
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Puppy Birthday Giveaway! International!

Felicia of the Geeky Blogger has decided to join me again in this event celebrating my puppy's birth. Her pup also has a b-day this month and both wanted us to do something for the animals out there that aren't as spoiled! So, in the last few years I have decided to give away some books (or gift certificates) to those that help out animals. That way the good is spread to more people than both Felicia and I could do ourselves. Some of the places you might donate to online are listed below. Please feel free to add your own. The list will exist on the page above listed as "Animal Links". Oh and don't forget to visit Felicia's new FB page for animals. It's called... Friends Saving Animals (hint: you get an extra entry for liking the page... it's on the rafflecopter form).

To make this easy here are the rules:
  • You must do something for animals. It can be giving money, volunteering, or supporting them in some major way this year (you can read last year's comments to see what people had done).
  • It has to be something you wouldn't normally do for an animal. Cleaning out your own catbox, feeding your own dog aren't acceptable. These things are expected when owing a pet and are not what we are looking for. 
  • You must tell me what you did or where you donated (do not tell me the amount if it is money) in the comments. That way people can also find out what to do or where to donate. You can also add your organization to the links above if you like.
  • You could also donate to organizations listed above or any local organization. It doesn't have to be about money. It could be time. You could have helped prevent BSL by writing to your congressman (see my left side for those links). Walking a neighbor's dog who cannot do so themselves. Donating needed items to a local shelter. Finding a dog and bringing it back to it's home. Blogging about your favorite charity or cause. There is a lot out there you can do. 
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form which also has prompts to remind you to do this.
*And as it was every year... it's on the honor system. Please do not lie. Sarah McLachlan will find you and make you cry if you lie. She can do it. I've seen those commercials. Yes, same threat, but I think it was a good one.

The giveaway will be open until the 20th.

Oh and if you will help promote this, the animal gods will smile down on you... just sayin'... ;)
Here is the button (you'll also get an extra entry for doing so!):
<a href=""> <img src="" width ="200"></a>

2 winners! International!
$15 in a gift certificate to Amazon or B&N... or the same amt. in books at the Book Depository!
Fill out the rafflecopter form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. this is really a great event. i found a new home for an abandonned puppy!

  2. A life member of the BHPS (British Hedgehog Preservation Society) I raise awareness of my prickly pals, the dangers they face and what to do if you find a sick one, etc, etc.

    I also buy dog and cat treats with my weekly shop in order to provide a small treat for the animals in the rescue centre just around the corner from us.

  3. to help animals always bring some food in my bag and if I see a dog hungriest I give up :)

  4. I love that you do this! This year my son and I ran a food and supplies drive for the local animal shelter in our neighborhood. It was actually for cats and dogs. But we then took our donations to the shelter and they were so grateful they took his picture. No, not me, I don't like my picture taken. When we picked up the donations we left thank you notes. We'll do another one in the spring.

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FABULOUS PUPPIES!! Love this idea. We're sponsoring a blanket and newspaper drive for our local animal shelters at my high school. Yay!

  6. I found a new home for an abandoned kitten. We already have a cute family of cats at home. Found an abandoned kitten on the roadside and gave it to one of my cat loving friends.


    And that is a very good threat Melissa. Those commercials are brutal! Every time I hear "in the arms of the angel...." and see those little faces I start sobbing. O.o

  8. that's always a wonderful idea of you to do that!

  9. This is a great idea! I was trying to think of what I could do that I can actually find time for and that doesn't cost a lot and then I read Heidi's comment. I have a leopard gecko so I have to buy crickets every few days and I actually donate a dollar each time I do that. Sometimes it goes toward things for needy animals or shelters that need more supplies, etc. It changes. Right now they are collecting toys for animals that don't have them. So my $1 every few days actually adds up a bit!

  10. What a wonderful idea, you ladies rock. We donate a little each time we pick up hay for our rabbit and G-pig.

  11. Happy birthday to your pup! What a wonderful idea! And yes, Sarah McLachlan always makes me tear up so I have no doubt she can punish me severely. :-)

  12. Every month my family and I buy dog food for the local shelter. And starting in November thru January we buy four times the amount of dog food. And well my Boston Terrier puppy (her name is lighting but I call her FatBitch) is the most spoiled well behaved dog I've met. She really is a little princess and we love and take care of her the best we can. Happy Birthday to your puppy. ;)

  13. A few months ago we found a starving little puppy on the street near our house. We were just going to bring some food for him but when we got close we could see what terrible shape he was actually in. We took him to a vet and decided to keep him at home temporarily even though we already have a dog. That was Labor Day, since then he has grown from 16.4 pounds to 25.6 pounds. We've spent nearly $1000 at the vet and it looks like little Paco has permanently joined our pack. Not trying to toot our own horn but, well, you asked.

  14. Recently I've spent and will continue to spend lots of money on my own six year old cat for tests, treatments, medication and special food because he is dying of kidney failure. This is the second time I've gone through this with one of my cats. I also donate to the Humane Society to help other cats and dogs in need.

  15. It's my boy Indy's birthday this month too! I'm not entering but I did donate to Warrior Canine Connection last month after seeing a special on them and all the great work that they do for returning soldiers.

    You and Felicia are awesome!!

  16. I just donated to the locale Humane Society- SPCA of Central Florida and I will be sending a donation to the ASPCA very soon. I've been supporting those organizations for a long time. Happy Birthday to the Puppies!

  17. My friends & I collect towels, blankets etc for the local animal shelter. They can't get enough.

  18. Happy Birthday Puppy. I am an animal lover myself. There are 4 spoiled Dobermans and a rescue cat that share our home. I volunteer at the animal shelter. I just don't have the time to do it as often as I would like.

  19. I foster animals until they find a home.

  20. Well this year alone I nursed a stray back to health twice. He had this gross wound hole on the side of his neck that kept reopening cause he kept getting into a fight and we cleaned it out and kept him safe and warm until it healed. Took a really long time about 3 months :( and then he ended up with a wound on his face from fighting so we nursed that too. Right now he lives with us warm and comfy. Also saved a stray kitten that was dumped on our doorsteps a few weeks ago during a major rain storm. I tried finding her a home, and now she lives with us as well :) despite the fact that I have 2 other cats I adopted from the shelter in the past 2 years.

  21. I donate money to animal charity's.


  22. You girls had a great idea! I always feed the abandoned cats from around my flat since I can't adopt them :( (I live with a friend and she's allergic)

  23. I donated to a local animal charity in my state.

  24. my kid is pom i got form a breaer who was going to kill him beacuse he bite the ball off a bigger dog and i laughed about it he is special dog and has helped me with the heart attact and then the seizures


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