Yep, still Netflix-ing. 😎 Yep, still keeping it cool...
dude? LOL
Well, I found out that Buffy, The Vampire Slayer is about to get the axe from it's queue April 1 (wait, could that be a joke?) so I've been watching "Once More With Feeling" because it was one of my fave eps and when I get stressed sometimes I just put it on for a laugh. Well, I knew parts of the show was missing but I figured that they got the shortened versions (I hate when that happens but what are you going to do?) and just showed that. I've noticed it with other shows on there. Well, after the announcement I started that ep up and guess what? The FULL version was playing. So, does that mean that they have been editing shows? I know it was speculated but most people figured as I did and they got the shortened versions. Now I wonder if that was true... so...
WTF Netflix?
Here is the thing... most of us can deal with edited versions, even if we don't like it, if we are told that is what we are getting. Avoiding the confrontation (I'm guessing) will only lead to those of us now not trusting that anything not produced by them may not be the full version of anything.
👆 Well, not the finger I was looking for but then again, I guess it is edited like the rest. 😏
Still, despite this problem I have been trying to catch up with Supernatural.
I've completed S1 and S2 so far. Should be easy now that I know I'm not getting everything. Yea, I know I'm probably the last one to get to the show but for some reason I just didn't catch when it came on. Love the classic rock theme (it really fits) and doesn't Dean and Sam remind you just a bit of Bill and Ted? Perhaps it is more the hair but I keep thinking of that movie. LOL
I have tried Once Upon a Time but just haven't gotten into this one yet. It may take a few more eps.
Bloggy Note:
For those that gave me good wishes last week, I thank you so much! My big boy had a small injury on his paw which I thought was under control, but then he decided to dig into his paw when I was sleeping (sneaky!) and it ballooned up with infection overnight. It still hurts, he just finished a round of antibiotics and his paw is continued to be soaked in salt and epsom salts. It looks so much better but it is still tender. The vet likes how it is progressing. My other pup has had a few good days but I still hate the bad days. I know she is having a good day when she bosses the boy around. LOL
Again thanks for the well wishes. I also needed the week since if one wasn't wanting attention, the other one was demanding it. Still doing that, but it doesn't feel as critical.