
Monday, January 30, 2012

In the Service of the King by Laura Kaye

 Kael, Warrior King of the Vampires, loathes the Night of the Proffering. He needs the blood of either his mate or a human virgin to maintain his strength, but hasn't enjoyed the ritual since he lost his mate centuries ago. Kael doesn't want a new companion, yet his resolve is tested when he lays eyes on his new offering, Shayla McKinnon. He is drawn to Shayla's beauty and poise...and the submission she offers. She is eager to give him anything he wishes, including her innocence, to please him. Will Kael give in to their overwhelming desire—even if it means risking Shayla's life?

This was a fun short erotica. The whole story revolves around Kael a vampire who is involved in a ritual feeding to keep him immortal and strong. Their enemy are soul eaters, vampires who have turned against tradition and rape and kill their prey in the most heinous way. He hates the feeding because it reminds him of his mate who was killed by soul eaters. Having vowed never to mate again, he is still forced in the ritual feeding as dictated by tradition and magic. Shayla is someone who was brought up with the knowledge of vampires because of her parents dealings with them and also the brutal murder of her sister by soul eaters. She is determined to do something to help the cause. If her only contribution is to keep the vampires strong through her blood, then it is enough for her.

I thought this was a very interesting set up for a paranormal erotica. I really enjoyed Kael who is brooding but caring hottie. He senses that Shayla could be "the one" but already having been in love once, he doesn't want to go through it again. This creates a bit of space for the readers to catch up to his emotions and how he could fall for Shayla. You really get a "feel" *snicker* for the handsome and tortured brute. *sigh*

I have to admit, though, I didn't feel as connected with Shayla. She just seemed a bit too nieve for me to really understand her intense anger with losing her sister. She sort of seemed all over the place to me. So, even if Shayla didn't quite ring true to me, it still didn't stop me from enjoying the short little erotica with a very big smexy scene.

I give this book 3 1/2 stars. If you are looking for a fun short vampire erotica, try this one. I think you'll enjoy it.
I was given this book by the author for my review and no compensation was given.

Btw, come back tomorrow for a bit about Kael (Yum) and a giveaway!


  1. Smexy indeed and its still not 9AM here in England which makes it far too early to be subjected to such things ..... she says laughing.

  2. Smexy Smexy! It does sounds like a fantastic short romp :)

  3. I did not know nocture had eroticas, I learn something new

    1. I'm waiting for your erotica! When are you writing that one? ;)

  4. That is a very sexy cover! *fans self* I like the concept for this one, is it going to be part of a longer series? Or just this one short? Too bad on Shayla, but Kael sounds delicious!

  5. I didn't know this one but it might be interesting. I'm not a lot into erotica for now but maybe for later.

  6. LOL! I don't know why, but that cover makes me giggle like a little school girl.

    Thanks for helping me out with the chocolate conundrum! I am going with the bittersweet. I think it's a necessity because with that much chocolate, you can't have too much sweet. It would probably ruin the cookie. :D

    1. Okay, just let me know when you are going to make it and I'll be your taste tester! :D


    What are you reading? Okay, I have to admit, that cover made me snort a bit at first, but wow! The paranormal aspect sounds very interesting and the soul eaters...super scarey!

    I can tell that I'd like Kael. He's a brute, he's a vampire and he's tortured! Yup, that is my man! Plus, you sold me with this line: If you are looking for a fun short vampire erotica, try this one.

  8. Not my type of read but still sounds good. Thanks for the review :)

  9. I'm always looking for smex. ;) Oh... That may have come out badly... Hehe!

    1. Na, don't worry... I know you ment exactly what you said... *snicker*

  10. Okay, innocent virgins have no place in erotica. Not that I'm an expert but wouldn't it be too cliche?

  11. Ooo! A harlequin title! I really love Harlequin books and I haven't heard of this one but it sounds amazing! Awesome review, Melissa! ♥ :)

    Celine @ Forget-me-not

  12. O dear, I read a nice post by the author yesterday, and had no idea it was a short erotica. It is a Harlequin! I loved the storyline.

  13. I have to confess I'm not a big one for smexy reads...I blush too easily!

  14. Mmm, spicey! :D lol.

    I have to say I love the new header too.


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