
Monday, September 30, 2013

Darkness Rises (Immortal Guardians #4) by Dianne Duvall

Series: Immortal Guardians #4
Publisher: Zebra
Published: 10/1/13
Source: From author for review
Krysta is used to getting the drop on vampires. Her "special abilities" aren't much, but the plan is simple -- she plays helpless pretty young thing to lure them in. Then her shoto swords come out and it's bye-bye, bloodsucker. Until one night she finds herself with an unexpected ally. He's a vampire, all right, but different. Mysterious. Handsome. And more interested in saving her skin than draining it. 
Étienne has been an Immortal Guardian for two hundred years -- long enough to know that Krysta is special. He can't stop thinking about her long legs, even more than her short swords. Then he discovers the vamps she's exterminating have friends in high places, and the Guardians are in danger, too. He'll have to accept Krysta's help to save them. The stakes for a mortal are high. But the cost to his heart might be higher...
This series has become one of my favorites. It is one of those PNR/UF mixes I do enjoy. In this one it is Étienne's turn at love and he finds it quite unexpectedly with a human female who has the unique ability to fight vampires and still live. She is a strong willed woman who is full of vengeance. Her brother is also unique but does not possess the ability to help her with vampire hunting. Still, he puts his life on the line every night with Krysta. Étienne and Krysta come together while fighting vampires and stumble upon an even greater threat. One that they thought they had recently eradicated.

If you have followed by reviews and posts of this series then you know I've been a fan since the first book. Oh and I think they keep getting better and better. Within this book you not only get the main story of Étienne and Krysta, but you also get hints of another pairing. You also get more of the arc of Ami's story. Plus, another arc of a mysterious group out to bring the immortals down. Although this seems like a lot, the author skillfully ties them all together as well as gives you different POVs that do not confuse, but really gather information. So in the end, despite it being 400+ pages you are left wanting the next book without any cliffies. Yes, the arcs are unfinished, but there is no cliffie in the main story. *sigh of relief*

What I also love about this series besides all the great characters is the humor. There were several times I snorted and disturbed others around me. I loved it. All the books have a dose of humor and I'm so glad this one went right along with it. Oh I am giving this one 5 stars. I was so ready for a book like this at this time. If you enjoy PNR with a good dose of UF, then do try this series. It's so much fun.

Bloggy note: Come back tomorrow for the book's birthday and read a post by the author and get a chance to win a book by the author (Predatory) and swag!


  1. One day I'll have to try this series, I think I'll love it!

  2. Ooh, this series sounds great! How have I not read it before? (Or have I and just forgotten? I hate that!) I want to meet Étienne and Krysta, though I think I might start with the first, if the characters show up in each others' books.

  3. The humor and characters make this sound like a win

  4. YAY!!!! I agree Melissa, I think this series keeps getting better as it goes as well, and I can't wait to read Etienne and Krysta! I'm excited we get hints of another pairing, though I'm sure it's not Seth like I'm secretly hoping. I can't wait for his book. Or David's. Please let us get both at some point!

    1. I do think you'll like the next couple. I didn't see that one coming. :) SO need to see a David one! :D

  5. I have been following reviews and post of this series and it only makes me realize how far behind I am. I need more hours in day to read more.

  6. Right...I was supposed to read book 1

  7. Melissa, I read this and it was my first in the series and first by the author and Squee..I loved it! My review won't post till the 18th..but I cannot wait to go back and read the others :)

  8. 5 stars?! Wow, okay this sounds like a must read series! And I LOVE when there's some good humor thrown in, so yes, definitely sounds great!

  9. These series rarely work without the humor so I'm glad this one made you laugh. I could tell as much from the author's guest post. I don't read much PNR, but this sounds like a must read.
    Great review, Mel!

  10. I have a feeling I'm going to love this series! Must get the first one immediately. I'm thrilled to hear I have a 5 star sequel to look forward to. Awesome review!

  11. Great review Melissa, I have to start reading this series!


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