
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Blogger Guest Post: Leave a Mark Auctions

Lauren whom you might know from Shooting Stars Mag has a great book to charity event going on right now. I thought that if you don't know about it, this is a good time for Lauren to let you know! It's going on now! 

Lauren, Take it away!

Hello everyone!

Thank you to Melissa for allowing me to share Leave a Mark Auctions on her website. What are these auctions you ask? Well, back in 2007/2008, I worked with another blogger in holding a set of auctions that helped benefit the charity First Book. Authors marked up or annotated one of their novels (writing notes in the margins throughout the book) and other famous names marked up one of their favorite books. These would then go up for auction on a designated blog and whoever bid the highest would donate to First Book. Once they got a confirmation email, they would send to one of us and we'd make sure they got their book (by either mailing it ourselves or having the author send it out).

Well, I thought it would be great to bring the auctions back but instead of doing them during a set time frame, I wanted the auctions to be more ongoing! They officially started in August 2016 and I'm hoping to have at least two auctions a month. All of the money raised in August and September goes to First Book, but Oct-Dec money goes to The Trevor Project. The idea is to change the charity every few months so that the auctions can benefit a variety of places! Of course, some charities might come back around in the future.

While I'm no longer working with another blogger, I am very much grateful for everyone that has spread the word about the auctions. I couldn't do this without help - from people marking up books, to people bidding, to bloggers spreading the word, and on and on. If you would like to learn more about the auctions and see what books are available to bid on now, please visit You bid in the comments, but if you have questions, feel free to reach out to me through email: lauren51990 AT aol DOT com. Each book's auction will last about one week, but some could be longer, so just pay attention to the end date/time and it will always be EST. The comments are set as such.

ALSO! I do recommend following the blog so you are aware of auctions as they go live, but also, because I will be having some fun giveaways to help raise more awareness and thank my followers as well as those who are bidding!

-Lauren Becker
Shooting Stars Mag


  1. What a great idea. I've shared the information on my FB page.

  2. I have several really special books from when Lauren did these auctions before. I'm excited she's started them again.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  3. Thanks so much for sharing this post! I really appreciate all the help promoting. I currently have a giveaway on the auction page if people would like to enter! :)


  4. I do hope everyone goes to check out the auction!

  5. You're awesome, Lauren! Good luck with the auctions.

  6. This is so awesome, and Lauren is amazing for organizing it :)


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