
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Changeling Dawn by Dani Harper


Shadow and moonlight merge beneath her bare feet,
the forest floor blurring as she flees the dogs and torches. Werewolf, monster -- those are the names given her kind by the humans who hate them.


Kenzie Macleod has spent her whole life hiding what she is, and she’s not about to open up to any man, even one as powerfully attractive as wildlife expert Josh Talarkoteen. But legend says that a Changeling cannot escape the call of her true mate, even in the wilderness of backcountry Alaska.


An isolated archeological site, a terrified Changeling cub, a secretive research center -- as Kenzie and Josh face the ultimate betrayal, his obsidian eyes promise untold pleasure and hint at dark secrets of his own . . .
This is the third book in the Macleod Changeling series. It can be read on it's own as a stand-alone. However, I suggest you get the first two books, Changeling Moon and Changeling Dream (my reviews linked) because they all rock. This one rocks as well, and I swear Dani has me as a fan. I just want to know if she might have a secret knowledge of these changelings and could she introduce me to one... especially if it is a Macleod? ;)

Ah, but back to this book. In this book we become very familiar with Mackenzie (Kenzie) the youngest girl of the family. She is a loner and with good reason. She was terrified as a small girl and kept that terror with her as she grew up. So, with every good PNR, she is given a chance at love not with one she would have chosen, but one she needed to choose. One that could heal her soul as well as her heart. 

But Kenzie was not just given one chance at redemption, but two. One comes in the form of a little girl who reminds her of her past, another is in the form of a man... a HUMAN man who also carries his own soul scars. So the question becomes if all (especially Kenzie) can open themselves up to heal the wounds of the past and what is to come in this adventure. 

Oh can you tell that I just loved this book? Kenzie is no shrinking violet either. Very strong and determined. Plus, the secondary characters also rock. I swear if you love PNR, you must pick up this whole series. You will fall in love with this family of changelings as much as I have! I give this book 5 stars. I was so in the mood for a good shifter PNR and it so fit the bill!
I received this ARC from the author an no compensation for my review was given.

PS. I also have to say that Dani donated money to Polar Pug Rescue when I was running the Puppies Birthday Giveaway to support the contest! She has adopted pugs from this group as well.  I just had to let you know how much this author rocks! Thanks Dani!


  1. Liking the sound of this, I'm off to add all three books to my wish list, thanks Melissa.

  2. I love books that ROCK! :) Great review & I can really tell you loved this one. :)

  3. the main character sounds very intersting, I'm so glad you liked it so much. I have the second book in my TBR pile so I really need to buy the first one to try this series.

  4. I like that she donated when you had that contest :) I love authors like that

  5. She just earned a fan for life! Seriously going to buy all 3 books since she freaking has pugs. Plus the books sound totally up my alley and well I don't need much pushing to buy books LOL

    1. LOL *push* ;)

      I really think you'll enjoy these. The romance is so good!

  6. OMG! I just finished book one last night, and I read an except of CD yesterday!

    I can't wait to read James' story. I bet it's gonna break my heart! Also, I've been pretty curious about Kenzie. I haven't met her yet, only heard about her, but looks like she is a kick-ass chick!

  7. I loved Changeling Dream so I am looking forward to reading this one too.

  8. She writes great PNR AND donated to a worthy cause? - I'm impressed with this author!

  9. You just made me move the first book in the series higher up to February! Thank you for the awesome review and HELLO she donates to pug rescue?!?!?!?! I'm a fan now and I haven't started her books yet!

    1. Oh you will love these books. Plus she is so sweet! I am such a fan and I'm waiting on her to send me a Macleod! ;D

  10. This sounds like a great book that I can totally get into! Sweet review :)

    1. Oh you will LOVE the romance in these stories Savvy! Seriously!

  11. I want it, I want it, I want it!!!! More than that- I want time to READ it when I get it!

  12. Oh I remember your reviews of the first two books. They do sound really good. :) Thank you!!


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