
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tell Me Something Tuesday: New Adult

Tell Me Something Tuesday, a meme started by CambriaHebert, but now hosted here on Rainy Day Ramblings. It is a chance to get to know your fellow bloggers by sharing fun stuff, discussions and more. Grab the question and post your answer on your blog and link up! Have fun!

The Question:
What do you think of the New Adult category? Have you ever read a New Adult book and are there any you’d recommend?

I'm actually just starting to figure out new adult. I think it's more about the characters age and some of the content is more adult than YA. I've probably read more than I thought, but one I do believe I recognized as new adult is:

Just One Day
by Gayle Forman
A breathtaking journey toward self-discovery and true love, from the author of If I Stay
When sheltered American good girl Allyson "LuLu" Healey first meets laid-back Dutch actor Willem De Ruiter at an underground performance of Twelfth Night in England, there’s an undeniable spark. After just one day together, that spark bursts into a flame, or so it seems to Allyson, until the following morning, when she wakes up after a whirlwind day in Paris to discover that Willem has left. Over the next year, Allyson embarks on a journey to come to terms with the narrow confines of her life, and through Shakespeare, travel, and a quest for her almost-true-love, to break free of those confines.

My review is HERE and yep, I did recommend this one. I really enjoyed the story.

Any new adult recommendations?


  1. I love that story. It totally made me want to travel again! NA is getting a bad rep as being YA with sex but it's more than that (and a lot of NA doesn't have graphic sex like romance novels). I'm still on the fence about it as a whole category but, as long as it's a good story, I don't care what you call it!

    1. I'm with you... just looking for a good story. Don't care about the label. :)

  2. I tried! Seriously I gave to of them a shot: Easy by Tammara Webber and Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful, #1)by Jamie McGuire. Both were still entirely to angsty for me. I am glad that it is out there for peeps who want a little bit more sexed up YA (that was the only difference I saw between YA and NA)but it probably on a whole won't work for me.

    1. That would be two---why did my keyboard eat the w LOL

    2. It was hungry... :)

      I didn't gravitate toward those because they did sound angsty. Usually it has to have some sort of creative angle (like art...) for me to try it.

  3. Not a category I'd heard of until now. Who comes up with these labels and why?

  4. I'd say Pushing the Limits probably fit that category. I think NA doesn't have to have sex on the page, but it just has a lot more sexual tension and adult situations. I think The Vincent Boys are supposed to be in that category, but I haven't read it yet. Danny at Bewitched Bookworms reviews a lot of them. She reviewed one yesterday, Crow's Row that she highly recommended.


    1. I didn't think it did because it still seemed to be dealing with what a lot of kids deal with but many have labeled it in that category... so I defer to the consensus. I guess I'm still not automatically recognizing the category yet. :)

  5. I'm in LOVE with the New Adult genre and so excited to see it grow. :)

    1. I am curious as to the direction it will take as well. :)

  6. Have you read Easy yet Melissa? I can't remember if you have or not. I HIGHLY recommend that one, it was my first "official" NA book and I adored it. Like Heather said, I rely on Danny for a lot of my NA recommendations, and it's a genre I'm falling more and more in love with every day:)

    1. I haven't read that one, but will have to try it because you rec'd it. I also am now curious about Losing It because of you. Both are books I wouldn't have even given a second look. See what you do to me!

  7. I find it silly. If I want more mature I will read adult books. Because are they really that mature? From all the blurbs I feel not. That is why I do not like YA in the first place, immature kids and the drama

    1. That's why I don't usually read contemp YA. Yea, paranormal YA also has angst, but it doesn't bug me as much for some reason. However, I'm curious about some of the recs from the bloggy peeps I've been following.

  8. I've read several New Adult titles. Some were very good and some just oversexed, angst ridden versions of YA. I really hate the label. But I think that's just me. I like to enjoy what I enjoy without breaking it down into narrower categories like that.

    But I also understand that it may be confused with YA and the subject matter is more for older teens/adults. It just seems kind of trendy to me.

    I think the genre will grow and improve though over time.

    1. Na, it's me too. Not a huge fan of labels, but I can see how they are useful to some people.

      I think you are right, it is trendy atm, but perhaps it will grow.

  9. I'm not exactly a contemporary fan to be honest, so I'm not drawn to New Adult books. I've read a few and ADORED one or two (Raw Blue by Kirsty Eagar above all), but it's not really my genre.

    1. I'm not either, but I've read a few that have surprised me. Oh and Eagar is on the top of my want list. I should see if I can get her here now rather than just as an overseas purchase. :-/

  10. Thanks so much for doing TMST this week. I know this category is still hard for me too, there are many YA books that I read and think no way should this be considered YA like one I read last year, New Girl. I am trying to figure it out and it is not an easy task. I still need to read a Gayle Forman book. I have heard such great things about her writing.

    1. I figure if I miss a few, people will tell me. :) I probably will only label those that are obvious to me or have been advertised as such. Otherwise, I sometimes have no idea...

  11. Yeah, I'm just figuring out the whole NA thing. I was to start integrating more into my reading, because I've really liked the ones I've already read.

  12. I loved this book! Yeah, I think anything where the characters are between 18 and 25 can be called NA. I haven't read a lot that are actually categorized as that, but could be.

  13. I haven't read very many of the truly NA genre books—the ones that actively seem to market themselves that way, but I absolutely ADORED Just One Day, and it does seem to fall into that category. Glad you loved it too!


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