
Monday, January 18, 2016

RIP, Music, Crafts, and Martin Luther King Jr. Day

What is with the end of last year and the beginning of this one? I've noticed that a lot of people have lost family members (so much ((HUGS)) if you need it even if you haven't lost someone, I'm sure you know someone who has so you might need one anyway) and we have lost some great talent. Natalie Cole, Lemmy from Motorhead, David Bowie and Alan Rickman. The ones that were male and seemed to be 69 (Lemmy JUST turned 70). So surreal. We need more creativity and love in this world right now, not less. So, grim reaper... knock it off!

I think this was the best tribute to David Bowie. It was done 2 years ago, but Chris Hadfield dedicated it to him recently. Yes, if you didn't know... that is space and Chris is a real astronaut aboard the International Space Station for the vid.

...and one done by that babe with power all grown up:

This was shot while filming his own show: "Lessons Learned"

Braine of TalkSupe is getting crafty book bloggers together. If you would like to join (the deets are still being worked out) then contact her. Just goto her blog, TalkSupe for contact information. :)

With what has been going on in politics these days I think it is a good thing to take time to honor someone who was trying to do good for everyone. 

I hope you have a great day filled with love and a lot less loss. ♥︎


  1. I admit, this is the first time I cried. But I watched the first video and cried a bit. I have kind of distanced myself I think, I just can't hardly handle all of the sad that's happening lately.
    I've been thinking about Martin Luther King Day since the kids don't have school and I don't know what they are taught about it so I plan to sit down and chat with them about it and what it means and why it's important. And yes, I'll probably cry, because I always do when I think of these things like inequality and the sad history of our past.

    1. I think it was so fitting. Perfect tribute. I'm glad you are teaching your kids. I learned more about history from my parents than I did in school.

  2. Hopefully this new week will lead to something better.

    It's been a rough start to 2016

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  3. It is always sad when we love such talented beloved people.

  4. This is such a beautiful and sad post. But I love the whole thing. <3

  5. Such a sad start to the year. Great tribute post.

  6. Dude, and just today Glenn Frey died. He was 67. Crazy.

  7. And today with the Eagles' guitarist. :/ Hope things improve, soon!

  8. Thanks you, Melissa!

    Yes, I felt AR's death the most only because I've been a fan! He is a thespian, his craft is truly incomparable.

  9. OMG LABYRINTH!!!! Quite possibly the best movie ever. I need to go watch it again immediately. 2016 has definitely started out in a brutal way, so here's hoping the rest of the year gives us a break!

  10. It's been a rough year for loss for sure. Goodness.

  11. It has been a tough beginning to 2016... sad to see these greats leave us. Awesome post!

  12. Thanks for this post Melissa. Though it's started out bad for public figures, I'm hoping personally 2016 will be better than 2015. I love your MLK quotes!

  13. A fabulous tribute, doll! 2016 definitely started out bumpy but, now that Mercury is out of retrograde, hopefully things will settle down. Rickman...*sobs* Bowie...*sobs* Lemmie. Man.


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