Happy Labor Day for those in the states. Happy Monday to everyone else. How about a review and giveaway? :D

Series: The Peri Reed Chronicles #0.5
80 p.
Publisher: Pocket Star
Source: TBR pile (currently .99¢ at your fave ebook retailer)
Every hero, even the accidental ones, have a beginning.
Silas’s radical theory that drafters are not replaying time as much as they are temporarily sliding into an alternate universe has never been well-received, but frankly, the darling of Opti’s research has enough clout not to care, until a professor with a grudge tries to put a permanent end to it. Love can’t alter time, and sometimes, even being able to rub out a single mistake isn’t enough…
My thoughts:
A lot of people kept telling me I need to read this one before I read
The Drafter. I was going to but just wanted to dive into the other story. When I was reading the main book, I got a sudden urge to know more about what had gone on before so I picked up this book.
It didn't give me everything that I wanted in information, but it did round out the story a bit more for me. This is not a necessary book to read
The Drafter, but it is a good compliment.
I give this book 3 1/2 stars and recommend it to those that plan on reading
The Drafter.
The Drafter
Series: The Peri Reed Chronicles #1
432 p.
Published: 9/1/15
Publisher: Gallery Books
Source: Publisher for review
Detroit 2030. Double-crossed by the person she loved and betrayed by the covert government organization that trained her to use her body as a weapon, Peri Reed is a renegade on the run.
Don’t forgive and never forget has always been Peri’s creed. But her day job makes it difficult: she is a drafter, possessed of a rare, invaluable skill for altering time, yet destined to forget both the history she changed and the history she rewrote.
When Peri discovers her name on a list of corrupt operatives, she realizes that her own life has been manipulated by the agency. She joins forces with a mysterious rogue soldier in a deadly race to piece together the truth about her final task, unable to trust even herself.
My thoughts:
This is a book where time travel is a central theme. It is an interesting take and reminds me of the work they are doing in quantum physics where they can transfer data from one place to another without a machine. In a way there is a time aspect to it as it goes sideways to this process. Similar qualities happen here during a "draft". Um... not sure I explained that correctly but how time is manipulated frequently brought me back to physics (of which I'm admittedly not proficient). It seems like the author did a good job of researching this idea. While not perfect, time travel was done in a believable way. And no, you don't need to know these concepts to "get it" either. :) I only mention it because it made the drafting feel more real to me.
What I really loved about the book is the characters. The secondary characters were fabulous and I wished we had more time with a couple of them. I really enjoyed Peri and how she struggled with what was going on and demanding answers that were locked insider her brain. The big mystery has many twists and turns and a few I really didn't expect. I honestly think I would become insane with what Peri has gone through but she perseveres and so I think her character is strong. While a lot of questions were answered, a few weren't and that is to be expected in a series book. I was actually left with some trepidations on characters I was certain of and now don't know if I would trust them. Oh yea, this is the beginning of a good series.
I give this book 4 1/2 stars. I recommend it to those that love mystery, thriller and sci-fi books. There is a hint of romance from time to time, but don't expect it here... yet. :)
The publisher is allowing me to giveaway one copy of The Drafter to those with a US snail mail addy! Just fill out the rafflecopter form below to enter. Good luck!