
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Three Little Words

Meme hosted by Melissa My World in Words and Pages. It's about books that are already on the shelves and are waiting to be read. Go to her website to join in!

My submission this week:

Three Little Words 
Fools Gold #12
by Susan Mallery
Narrator: Tanya Eby
Publisher: Brilliance Audio
Can first love turn into the real deal in a sizzling Fool's Gold story from New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery? Isabel Carlisle thinks she's cursed in the romance department. Her teenage crush, Ford Hendrix, ignored all her letters. Her husband left her for So Isabel has come home to dust off her passion for fashion and run the family bridal shop until her parents are ready to sell it. Then she'll pursue her real dreams. At least, that's the plan, until sexy, charming Ford returns and leaves her feeling fourteen all over again.... Seeing Isabel all grown up hits bodyguard trainer Ford like a sucker punch. Back when heartbreak made him join the military, her sweet letters kept him sane. Now he can't take his eyes - or his lips - off her. The man who gave up on love has a reason to stay in Fool's Gold forever - if three little words can convince Isabel to do the same....
Oh I won this one at:
and no, I haven't read the other 11. However, since they focus on one couple at a time, I don't think I'll have much problem. Plus, it is highly recommended by Felicia. If she says it's good, I'm not going to argue... she is always right. :D Plus, she just rocks.

Any good romances on your tbr?


  1. It's been a long while since I've read a Susan Mallery but, if Felicia recommended it, I'm sure this series is awesome. She has a nose for romance!

  2. Felicia always does have fantastic recommendations, doesn't she? I love series like this that focus on a different couple in each book, sometimes I like to pick and choose based on the couple and not necessarily read in order. I know you understand that my friend ;-)

  3. I have yet to read books by this author. Everyone has recommended them since they know I love romantic books.

  4. I haven't read anything by her yet and I don't read a lot of contemporary romance, but I'll be curious to see what you think of it!

    1. I don't read a lot of contemp romance either. I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy it.

  5. Ahah, my eyes almost fell out when I saw that it's #12 in the series, but you're absolutely right, these types of romance books can totally work as standalones.
    Contemporary romance isn't really my thing, but audiobooks sure are.

    1. I sometimes enjoy them. Just depends on how much angst is within the book. I don't like too much drama and I trust Felicia so I know I'm good.

  6. I like that these focus on different couples; it does seem like you can read them out of order and still enjoy the story.

  7. I love those series that read like standalones so you can jump in whenever one of the couples sounds like a win. This one sounds great, hope you enjoy it! :-) I don't have a lot of romance on my TBR right now, at least not my immediate stack. Maybe I should remedy that!

  8. This was sweet and it totally works as a standalone, enjoy!

  9. The first thing that went through my head was, "Has she read the other 11 books?" I knew you wouldn't have! I hope you enjoy this when you get a chance to read it! I am still working on an MG book called House of Secrets written by Chris Columbus and Ned Vizzini. It's good, just long.

    Happy Reading!

  10. wow book 12? I confess I don't think I knew this series.

  11. An author my mother-in-law constantly recommends to me. So far having resisted her offer to lend me any of the books I think I may well have to take the plunge.

  12. Whoops! Did I really type mother-in-law when what I meant was sister-in-law.

  13. I'm not really a romance kind of person...unless there are lots of supernatural monsters and fight scenes in it!


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