
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Book Boyfriend

Surrender the DarkMy book boyfriend is Azrael from Surrender the Dark by L.A. Banks. He has come to earth to look for the one he is to protect. So, everything here is new to him. He is sweet when he is upset by all the harm we do to each other rather than good. The newness also gives him a bit of vulnerability. He is fiercely protective, loyal, and has a good heart. You might think... well... duh! He IS an angel! However, while in this realm he is also influenced by the same vices we are and has free will to chose evil.  (My review for the book)

He is also handsome and rocks a great set of dreads. There was always one person I thought of who had the best looking dreads I'd ever seen... that was Keith Hamilton Cobb. I can see him as Az. He is pretty darn sexy and has that boyish look about him that would go so well with being an angel. Unfortunately, he cut them all off a long time ago. Still.. *sigh* I like this look. ;)

I think he makes a nice addition to my book man harem. Don't ya think? ;D


  1. Oh he is purdy!!! He also sounds like such a great guy. Nice addition to your harem Melissa :)

  2. YAY! great pick!! I love him too hehe =D

  3. I shudder to think how much such a harem might cost you...and I am not especially fond of fallen angels...

  4. Ooh! Azrael sounds so dreamy :D I am not very fond of angels, but this guy sounds perfect!

  5. Azrael sounds 1) DREAMY and 2) Keith Freaking Hamilton Cobb (oh YUM)! I watched him from back in his soap days, then with Kevin Sorbo, and then....

    Oh dreamy, yummy, got to get me some Azrael!

  6. *melts into a pile of goo once known as Missie*

    Holy Wow! Keith is beautiful... and buff!

    Oh! Now I can't wait to read Surrender the Darkness. I already thought the cover was hot, but now it seems even more inciting with Keith in my head as Azrael.

    Very nice addition indeed!

  7. I think he makes a fabulous addition to your harem. Look at that arm, it's just hanging out there, pretty much begging me to pet it. Whoa. Did I say that out loud?

  8. Give me a hottie angel anytime!

    Great choice!

    I did a WOW today if you want, come by and check it out:

    Whatcha Waitin' For?

  9. And just who is Keith Hamilton?! My goodness, I think I must find out.

  10. @anachronist... He's not fallen. ;)

    @Felicia... my fellow sci-fi tv geek! :D

    @Stephanie... Andromeda was the name of the sci-fi show he was on. He also played in a soap. One of the few years I watched soaps in the summer. :)

    *hands out drool bibs to everyone* ;D

  11. Yummy! That's definitely a man who can get away with vests! :)

  12. Adorable and I'm sure he still looks great without the dreads!

  13. Although I never watched the show seem to recall the actor and his dreads on commercials for Andromeda, although for me he is reminiscent of the "Predator" (because of the dreadlock hair only) from movies nice eyes and that muscular arm has a matching twin that would hold one nicely am sure Melissa!

  14. Hmmm. And I have this book on my shelf now so I can read it. I'm going to have to check him out. :) Thanks!

  15. I used to love Lenny Kravitz's dreads <3


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