
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Audiobook Review: Ensnared by A.G. Howard

Series: Splintered #3
Narrator: Rebecca Gibel
26 hrs. 56 min.
Publisher: Blackstone Audio Inc.
Published: 1/6/15
Source: Audiobook Jukebox for review
After surviving a disastrous battle at prom, Alyssa has embraced her madness and gained perspective. She’s determined to rescue her two worlds and the people and netherlings she loves, even if it means challenging Queen Red to a final battle of wills and wiles … and even if the only way to Wonderland, now that the rabbit hole is closed, is through the looking-glass world—a parallel dimension filled with mutated and violent netherling outcasts. 
In the final installment of the wildly popular Splintered trilogy, Alyssa and her dad journey into the heart of magic and mayhem in search of her mom and to set right all that’s gone wrong. Together with Jeb and Morpheus, they must salvage Wonderland from the decay and destruction that has ensnared it. But if they succeed and come out alive, can everyone truly have their happily ever after?
My thoughts:
I enjoyed the first 2 books in this trilogy and HAD to know what happened. This is the last book! It was a moral imperative for me to find out what will happen to our trio. I also have to state that this is one of two YA books that have done a successful love triangle. It made sense in this series and it concluded in a perfect way.

 The beginning of the audio starts off where we last left our heroine. We get to know more about her dad and find out he is more than a one dimensional character. We also get to know more about how Aly has changed and how much stronger she has become. While Aly and her dad prepare for what needs to be done to set things right and really getting to know each other for the first time it does make the story drag a bit. AnyElsewhere was interesting so the story picks up from there.

I have to admit that I wasn't totally on Team Jeb's side. He wanted her to totally deny her netherling side and only embrace her human side. I always hated that. Morpheous wanted her to embrace both sides, so I liked him better for that, but yes, he did play the trickster god which will frustrate out heroine. In this book both of them were jerks at the beginning but do come together in the end. They even find it within themselves to place ego aside and work together. Yes, it is at this point I wanted both for Aly.

The conclusion to the story had me quite worried. Various scenarios played in my head and I didn't care for most of them. However, this ending was perfect. I loved the epilogue and it felt bitter sweet. I don't often enjoy ending books to a series or trilogy, but I really enjoyed this one. I loved listening to it on audio and I'm thinking about going back and starting with book 1 on audio. Rebecca Gibel voiced all the characters perfectly. I wasn't expecting to enjoy Jeb and Morpheous's voices but it really fit. Her accents of the various characters really helped bring this final installment to life. I highly recommend this book on audio.

I give this book 4 1/2 stars. I recommend it to those that love retellings, Alice in Wonderland, and something creative. I do plan of visiting Wonderland again in the future, this time all on audio.


  1. 26 hours ... ? That's a long audio. I've wanted to read these, and I will now that I don't have to wait between books.

    1. Oh true! You could fly by these in reading them, but the audio is pretty good.

  2. Wow that is a long one! That's really awesome she ended the series in such a great way. I'm always worried about that with mine. I've got this set on my one day list. I don't do YA often but I love retellings and the covers for it have totally drawn me in.

  3. THis series sounds so much fun! I heard great things about it and I think I really should try it. I'm glad it's still so good for you. thanks for the review!

  4. I love the covers for this series but - love triangle. I can't handle even a well written one. lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. I love the covers. It just made sense to me... but I'm still not a fan of the triangle either.

  5. Finally a good review for this one. I really liked the first two but I hestiated on this one because no ARCS went out and the first reviews I read weren't so great. I think I need to find out what happens.

    1. I've not read too many reviews on this one. If you are like me, you'll read it to find out. LOL

  6. I don't believe there is such a thing as a successful love triangle, but I'm more than willing to give it a chance. i wasn't the biggest fan of book 1, it just didn't work for me, but retellings almost never do. I should perhaps try again.

    1. Hm... how about a triangle that makes some sense... in a way that it might possibly could make any kind of sense? :) You may not enjoy this one as much since you aren't a fan of retellings.

  7. I'm really glad you loved this one. I have heard some mixed things but I have had the first book since release so I hope to read it. One day...

  8. Ooh yay! So happy to hear you were happy with the ending. I've never been very strongly Team Jeb or Morpheous but I'm glad they come together in the end and put their egos aside. Can't wait to see what happens! Lovely review!

    1. I liked Morpheous more but not in a triangle sense. I just thought he was the right bug for the journey. I wasn't strongly one or the other either. :)

  9. I have never read an Alice re.telling

  10. I have the first book and might try the rest on audio when I get to it!

  11. Glad you loved it Melissa, but it does not sound like a series for me.

  12. yay, great to hear that it ended up being a good conclusion--even if it had you worried for a bit

  13. I need to read this series! I'm glad you loved the books and though the conclusion was well done.

  14. Not a fan of Alice in Wonderland, hence the reason this series wouldn't work for me at all, but I'm so glad it delivered until the end, particularly in audiobook format. Great review, Melissa!

  15. It's awesome when you are still wondering about the end of the series as you are reading. :) Sounds like soo much fun! :D

  16. LOL! Yeah, usually if I make it through two books, I NEED to read the third. I've only read the first of this but really enjoyed it...

  17. I've heard some mixed things about the ending of this book and I already know how the love triangle is resolved which is making me want to put this off because I don't really like how it's resolved at all :| I'm glad that you liked this though, Melissa!

    Nice review <33

  18. bah I just don't have the patience for audio books anymore, I tried it myself and it didn't workout , oh well, at least it sounds like you have enjoyed it? I do want to get my hands on this series, it does sound so exciting


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