
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Shadow Touched (1-4) by Erin Kellison

Series: Shadow Touched #1-4
336 p.
Publisher: Lyrical Press
Published: 1/5/16
Source: From author and NetGalley for review
*Shadow Touched is Ellie and Cam's complete story, previously released as Shadow Touch, Shadow Play and Shadow Hunt, ending in the thrilling conclusion, the previously unreleased Shadow Burn. 
A darkness looms over humankind, lurks in mirrors, blurs boundaries—a twilight world ruled by powerful mage Houses... 
It is bleeding into our world, bringing with it banshees, wraiths, fae from the twisting forests of Twilight. But Eleanor Russo’s problem is a very different kind of phenomenon. Her dark mirror image is a wild thing, willfully seducing the very man Ellie hoped could help her. 
Dr. Cam Kalamos has devoted his career to exploring the boundaries between this world and Twilight. But nothing could prepare him for the mischief and mayhem of a soul split in two. 
As Ellie and Cam explore their deepest desires and barely escape with their lives, there is only one certainty: Trusting in shadows is a dangerous game.
I think that this series is best when you have already read the Shadow series first so it really establishes the world for you. Shadow Touched series is really an offshoot of the Shadow series and I'm thinking you probably want me to stop saying "shadow" about now. ;) Seriously though, the first series should not be missed and really sets you up for this book. This one has all the books of the offshoot including the latest book, Shadow Burn. I did read the first 2 books previously (review for those here ) but reread them since it had been awhile. These are fun novella length stories so you should easily go from one book to the next. Plus, they are all here in one book! WIN!

It was easy for me to slip back into this world. I had forgotten much of the first book but quickly caught up. I was captivated with the last 2 stories I hadn't read. This is Ellie and Cam full story and even though the books are short, they pack a full punch. You are not wanting for a longer book to fill in the storyline. You may want one longer only so you can stay in this world, but not needing more plot or answers. I also liked how in the end some of the roles are a bit reversed with our couple and more insight into the other is gained. The last story ends in a satisfying way and I'm only sad because it was so complete we probably won't get more of this couple

I give this book 4 1/2 stars. It is a fun book which needs to be read by Shadow fans. You can dive in without reading the first series but I highly recommend that series so don't skip it. PNR and UF fans should also like this adult series.


  1. Replies
    1. You might like them. They do have a fantasy element to it.

  2. Yay for all the novellas being in one place Melissa! I've grown to love binge reading when it comes to a series, so this is perfect for me:)

    1. I know! I loved this one. I enjoyed the first two books and was stoked that this one had the last two!

  3. I haven't heard of this series but I love novellas.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  4. Isn't it great when you can easily slip back into a world, to find yourself so totally immersed.

  5. I really need to pick up this series, you make it sound like so much fun!

    1. It is! But read the Shadow series first. Establishes the world here.

  6. I'm glad you enjoyed! I remember hearing about these and maybe one day I can get to them!

  7. "You are not wanting for a longer book to fill in the storyline. You may want one longer only so you can stay in this world" << this is good feedback as shorties are kinda tricky. It's usually lacking in certain things, good to know that it'll leave readers wanting for more.

    That said, I think I didn't like the first one so I didn't continue on with the series...

    1. Sometimes UF has to kind of grow on you. Did you try the Shadow series first or the first book in this series. Might make the difference.

  8. Oh this sounds good..but the idea of having to read the other series first, means it needs to get in line behind some of the other series I need to start and finish first..I am started Black Dagger Brotherhood this month..LOL and working on Psy-changeling and Chicagoland Vampires. I am so behind!

    1. I know what you mean. At least these tend to be short. GAH! I'm so behind on the BDB series and I haven't even started the others although they are on my must read list.

  9. I love when you can just slip back into the story! Sounds like a great one!

  10. Maybe. But well in that it would be first the other ones if so. the name doesn't ring abell so I don't think I know the series not the author.

  11. A fun read and easy world to jump into sounds great

  12. So many series, so little time..although it does sound good! Maybe someday :) Glad you enjoyed!

  13. I still need to read the first part of this world. I think I have a few of those on my shelf waiting for me.

  14. Sucks when you don't remember the first book but it's nice when the second helps you remember easily.

  15. I haven't read anything by Erin Kellison before, but this series still sounds interesting. Good to see you still enjoy this world!


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