
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ann Summerville Author Guest Post

Thanks, Melissa for inviting me today.

I love to both read and write cozy mysteries, especially ones based in England where I spent my childhood.  The second book in the Lowenna series, High Tide was published this year. Those who have read A Graceful Death, will be familiar with the characters in High Tide.  

In High Tide, Giovanna Matthews settles happily into the English west country village of Lowenna, but a storm is about to rock her world. Distressing the ladies from the knitting circle, a body drifts in with a high tide. Unconvinced the death is an accident, Gia leaves no pebble unturned while sleuthing her way around the village. Her delving further disrupts village life much to the distress of many villagers who want every rock to stay firmly in place. Meanwhile, her boyfriend, David, has an unwelcome visitor who threatens to unravel the bonds that tie him and Gia. Can Gia solve the mystery and encourage the visitor to leave before her anchor in the village is uprooted and she too is cast out to sea?

Cozy mysteries are best read while sipping Earl Gray tea.
Ann Summerville


  1. I am new to cozy mysteries. High Tide seems like an intriguing book! I will follow the author's advise of drinking Earl Gray tea :)

  2. Like Misha, I'm fairly new to this whole genre but will certainly look this up - the earl gray tea I'll pass on though.

  3. I totally agree that cozy mysteries are read best when curled up with a throw and some hot tea! Great Guest Post!

  4. I haven't read too many cozy mysteries, but I think maybe I need to change that! I would be a miserable sleuth, I lack any sort of stealthiness or crime-solving creativity, so I think I'll enjoy reading about people who are way better at it than I would be:)

  5. Yeah, I'm not familiar with the cozy mystery genre at all. I think it would be fun to explore, especially if a cup of Earl Gray was waiting for me. ;)

  6. I do like tea :) and I really should explore cozy mysteries more

  7. I'm not familar with this type of book but its does sounds great. Plus I do like tea!

  8. I love tea, but I'd have to sip some sort of herbal tea or green tea myself. :) Tea and books. Perfect.

  9. I shall try the Earl Gray tea next time :)

  10. Oooo, I like how you have a tea all picked out for the book. :) Is there a different tea for different books? Great post! Thank you!

  11. Earl Grey tea is good with any kind of book, I can imagine. Throw in some shortbread or chocolate crisps and that's a lovely couple of hours.


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