
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Thread of Death by Jennifer Estep: Elemental Assassin #5.5

 (mini review for a mini book!)
Gin Blanco, aka the assassin the Spider, might have finally killed her nemesis, Mab Monroe, but that doesn't mean that it's smooth sailing. Gin goes to Mab's funeral to say her goodbyes and runs into some of Ashland's most notorious underworld power players, including Jonah McAllister and Phillip Kincaid. McAllister wants her dead, and Kincaid has his own murky motives when it comes to the Spider, and Gin once again finds herself fighting for her life. Only this time, she might wind up in the cemetery right next to Mab.

(Minor spoilage in first paragraph if you haven't read Spider's Revenge #4)

This is a short novella that fits right after Spider's Revenge and right before her upcoming book, By a Thread. It deals with her feelings about Mab's death and her role in it. It also deals with her recuperation and the aftermath of several of the city's underworld rulers. There is non-stop action and an opening that you know leads you right up to the next book. Seriously, this is a great in between novella. One that gets you a little more information as to what is going on in our heroine's head as well as... surprise surprise... Jonah McAllister and Phillip Kincaid. I really enjoyed that.

Only complaint? Not enough Owen. But then again, it isn't his book... I'm just a greedy wench and want more Owen. :D Seriously, if you love this series, you need to pick up this novella to go with it. It's currently $1.99 where you buy your ebooks. 

PS... If you are curious about the next book By a Thread, I'll have the review coming up in March and a blog post by Jennifer Estep on March 5th. There will also be a giveaway involved. Just sayin'... ;D


  1. I still have yet to read Spider's Bite!!!! And did you give that to me for my BIRTHDAY??? In NOVEMBER?! *sigh*

    1. Don't worry, I won't yell at you... I totally understand. BUT you WILL so love Owen! :)

  2. As far as I'm concerned, there's never enough Owen :-D

    Paranormal Haven

  3. I agree with the above, there's never enough Owen. I could read a whole book of nothing but Owen and still want more of him:) Can't wait to read this though, I love this series so much!

  4. GAH! I'm so full of fail because I have all the books in on shelf, I just haven't read them yet. Eeep! But it's good to know that the series is still going strong. Looking forward to that guest post and giveaway!

    1. Oh you so need to read these. Owen. *sigh* Just remember when you meet him, he is MINE! ;)

  5. Gotta read this series. Must get more info on Owen!

    1. He doesn't come in at first, but when you meet him... Hubba hubba! I really think you'd love this series. Lots of action and a kick-ass female lead!

  6. Nice mini :) Not for me though, book 1 failed to impress

  7. I'm so late with this series, I've only read the first one, but I have book 2 and 3 in my TBR pile. I'm glad it was a great novella, I hope I'll reach this one soon.

    1. Oh I love this series. I think it really rocks. Hope when you get to the next 2 you love it!

  8. I REALLY need to catch up on this series. I've only read Spider's Bite, and I remember enjoying it, but I'll probably have to do a reread before jumping into the rest of the series. Still, I look forward to reading them!

  9. Am I a sick puppy for wanting this novella just because of the graveyard in the cover background? Yeh, I'm sure...

  10. AGHHH! I need to read this series! Seriously!

  11. Not reading your review yet, I want to read it myself first! So curious to know what happens next with Gin and Owen and all.

  12. Aaaa! I still need to start this series! Okay. I'm pulling the first book and bumping it to the closest shelf of WWWWAANT reads now. That is one of the ones I'll have to get to this year. Really!

  13. Doooooood! I love Owen. And I don't care what you say, I want him. He shall be mine! *insert evil laughter here*

    I love Gin, and I had no idea there was an in between novella. Sad that Owen isn't in it more. It may not be his book, but I love him. And he loves me. Shouldn't we be together in every book?! *le sigh*


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