
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Janus Affair (Ministry of Peculiar Occurences #2) by Pip Ballentine and Tee Morris

Evildoers beware Retribution is at hand, thanks to Britain's best-kept secret agents 
Certainly no strangers to peculiar occurrences, agents Wellington Books and Eliza Braun are nonetheless stunned to observe a fellow passenger aboard Britain's latest hypersteam train suddenly vanish in a dazzling bolt of lightning. They soon discover this is not the only such disappearance... with each case going inexplicably unexamined by the Crown. 
The fate of England is once again in the hands of an ingenious archivist paired with a beautiful, fearless lady of adventure. And though their foe be fiendishly clever, so then is Mr. Books... and Miss Braun still has a number of useful and unusual devices hidden beneath her petticoats.
This is the second book within this series, with Phoenix Rising as the first. This is a delightful steampunk as was the first book. Those that have complained that some books in this genre not having enough interesting devices won't have to worry about this series. It has some fantastical and unusual machinery without being overly technical. It's just a fun fantasy ride.

Now, can you read this book first? Yes, you can. However, I do suggest that you stick to order with this series as a proper introduction (Books would be proud of me saying that) to the characters occurs in the first. You will get so much more out of the story that way.

And speaking of characters... I really enjoyed that about this book. We not only get to know even more about Eliza, but we get to know the taciturn Welly (Books). He is much more emotional in this book and that is to the stories benefit. We also get to know a lot more about his background and that he also has a bit of a romantic soul after all.

I give this story 4 stars. I enjoyed this second book in the series and I suggest it to anyone who enjoys steampunk, mysteries, detective work and fun characters. I also enjoyed what happened at the end and figured it was bloody good time (sorry, the book affects you... ) ;)
I bought this book for my own enjoyment and it was 99¢ for the ebook at the time of purchase.


  1. I do like a bit of steampunk, although I seem to be lacking in reading any recently! I have the first book of this series on my shelf so maybe that will be a good place to start!

  2. YEAH STEAMPUNK! It's been a while since I've read this genre and I miss it. Glad to know there are lots of fun devices but that they aren't overly technical because I'm utterly technologically challenged:) And look at you reading in order, I'm so proud. *sniffles*

  3. STEAMPUNK! I love this genre so much!!! I will definitely check out this book!

  4. I met Tee and Pip at AAD, and I loved them! They are so fun. I now can't wait to read their books. They are so invested in the story and you can tell.

    I'm glad to know it's not overly technical, but that would have been too much for my weee brain. :)

  5. This book sounds so great, I really want to try it, but I need to find a moment to read the first one. I don't know why but it's more difficult lol.

  6. This is right up your alley! I am so glad that you really enjoyed it :)

  7. The series that other melissa loves :)

  8. I can't believe you recommend reading the series in order. LOL! Just kidding. :)

    Sounds like a fun and delightful steampunk story. Definitely going to check this one out.

  9. Yes! Welly would be so proud of you. ;D LOL! Great! So glad to see you enjoyed this one as well. :)

  10. A bloody good ending and book, eh? My friend Maja over at Nocturnal Library reviewed this awhile back and she recommended it as well! The cover kicks ass! I want to read this...oh wait out of control TBR!

  11. Nice review, I do want to read this series, even though steampunk is not something I prefer to read.


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