
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Blog Tour/ AimeeKay Review: See You In Hell by Demelza Carlton

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See You in Hell (Mel Goes to Hell) by Demelza Carlton

 Book Description:
 Hate your job? Try working in HELL! Melody Angel takes a job as a temp at the HELL Corporation. Surrounded by eternal bureaucracy gone mad, demons who love making life miserable, and dying for a decent coffee, it may take a miracle for Mel's mission to succeed. She must find out what evil plans the Lord of Lies has up his sleeve and stop him, using any means necessary. Lucifer and his minions are out to take over the world, but there's more than money at stake when the Devil drives.
Adding trouble and temptation to Mel's job is Luce Iblis, the damnably hot CEO, who has set his smouldering eyes on the new office angel and is determined to claim her, body and soul. Can ultimate evil and angelic perfection escape a limbo of desire and find a paradise of their own?
Goodreads  | Amazon

AimeeKay's Review:

Oh my God! See You in Hell is one of the funniest books I've read in a long time. I think it's an amazing beginning to what looks to be an awesome series.

Let's start with the characters. While the story is told from Melody Angel's point of view, the author did a great job of brining all the other characters to life. So much so that I got quite attached to a few of them and I really hope they make an appearance in the next book. I also loved watching the interactions between Mel and her coworkers. Especially how the demons reacted to some of Mel's less angelic features. For example: Did you know angels have sex??? Apparently demons didn't know that either. Mel herself is really sweet too. But not in an overly sappy way. She's just a nice angel. At the same time she's smart and confident and it was great fun watching her maneuver through HELLs corporate environment.

As for the story itself. I thoroughly enjoyed the premise of See You in Hell. Basically the minions of hell are running a corporation on earth that has been handling the privatization of multiple aspects of government; health care, environment, prisons etc. It's the job of Mel and her fellow angels to make sure that HELL doesn't take over earth. I think the best part of all of it is how the author kept me laughing on every page. Whether it was a simple one liner or a complex tale of alien rock lobsters, I just could not stop laughing. I have not read a book this funny in a really long time.

I definitely recommend picking this one up for the summer. The only suggestion I have is to pick up the novella prequel, Welcome to Hell. Not reading it won't detract from your enjoyment of See You in Hell, but last I checked it's still free on Amazon and so worth the added enjoyment. As for me I'm definitely giving See You in Hell 5 stars and I can't wait to see where Mel's next job takes her!

Author Bio:
Demelza Carlton has always loved the ocean, but on her first snorkelling trip she found she was afraid of fish. She has since swum with sea lions, sharks and sea cucumbers and stood on spray drenched cliffs over a seething sea as a seven-metre cyclonic swell surged in, shattering a shipwreck below.
Demelza now lives in Perth, Western Australia, the shark attack capital of the world. The Ocean's Gift series was her first foray into fiction, followed by her suspense thriller Nightmares trilogy. She swears the Mel Goes to Hell series ambushed her on a crowded train and wouldn't leave her alone.

Connect with the author:
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  1. I read another review for this just minutes ago and you both made it sound so fun and cute! The story sounds quirky and imaginative and a five-star rating is pretty much all the recommendation I need.
    Great review, AimeeKay!

    1. See you can't go wrong with a book if I'm not the only one that likes it! :)

  2. It's always an incredibly positive sign when I can become attached to the characters and, consequently, the storyline. This seems like a really fun novel, so I'll have to add it to my TBR at once! :)

    1. Just don't forget to add the prequel novella as well. :)

  3. Well, you can't get a better recommendation than this. Definitely sounds like one for the wish list.

    1. Check out the prequel. I think it's still free.

  4. LOL! I'm definitely going to have to check this one out. Big corporations really are the embodiment of Hell so that definitely works, too!

  5. I'm going to grab that prequel novella right now. I've been keeping my eye out for books that make me laugh and this sounds perfect.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  6. YAY! So glad to see you loved this one Aimeekay! Thank you so much for reading it for the blog tour!

  7. This sounds like a funny read. Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. So glad you loved this one, Aimeekay! I am starting it tonight, and I certainly need a good laugh. Who knew angels had sex?

    1. I certainly wouldn't have thought that they did! Can't wait to see what you think. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Glad you loved this one! I thought the interactions with the demons were quite enjoyable as well.

  10. So... I need to read these. I mean a heroine with the name Mel? Oh yea... so there. :D So happy you enjoyed this one! Thanks so much for reviewing it! :) I am going to read these hopefully soon!

    1. Can't wait to see what you think of them. Thanks for giving me the chance to enjoy them.

  11. AimeeKay, this sounds like such a fun read and I can just imagine Satan's minions running a corporation!

  12. I am just amazed at what a little makeup and some horns can do for a girl!! Sounds like fun, I might try that novella out to see how much fun it is. Great review!!

  13. congrats to Demelza on the new release! Looks and sounds fabulous :) Thanks for sharing!

  14. Oh it sounds like a really fun book! I love stories like that from time to time mainly when it's about hell and things like that. thanks for the review!

    1. Just to clarify, it's not so much about Hell as it is about HELL the corporation that Hell has created to take over earth.
      I still think it's really good though! :)

  15. I totally just downloaded it! No way am I passing this up. ;D

    1. Can't wait to see what you think of it! :)

  16. Replies
    1. It is cute, right? Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Considering it's about Hell trying to take over the earth I would have thought it might be darker, but it's not. As I said it was great fun to read.

  18. Thanks for all the awesome comments! Definitely check this one out!


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