasn't the problem, I just didn't like the characters. Bianca went from TSTL to intelligently sussing out the problems within the stories she was given. If there was more intelligence than TSTL, then I would have like it better. I also didn't like Jakob. He went from creepy stalker dude, to rapey in his statements to total gentleman. Yea, no consistency in either character. Therefore when it came time that these two really came together, it was just awkward. No real chemistry. It was not smexy at all and I would have ffwd these parts if I could have (I was in the middle of a project and so couldn't easily ffwd it). What kept me going was the mystery. Why were they on the island and what was going on. Only thing that seemed to work in the book and yet even that stretched my endurance. However, it did keep me from dnf'ing the book.

I give this audio 1 1/2 stars.Yea, I am listening to the second book. Like I said the mystery is what kept me going and while you don't get answers the book is short enough that I was willing to continue with the next short book. I'm determined to know what the heck is going on. I just hope I can make it through the second book. I do think that this book is good for some romance audiences, it just wasn't for me.

The Crafts!
This was for a Christmas pressie to the mom of the newest family member. It is a "Pram Caddy" by Muffy Duck Designs. The horse head is a free motion appliqué design by Winter Wear Designs. I reduced the size of the horse by 50% to fit on the lid. It was my first one and I had fun doing it. You cut out different aspects of the design in different fabrics and then outline with your sewing machine like you are sketching on the machine. I want to do more of them. I had to change a few small details (like the nostrils) but not much else. I hope she liked it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Shadow Touched (1-4) by Erin Kellison

Series: Shadow Touched #1-4
336 p.
Publisher: Lyrical Press
Published: 1/5/16
Source: From author and NetGalley for review
*Shadow Touched is Ellie and Cam's complete story, previously released as Shadow Touch, Shadow Play and Shadow Hunt, ending in the thrilling conclusion, the previously unreleased Shadow Burn. 
A darkness looms over humankind, lurks in mirrors, blurs boundaries—a twilight world ruled by powerful mage Houses... 
It is bleeding into our world, bringing with it banshees, wraiths, fae from the twisting forests of Twilight. But Eleanor Russo’s problem is a very different kind of phenomenon. Her dark mirror image is a wild thing, willfully seducing the very man Ellie hoped could help her. 
Dr. Cam Kalamos has devoted his career to exploring the boundaries between this world and Twilight. But nothing could prepare him for the mischief and mayhem of a soul split in two. 
As Ellie and Cam explore their deepest desires and barely escape with their lives, there is only one certainty: Trusting in shadows is a dangerous game.
I think that this series is best when you have already read the Shadow series first so it really establishes the world for you. Shadow Touched series is really an offshoot of the Shadow series and I'm thinking you probably want me to stop saying "shadow" about now. ;) Seriously though, the first series should not be missed and really sets you up for this book. This one has all the books of the offshoot including the latest book, Shadow Burn. I did read the first 2 books previously (review for those here ) but reread them since it had been awhile. These are fun novella length stories so you should easily go from one book to the next. Plus, they are all here in one book! WIN!

It was easy for me to slip back into this world. I had forgotten much of the first book but quickly caught up. I was captivated with the last 2 stories I hadn't read. This is Ellie and Cam full story and even though the books are short, they pack a full punch. You are not wanting for a longer book to fill in the storyline. You may want one longer only so you can stay in this world, but not needing more plot or answers. I also liked how in the end some of the roles are a bit reversed with our couple and more insight into the other is gained. The last story ends in a satisfying way and I'm only sad because it was so complete we probably won't get more of this couple

I give this book 4 1/2 stars. It is a fun book which needs to be read by Shadow fans. You can dive in without reading the first series but I highly recommend that series so don't skip it. PNR and UF fans should also like this adult series.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Worlds of Ink and Shadow by Lena Coakley

352 p.
Publisher: Amulet Books
Published: 1/5/16
Source: NetGalley and publisher for review
Charlotte, Branwell, Emily, and Anne. The Brontë siblings have always been inseparable. After all, nothing can bond four siblings quite like life in an isolated parsonage out on the moors. Their vivid imaginations lend them escape from their strict upbringing, actually transporting them into their created worlds: the glittering Verdopolis and the romantic and melancholy Gondal. But at what price? As Branwell begins to slip into madness and the sisters feel their real lives slipping away, they must weigh the cost of their powerful imaginations, even as their characters—the brooding Rogue and dashing Duke of Zamorna—refuse to let them go. 
Gorgeously written and based on the Brontës’ juvenilia, Worlds of Ink & Shadow brings to life one of history’s most celebrated literary families.
My thoughts:

One of my favorite stories is Jane Eyre. So, of course, this one caught my attention. Not only do I love the cover, but I loved the idea. I was not disappointed.

The world is a mash up of imagination, story, fae world and reality. We are drawn into each of these worlds by all 4 of the Brontë siblings. As the stories intwine so do the siblings. Each having their own personality but yet complimenting the other in reality and in the imaginative worlds. Their bonds will be tested in this adventure but all come to the same conclusion in the end. There is no cliffie and this is a self contained novel. Sometimes these things can be so refreshing.

My only real complaint was the father. There was something more to him and we only had hints of what he knew. Did he know the extent of what went on in the household or did he only guess. I would have loved to see more interaction with the father since he seemed like an important character and yet still lived on the fringe of the story.

I give this book 4 stars. I really enjoyed my time here and seeing how the characters of Jane Eyre developed in Charlotte's imagination. I think that is what I was looking for in this book and I received what I wanted. I recommend it to those that enjoy YA fantasy.