
Monday, May 19, 2014

Binding the Shadows (Arcadia Bell #3) by Jenn Bennett

Series: Arcadia Bell #3
Publisher: Pocket Books
Available Now
Source: TBR pile
Renegade mage and bartender Arcadia Bell has had a rough year, but now the door to her already unstable world is unhinging. When a citywide crime wave erupts, Cady's demon-friendly tiki bar is robbed by Earthbounds wielding surreal demonic abilities that just flat-out shouldn't exist. With the help of her devilishly delicious boyfriend, Lon Butler, Cady sets out to find the people who wronged her—but her targets aren't the only ones experiencing unnatural metamorphoses. Can Cady track down the monsters responsible before the monster inside herdestroys everything—and everyone—she loves? If she survives this adventure, one thing is certain: it's last call for life as she knows it.
My thoughts:
 Ah the 3rd book in this series and I'm still loving the characters. My only suggestion to Lon is to not be so taciturn when it comes to your emotions with the ones you love. Ah, but Lon is learning and is more open with Cady and his son then he was in the beginning of the series. Yes, there is a dad involved with his family! Something you don't often see in UF. Not only that, but Cady is continually creating a tight family of her own. Seeing her family get bigger did put a smile on my face.

Of course there is action and it didn't let up until the end. Oh and that ending!! Let me just say it really isn't a cliffie, but it drops some knowledge that will make you perhaps a bit bug eyed or have to physically close your mouth. Oh can't wait to find out more about that! Luckily the next book is almost here and I have it in my hot little hands. :)

I give this book 4 1/2 stars. I really enjoy the characters in the book... especially Jupe, Lon's teenage boy. He is still the heart that holds them all together and I personally can't wait to see how he handles the revelation at the end. (*evil laugh* since I'm not telling you...) I recommend this series to those that enjoy UF with some great characters.


  1. I read the last one not knowing it was the last one, and I was at the same time happy and devastated. I love Cady and Lon, and I love that this series is about family. That is so very rare.
    I'm glad you enjoyed this one, but oh, that ending!

    1. I just found out last night that the next is the last one. *cries uncontrollably*

  2. I adored this novel, Melissa! I think it's my favorite of the series, along with the final installment, and especially the relationship progress in this installment is fantastic. Can't wait for you to pick up Banishing the Dark!(:

    1. I loved this one too. I just read the last one. So, I picked it up! :D

  3. Jupe is the best part of the series IMO. And yeah, maybe not a cliffy, but MAN that was some pretty heavy stuff to drop. I can't wait to see how the series is going to end!

    Jessica @ Rabid Reads

    1. I loved Jupe. He is just a riot! And yep... my jaw was a hangin'... :)

  4. Sounds like a winner to me which comes as a bit of a surprise as I was convinced it was going to be a long while before I found a UF that I wanted to read now, this instant.

    1. I think you will enjoy the character's interactions. :)

  5. I need to read this series Melissa! I've read 2 in her new roaring twenties series and have LOVED them, I need more of her in my hands immediately. And of course now I want to know all about this revelation at the end:) *shakes fist at you*

    1. I still need to read her 20's series. I want to so much. You will LOVE this series. LOVE!!

  6. I do love when families are active and involved in characters' lives. It just makes it more "realistic" (even in those UFs!). I haven't read this one but I liked the other two a lot -- I'm n!

    1. Oh you so need to read it! You only have 2 more books to go *sob*.

  7. I haven't heard of this series before but you definitely got me intrigued. I've read quite a few UFs but not many of them highlight the importance of families (and dads!!!) so that's probaby the number one reason I'd love to try this out!

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

    1. Oh you so need to read this one. Especially if you like UF. The characters are just fab!

  8. II will be reading this one and the last book right away. I am most anxious to find out what happens with Lon, Jupe and Cady, I think Jupe is my fav!

  9. I love love love this series! The ending (of the series) is perfect too!

    1. I know! Except it isn't perfect since it is the end. *sniff* Hate when a good series ends.

  10. I love books with action! It has been a while since I read a urban fantasy book, so I will def. put this one the reading list. And a big hooray for the dad being in the picture. :)

    Nina from J'adore Happy Endings

  11. The end, already? Well good in a a way so it does not go on and on

  12. I just LOVE this series to death that it's going to be so hard to say goodbye. Jupe is such an amazing character; I'm hoping for maybe another novella from his POV. Great review! I <3 Jenn Bennett. :)

  13. This sounds like a great series, love the family tangent since there's not a whole lot of it happening in UF from what I've read!
    P.S.: I SO should catch up with series I'm reading, lol.

  14. The action and characters def make this appealing to me esp since the love is still there deep into series

  15. Gosh dang it! I'm missing out on so many UFs! There's only 3 in this series? I can totally do that. I saw the 4th book on NG, but of course I hadn't read the previous books yet.

  16. This is one series I had thought I would skip, but I don't know, 4.5 stars is pretty darn good!

  17. I just love this series and Jupe is awesome right? I have the last one to read and it will be my next read. I can't wait to get into it.

  18. Sounds like a great UF book. Need to start this series.

  19. Great review Melissa, and I totally agree with you!

  20. This is a fav of one my reviewers. For now, for me it's a "I'm SOO going to start this series one day, I swear it!!" :-D

    Paranormal Haven

  21. I need to get caught up on my series too. That's my plan this year...maybe? lol. Great to hear. I have the first book of this series and need to get to it.


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