
Friday, January 30, 2015

Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs

Series: Mercy Thompson #3
287 p.
Publisher: Ace
Published: 1/2/08
Source: tbr pile
"I could smell her fear, and it satisfied something deep inside me that had been writhing under her cool, superior gaze. I curled my upper lip so she could get a good look at my sharp teeth. I might only weigh thirty or so pounds in my coyote shape, but I was a predator..." 
Mechanic Mercy Thompson can shift her shape - but not her loyalty. When her former boss and mentor is arrested for murder and left to rot behind bars by his own kind, it's up to Mercy to clear his name, whether he wants her to or not. 
Mercy's loyalty is under pressure from other directions, too. Werewolves are not known for their patience, and if Mercy can't decide between the two she cares for, Sam and Adam may make the choice for her...
My thoughts:
Finally! Yes, I finally decided I needed to catch up with this series. I was so glad I picked up this book. It held me captive until I finished it. I also am SO happy that the love triangle is solved. I figured it would go the way that it did, but not how it did. Hm... can I volunteer for the one that wasn't picked? LOL

There is also a incident that I wasn't sure if I would like the way it was handled or not. However, I stuck with the story and ended up feeling that it was handled very well. I LOVED how Adam learned what she was going through. It really kicked Adam up a huge notch for me in the way he responded. While the ending didn't feel completely right, knowing Briggs she won't let it go. I can't wait to pick up the next book

I give this book 4 stars. I really enjoyed this installment and I can't wait to dive into the next book in the series.


  1. This one was really hard for me, but I loved how it was handled, especially towards the end. Ben surprised me more than I can say. He practically saved their relationship.
    Briggs is the queen of UF for a reason. I can't get enough of these characters. And Lorelei King is the best. :)

    1. I so agree! I am going to redo these all on audio once the Charley Davidson series is finished. :)

  2. I have every book in this series yet I've only read the first one so far. I fail! lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  3. Yay!! Awesome series to catch up on. I need to do that myself. Adam really is an amazing hero. I'm with you on that :D

  4. So glad you enjoyed this! This was a tough read but I love the way Briggs handled what happened and Adam and Ben's response to it as well. I remember feeling like there was definitely more fallout to deal with at the end too, and Briggs doesn't disappoint. Hope you enjoy the next one!

    1. Yea, it was too easily solved and my only complaint. However, since I trust the author I know she won't let it go.

  5. Yeah, that ending was a shocker. I had to reread it a couple of times just to make sure I wasn't imagining it. I did love the conversation with Ben, which made me see him in a different perspective.

  6. I love this series. If you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend picking up the Alpha & Omega series that Briggs writes. It is set in the same world, but focuses more on Bran's pack in Montana. I'm doing a relisten to the most recent A&O book to get ready for the next release in March.

    By the way, both are great on audio, since I see you are doing the audio challenge. Lorelei King, who narrates Mercy Thompson is one of my top three favorite narrators.

    1. I have read the novella and the first book and I so need to continue that one as well. Loved it. I love Lorelei as a narrator and that is why I'm waiting to finish the Charley Davison series so I don't confuse them audio wise. :)

  7. I think this was the turning point with me and Adam. Before, he was just the alpha who Mercy liked to torment with her crappy car. SUCH a great series and the way their relationship evolves is fabulous.

    1. LOL! I loved the way she tormented him. :) So glad I'm continuing with the series.

  8. This novel and the next are really emotionally difficult but they're also SO GOOD and incredibly written. I adore this series and am so glad to see you're enjoying it, Melissa! :)

  9. Oh I'm so glad you decided to continue the series! I love it so much! Yes the love triangle wasn't that long in the end, but I volonteer as well! Great review!

  10. glad to hear that the love triangle was solved so quickly in this series, I need to give this author another shot

  11. I just started this series last fall. This is a pretty good one. I am listening to it and the narration is fabulous.

  12. Oh man! I have yet to start the series. I know I'll love it and be hooked once I do. :D

  13. This is one of the many series I plan to read soon, but I'm waiting until I'm caught up on the ones I already started recently. I can't wait though.

  14. This is when the series turned around for me. I totally agree that the situation-you-spoke-of was handled really well, and the rest of it--the fae-ness of it . . . SO good. I'm glad you're catching up ;) It only gets better from here.


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