
Friday, January 15, 2016

Lion Heart by A. C. Gaughen

Series: Scarlet #3 (series ender)
348 p.
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens
Published: 5/19/15
Source: Library
The eagerly-awaited conclusion to the Scarlet trilogy delivers another action-packed and romance-filled adventure. 
Scarlet has captured the hearts of readers as well as the heart of Robin Hood, and after ceaseless obstacles and countless threats, readers will finally find out the fate of the Lady Thief. 
Imprisoned by Prince John for months, Scarlet finds herself a long way from Nottinghamshire. After a daring escape from the Prince's clutches, she learns that King Richard’s life is in jeopardy, and Eleanor of Aquitaine demands a service Scarlet can’t refuse: spy for her and help bring Richard home safe. But fate—and her heart—won’t allow her to stay away from Nottinghamshire for long, and together, Scarlet and Rob must stop Prince John from going through with his dark plans for England. They can not rest until he’s stopped, but will their love be enough to save them once and for all?
My thoughts:

I was so bummed when I missed this one for review. It took me a while to get this one but I made sure my library would have it so I could read it.  I knew this was the ending book to the trilogy and ending books tend to disappoint me a lot. With this book, I have to say I was not disappointed and I would gladly choose to read the trilogy again. Yes, this one is great for the permanent collection.

We ended tragically with the second book so I knew we were in for a lot in the beginning of this book. I had forgotten quite a bit but it all came back as some of her injuries were accounted in several of the pages. Her injuries were both things that tried to destroy her but some of them made her stronger. It should be noted that she does struggle somewhat with those injuries so it does make her power seem more real and strong in the end.

I loved the light parts of the book. You almost didn't expect them to happen with all the dark that surrounds Scarlet. The ending was fulfilling but the impact it intended wasn't quite as strong. Still, I wouldn't want the ending any other way. The author's notes at the end tells where history is real and where she deviated from it. I think those that like to know how much history involved will enjoy those notes.

I give this book 4 stars. It is a solid ending to a great trilogy. I recommend it to those that love historical fiction, fantasy, and retellings. I think that older YA as well as adults will really enjoy this tale.


  1. It's great that so manythings happen and that you didn't expect them. I should try this series!

  2. I adored this trilogy, just so much fun and I love all the history mixed in with the romance and twists to the original story. Glad you enjoyed the ending, it really was one that ended nicely and realistically for a change, even if I did want the bad guy to have gotten more coming to him than he did. ;)

    1. I agree. :) Still, I think she had fun with the history of it all.

  3. This sounds like a wonderful trilogy but one that definitely needs to be read in order. I'm so glad you weren't disappointed by it.

  4. Glad to hear that this one exceeded your expectations and didn't disappoint!

  5. I liked this one, but I remember being a bit disappointed with the ending. Still it was a fun series, and I am glad I got to read it.

    1. I didn't go over the moon but I'm more ready to be disappointed with ending books. I think that sets me up to be pleasantly surprised. :)

  6. I've wanted to read this series for so long! I know I have the first book somewhere lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  7. Nice! I'm like you. The ending ones are so iffy. That's great that it turned out to be a good one :D And yay for the library!

  8. I haven't heard of this trilogy at all. I am glad it was a solid ending for you. The fact you would read it again is very telling. Great Review!

    1. Oh I do like retellings. If you like this lore, I say try it!

  9. There's a few series enders that I've been procrastinating on reading. It's hard to say goodbye much less if the author is going to end it well. I'm glad this ended well :)

  10. Lol not for me, Robin needs his Marianne :)

  11. I love when a trilogy actually ends in a satisfying way.

  12. I loved this series. A kickass heroine and a wonderful blend of historical facts and fiction. I really, really wanted Prince John to die at the end, but alas the author took the high road and stuck to the historical facts. I can't wait to see what A.C. Gaughen does next.

  13. I was sadly never able to get into this series but it's one I want to revisit and try to pick up again so I'm glad to see you enjoyed its conclusion! Fantastic review!

  14. Such a great series. Loved the writing, loved the characters. Hope this author keeps writing!

  15. You have me curious about what happened at the end of the second book! Sounds like it was wrapped up well!

  16. Oh! I just started this series. I liked Scarlet; it was very entertaining. I'm glad to see that other books in the series are good too!


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