
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Character Profile of Yummy Vampy Man by Author Laura Kaye with Giveaway!

Character Profile: Meet Kael MacQuillan 

Are you a reader who just loves heroes? If so, we have a lot in common, and I’ve got a treat for you today! Get prepared to get up close and personal with the hero of my dark erotic vampire romance, IN THE SERVICE OF THE KING, which releases February 1 from Harlequin Nocturne.
This images inspired Kael and belongs to cover artist Tricia Schmitt.

1. Where is Kael from?

Kael is from the north of Ireland. He lives on his ancestral estate, Dunluce Castle, in County Antrim, on the cliffs overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. The castle was largely destroyed in a battle with the evil Soul Eaters centuries ago, so the vampires now live in a massive hidden underground bunker built into the cliffs below.

2. How old is Kael?

Seven hundred years and counting!

3. What is Kael called?

As a vampire with an ancient royal heritage, Kael has a long list of titles: Kael the Fair, Warrior King of the Vampires, Chieftain of Clan MacQuillan. He dislikes them all, hating the pomp and circumstances surrounding him as a person, even though he understands the need for it among his people.

4. What does Kael look like?
Oh, man, I’m so letting Shayla handle this one. Here’s her first impression: “God, she’d barely been able to breathe when she’d first laid eyes on him. He was the most fascinating man she had ever seen. The vibrant deep green of his eyes was surreal. Dim lighting seemed to reflect out of them and, like an animal’s eyes, they glowed and flashed. His amazing mane of bronze hair hung down over his shoulders, and a braid with green, red, blue and clear stones tied back the hair on one side of his head, revealing the incredible angularity of his masculine face. His brow was strong, pronounced, and his cheekbones were high and sharp. His square jaw framed a mouth so full and expressive her own mouth filled with saliva at the thought of getting to taste him.”

5. What kind of childhood did he have?

Kael has always lived the life of a warrior and a leader to his people. That’s all he knows, all he remembers.

6. What does Kael do for a living?

Kael is one of the seven remaining vampire kings in the world. He is the leader of his people and one of a small but powerful band of warriors fighting the evil Soul Eaters, addicted vampires that steal human souls by draining their victims’ bodies of blood, then eating their hearts.

7. How does Kael deal with conflict and change?

Kael is stubborn and proud, often using his duties to his people and the war as a reason to deny himself. But he’s also a man who once gave his heart over to love, and lost it in a tragic attack on the castle centuries before. Together, all of this makes him resist change.

8. What special powers does Kael have?

Kael possesses vampiric speed and strength, the ability to mesmerize or charm, superior sight, hearing and smell, and telepathy under certain circumstances.

9. Does Kael have a romantic interest in anyone?

Kael feels taunted by his desire for Shayla McKinnon, one of the human Proffered put forward to service the needs of the vampire elite. He’d rather starve than have to make use of these young women, but he requires the blood of either a mate or a human virgin to maintain his immortality and his humanity. Shayla surprises him and overwhelms him, making him want things he thought he’d never want again.

10. Will we get to see Kael in any of the other books in the series?

It’s possible! So far, there are two stories in the Vampire Warrior Kings series, with more on the way. As the war against the Soul Eaters escalates, there’s more and more chance the remaining kings will come together to fight the Big Bad!
So, I hope you enjoyed this sneak peek into In the Service of the King’s warrior hero, Kael McQuillan. Please leave a question for Kael or his author lady—we’d both be glad to tell you more!
Thanks for reading!
Laura Kaye & Kael MacQuillan


To celebrate her new release, Laura is giving away one e-copy of In the Service of the King at each stop on her New Release Tour, 1/30 – 2/15! In addition, all commenters from across the tour will be entered to win a prize bag filled with swag and various vampire items, perfect for the vampire lover! 
RULES: Must leave e-mail address and if from U.S. in comment. Ebook prizes open to international; prize bag to U.S. only. Giveaway on this blog for the ebook will end on Feb. 6

About In the Service of the Kings 
Book 1 in the Vampire Warrior Kings Series 
Harlequin Nocturne Cravings

Kael, Warrior King of the Vampires, loathes the Night of the Proffering. He needs the blood of either his mate or a human virgin to maintain his strength, but hasn't enjoyed the ritual since he lost his mate centuries ago. Kael doesn't want a new companion, yet his resolve is tested when he lays eyes on his new offering, Shayla McKinnon. He is drawn to Shayla's beauty and poise...and the submission she offers. She is eager to give him anything he wishes, including her innocence, to please him. Will Kael give in to their overwhelming desire--even if it means risking Shayla's life? 

About Laura Kaye

Voted Breakout Author of the Year in the 2011 GraveTells Readers’ Choice Awards, Laura is the bestselling and award-winning author of a half-dozen books. Hearts in Darkness is a finalist for the EPIC eBook Award for Best Novella, Forever Freed won the NJRW Golden Leaf Award for Best Paranormal of 2011, and North of Need, the first book in the Hearts of the Anemoi series, was named GraveTells’ Best Book of 2011 and won their 5-STAR Gold Heart Award, and won Sizzling Hot Read of the Year at Sizzling Hot Books. Laura lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.


  1. _not an entry_

    Mmm, that it a hottie pic :D I love it. I can't say no to a man in a kilt

  2. Um. Kael can mesmerize and charm me any day! Aside from staring (and drooling) at him, I would most likely just want to hear him talk so I can listen to that delicious accent. He wouldn't mind just talking incessantly right? While shirtless? Really looking forward to this series!

  3. Thanks so much for hosting me here at Books and Things today!

    And thanks to Blodeuedd and Jenny for kicking off the comments! Jenny--you totally made me laugh! :)

  4. I would love to hear Kael's accent. Great picture. I really like men in kilts. Can't wait to read In The Service Of The King. Why didn't Kael fix the damaged castle?


    1. Ooh, yes, I agree! The devastation was so total and the threat still intense enough that they went underground, plus Kael was deep in grief for a long time. Really fun question! :)

  5. Hi Laura! Congrats on the new release, the book sounds great. Your book sounds so unique, the proffered women is something very cool and different. I can't wait to read these stories.
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

  6. Oh, Melissa! I love you! You made this giveaway just for me right? Because you know I LOVE vampires, and now I couldn't imagine anything better than a vampire in a kilt! *dies*

    Kael is delicious. Why, oh why couldn't I have been born a Proffered? Why is life so unfair? Thanks so much for this giveaway!

    1. opps, reading about Kael turned my brain into mush, so much that I forgot to mention I'm in the US and I'd like to enter: missie at

    2. LOL Thanks so much for commenting, Missie! I'm glad Kael has the power to turn your brain to mush! ;)

    3. I knew you'd jump on Kael... uh I mean at a chance to win! ;)

  7. Kael sounds like a very interesting character, thanks for introducing him to us! And a Irish vampire, What more can we ask for?

  8. I liked reading about Kael. And let me tell you, that picture would inspire me too... and I'm not a writer!

    Tracey D
    booklover0226 at gmail dot com

  9. That Picture At The Top.....SHOULD BE FRAMED!

    He totally could be in my man harem :)

    Really----I will make a spot for him :)

  10. LOL @Tracey and @Felicia! Tricia does incredible work, doesn't she? VERY inspiring. Ahem.

    Thanks for the comments!

  11. Love the cover and the hot highlander! I like to read that book!

  12. The call of my heritage is vying with the sexiness of that artwork. Wowee! Irish and a vampire? It's like you were writing just for me Laura. Have got to wittle down the TBR pile so I can justify buying this one ASAP. ;)

    -- Rhianna
    always.andnever AT gmail DOT com

    1. I'd be happy to write just for you any time, Rhianna! :)

  13. So in love with Kael. Can't wait to read this series. Thanks for the chance.

  14. Well Felicia is going to be in trouble if Mel hears that she's trying to mess with her harem... Just sayin. *learned my lesson* ;)

    While everyone is drooling... I think I'm going to sneak right in and just rub up against the man candy! Is licking against the rules? See Jenny and I have this Lick List... and- oh! I was getting ready to be extremely inappropriate, don't mind me!

    1. LOL...ooh, you're a sneaky one, aren't you? Licking is okay, I suppose, just be sure to clean up after yourself. *snort*

  15. That girl in the comment above me is extremely inappropriate. lol.. love ya Ashley!

    Seriously, that image up there is so ... so.. sigh. I need to read this book. An Irish vampire... yeah. >:D

    loveofbooks-blog [at] yahoo [dot] com

    1. Tricia is a genius. Seriously. She also did one of my covers (a contemporary called HEARTS IN DARKNESS) and designs covers for a lot of big-name houses now. Ees goood. ;)

  16. Kael sounds like he'd be a hard sell for a romance particularly with a human girl like Shayla. Sounds like an awesome read. That inspiration pic for Kael is a nice blood warmer on this cold winter day.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
    US resident

    1. Ha! So true, Sophia Rose! Thanks for commenting!

  17. Harlequin Nocturnes were what got me started down the path of paranormal and the sound of an Irish Vamp- delish!
    GFC- Lisa Richards


    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

    1. Aw, your animal is soooo cute! :)

      Glad to hear you're already a Nocturne reader, Lisa! Awesome!

  18. Oh my oh my! I love this 'young' man we have here. Sounds like he's...experienced. lol.

    Love what I'm hearing. Great character interview. Thank you!!

    1. Squee! Thanks for your awesome comment, glad you're liking what you're seeing so far! :)

  19. Very, very hot description of Kael!

    You've outdone yourself yet again, Melissa, with the new background & header!

  20. Dang Laura, the water sprinklers went off in my mouth when Shayla described Kael, lol. I'd let him suck my blood or anything else he wanted anytime ;-) *Evil grin*

    Lovin' the tour, sunshine lady!

    Gena Robertson

  21. Gosh that picture is hot!!!! Please definitely enter me in the contest, love vampires and swag! (located in the us)

  22. I really want to read this book. It sounds awesome. Please enter me in contest.

  23. I cannot wait to read this of course I hope to win

  24. @Victoria and @Kimberly--good luck! and thanks for commenting!

  25. That is fun, reading a blog post about Kael, after reading another about Shayla yesterday. I do like both names.
    My question: does Kael have friends among the other vampire Kings?

    1. Thanks Aurian! The seven reining vampire kings do know one another, and occasionally meet. But Kael is even closer with the vampires immediately under his command. Fun question!

  26. After falling in love with Owen in NoN, bet this is going to be another winner. Love Laura's heroes!! You had me at #4.... :p

    1. LOL! Yes, #4 is gooooood. Thanks for the hero love! :)

  27. I have to agree with all the peeps above, that's a really nice pic!
    and just so I know when I'm reading, how is the name Kael pronounced? I know it might sound strange but I like to hear the names in my head when I read lol:D bells DOT franco AT gmail DOT com (US)

    1. Hi Bella! I completely understand on the name thing! The phonetic spelling of the name is /kayl/ - the 'e' is silent and the 'a' long. Enjoy the pic!

  28. I like warrior alphas no matter what kind they are. Vamp, shifter, fae...maybe not zombie . This story appeals to me on all levels ;)
    sstogner1 at gmail dot com


    1. Yay, Sharon! Glad to hear!

      I'm really enjoying your questions everyone!

  29. Kali Skittles

  30. Great blog post and thanks so much for this generous giveaway opportunity too!!! =)
    Valerie Long - USA (Topeka, KS)

  31. I love everything I've heard about this book! Ireland, castles, vampires, heroic alpha male, strong and smart heroine, vampires :) Congrats to Laura on this release. She definitely crafts a hot hero!

    mljfoland AT hotmail DOT com

  32. A man who is stubborn and resists change makes a satisfying hero especially when you see the changes he undergoes in a story.

    Thank you for the chance to read your book.
    I'm entering for the ebook.


  33. Um, I love that top picture! I'd serve him, but I'm not a virgin anymore. I'd be weird if I was. But wow, he's impressive!

    I can't review your book on my blog so I don't feel like it's fair to enter, but wow. Sounds like it has a plot! Good luck!


  34. I'm really enjoying all your comments everyone! Thanks for all the love for Kael and for Tricia's wonderful art work! :)

  35. How dreamy! And the Irish accent would put it over the top for me!

  36. The story sounds really good. Cant wait to read it.
    areeths at new dot rr dot ocm

  37. Great character interview! The book sounds very good.


  38. Wow, Kael sounds sexy and sweet all at once. Love it.

    US resident.

  39. Thanks for all your comments, guys! I'm enjoying reading every one!

  40. I enjoyed this post!! I cant wait to read more!!
    I know this giveaway is over but still want to comment!!! <3 <3 <3

    Samantha dacier USA

    1. Only the ebook portion. The swag giveaway is still going on!

    2. That's right Melissa! Continue following the tour everyone for a chance at the vampire gift set! :)

      Thanks so much for hosting me, Melissa, and thanks everyone for all the wonderful comments!

  41. Laura, Is the picture of the man in the kilt Kael as well? Either way that pic is super hot. Gotta love a man in a sexy kilt.
    I'm in the US
    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com


Thanks for commenting! I ❤ comments!