
Friday, August 19, 2016

Of Sand and Storm by Amber Argyle

Series: Fairy Queens #5
Publisher: Smashwords/Indie
Published: 8/17/16
Source: Author for review
Book 5 in the Fairy Queens Series.

By law, any child born in Idara is free, even if that child is born in a slave brothel. But as Cinder grows into a beauty that surpasses even that of her mother and grandmother, she realizes that freedom is only a word. There are other words too, stronger words. Words like betrayal and prison and death. And there are words even stronger than those. Words like courage and family and love.

In the end, if Cinder is to escape the fate of her matriarchs, she'll have to fight for her freedom. Because true freedom is never free.
My thoughts:

I have enjoyed this whole series but always knew I was missing a book. This one is novella length so I know I was only missing a extra character story within this series. I was glad to finally get to read this one and it was about one of my favorite secondary character in Winter's Heir (the last in the series). She was someone who brought Elice out of her shell and also someone who you knew was strong. It was the seamstress, Cinder who had her own tale to tell.

I was not disappointed in this story. I really enjoyed seeing how Cinder took her situation and made the best out of it. Freeborn, but yet still nothing more than a slave, her captors/employers set forth a scheme to entrap her further. Her grandmother, aunt and mother were all considered slaves and either concubines or servants. All were determined that Cinder would not fall into the same lifestyle.

There is intrigue and romance and while Cinder does not do all of her saving, she does find her way and helps a rebellion and risks everything she holds dear to do what is right. She does become the cunning and hero of her own story, even though she does not do it alone. Plus we get to see the germination of an idea which leads us to the stories to come in the series.

I give this book 4 stars. I really loved how this one was put together but I would have loved it longer. Not that it needed it, but I really liked the character of Cinder and would have liked to have followed on her adventure longer. And while I did read it out of order, it did not take anything away from the story. In fact, I saw further into the arc since I read the books after. This is a good one to read in order, since it does build on the book previous and sets us up for the ones to come. I highly recommend the series to those that enjoy fantasy books with devious fae.
Banner from the author Amber Argyle


  1. Of very mixed opinions when it comes down to novellas that fit snuggly within a series. Still, it sounds like this one worked well and even proved a positive move in many ways.

    1. I actually like it when novellas do that. :) I think it gives the world a bit of a broader expanse.

  2. I don't know about fairies. But I'm glad you loved this series enough that you kept up with it after all this time. #Dedication

    1. I figure it is only dedication if it was even somewhat of a chore, and this one wasn't for me. :)

  3. I can't believe I haven't heard of this series! I love the cover and novellas like this are some of my favorites so thanks for putting this on my radar, Melissa! Great review!

    1. I have really enjoyed this one and I think you will as well.

  4. It usually is easy if it is novella like so out of order didn't bother me here. :)

  5. I think I remember you talking about this series before. Novellas are good for me with these types of books and my short attention span lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. These are quick books and keep your attention. I think you'd like them. :)

  6. Always a good sign when you loved it but wanted more!

  7. I've never seen this series! I'll have to check it out!

  8. I have one book by her but..not this series I think

    1. I'm guessing the witching one? That was a good series as well.

  9. It's nice, plus we have faes, which I love to read about so I want to try!

  10. Aw yay for a good addition to the series. It's nice getting that little bit of extra with the novellas sometimes :)

    1. I so agree. I liked the character and I'm glad I got more.

  11. So the series is complete now? I'll have to bump it up then.

  12. Thanks so much, Melissa. Always a pleasure to read your reviews.

  13. I am a fan of most novellas-especially if it's about a character from a series I love. Novellas are good for times when you don't want a long read and I seem to read more than my share at times.And that's okay. I am glad this one fit into the story so well for you-and that it didn't matter about this particular one being out of order. Great review!

    1. I agree. Although this is listed as a main book, it really was a novella. It was a story I didn't know I wanted until I read the last two books, so it worked for me. :)

  14. Oh my. This is another series I'm needing to get to now. :D


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