
Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Sliver of Shadow by Allison Pang (Abby Sinclair #2)

Just when her new life as a TouchStone – a mortal bound to help OtherFolk cross between Faery and human worlds – seems to be settling down, Abby Sinclair is left in charge when the Protectorate, Moira, leaves for the Faery Court. And when the Protectorate’s away…let’s just say things spiral out of control when a spell on Abby backfires and the Faery Queen declares the Doors between their worlds officially closed.

The results are disastrous for both sides: OtherFolk trapped in the mortal world are beginning to fade, while Faerie is on the brink of war with the daemons of Hell. Along with her brooding eleven prince Talivar and sexy incubus Brystion, Abby ventures to the CrossRoads in an attempt to override the Queen’s magic. But nothing in this beautiful, dangerous realm will compare to the discoveries she’s making about her past, her destiny, and what she will sacrifice for those she loves.
I read and devoured book #1 A Brush of Darkness and really loved that book. I have to say right off that I was not disappointed in book #2. I admit it did take me a moment to get back into the book. It had been  a little while since I read the first one and had to remember what had happened. It also means that you really need to read book 1 before getting into this one. Otherwise you may be lost. For those that have read the first one, you are right where you were left off. Oh and there is not much time to get your barrings as things move rather quickly.  I honestly liked that despite the time it took me to catch up. 

All the major characters are back. Can I say Phin? Oh I still love that little horny horse (and I'm not talking about the horn growing out of his head) and he is in full brattiness here. Let me just have him tell you why I love him. For example when he offers to show Abby the way in a palace but was questioned on knowing the way:
..."And I didn't say I traveled using the hallways. No fear, though. If I can figure out which end means business on a hedgehog, I can find a couple of bedrooms." He lifted his nose. "Gotta follow the scent of panties."
And when he was lamenting on not being pampered but conceded a few points on what he did enjoy: 
..."You drool on my pillow and molest my underwear, Phin. What else were you hoping for?"
"True enough," he said thoughtfully. "Plus, I get to look at your boobies."
What can I say? A unicorn can get away with a lot I guess. :D 

I will say that I did enjoy the romance in this one a bit more. Talivar, the handsome fae prince was so swoon worthy. He had the ability to see and appreciate Abby in a way no fae or otherworlder could. In some ways he is so perfect and yet... not sure if he could totally be Abby's in every way. As for Brystion, my love/hate/love/hate/love/hate character in the first book... well, it is the same in this one. However, no matter how much I'd love to kick him in the arse, I also understood why Abby had a hard time giving him up in this book. There was something behind his annoying behavior that speaks of true caring and perhaps love. Yes, I ended up more on the love side in this book. *sigh* Oh those darn daemons! 

Ah... but I really need to stop myself here or I'll end up giving the book away. So I say I give this book 4 1/2 stars. It has a bit of a cliffie (can I has the next book NOW?) but isn't so bad that I curse the book. This series should appeal to those that love UF and LOTS of snark. It will make you laugh and Abby is a great heroine in this series. 
I received this ARC from Pocket Books and the author. No compensation for my review was given. Huge hugs and a big thanks to Allison for letting the publisher know I was drooling to read it.


  1. A Cliffie? No No No No!

    Wait did you say snark? Like up my alley snark? Allison Pang may have just landed on my radar to read! :)

    1. Yes! You will love the snark in this book. LOVE it! I tells ya!

  2. ooooh! I love the new header, Mel.

    I didn't know there was kind of a love triangle in this series. I haven't read it, but from what you said about your love/hate relationship with Brystion, I think I'd be on his team. Fae princes are so overrated anyway. LOL

    1. Oh I think you'd even find a space in your heart for Talivar. Wounded warrior and all. ;D

  3. Ahhhh! I loved book one, Brystion drove me crazy and I loved every second of it! Very excited to meet Talivar, and there really can never be too much Phin for me. Phin could really have his own book and I'd be happy! Awesome review Melissa!

  4. I totally agree with you, Phin is so fun! I also just love him, a fabulous unicorn! And you're right it's difficult to choose between the two men in her life. They both have something more. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one as much as I did.

    1. We need our own Phin, right? LOL I can't wait to see what happens in the next book!

  5. AHHHHH! Not fair! I so want this book and I'm extremely jealous that you have it. Don't be surprised if you find it missing. If you do, I have no idea where it went. Promise!

    1. *shows ARC* Na na na na nah!

      I MAY let you read it as long as you know Ion and Talivar are MINE. ;)

  6. I usually like my unicorns to be polite and demure, but I think I wanna meet this Phin - he's a riot! But I have to make sure he keeps his horn to himself...

    1. Phin will SO change your mind about unicorns! I promise! You'll LOVE that little guy! *snort*

  7. You know I totally crushed on Talivar the moment he showed up, but I dared not hope

  8. I must be living under a rock because I never heard of this series before. Now I'm all intrigued and excited. YAY! I'm having a rough slump with adult reads so I'll definitely hunt this one down. I'm ubercurious about the love/hate guy. Those guys drive me nuts. It's like a moth to a flame. LOL!

  9. Never heard of this series but the cover is cool! Thanks for the review! You add so much to my tbr pile!

  10. Wow - you read a series in order? One that should be read in order? What is up with that? :-)

    Seriously though, how have I overlooked out this series? Snark and a good romance...I need to at least add this series to my TBR! :-)

  11. Glad to see you liked this one too! I do want to get to this series one day... lol

    And love the new header! :D That is cute with the books flying. :D You should have the little man chasing them, or trying to catch them. ;D

  12. Nice review, I have put this series on my wishlist.

  13. Ok, it must be MINE!!! Great review :D

  14. Like the March Makeover!

    This sounds like a great series. I hate waiting for sequels. I almost want to wait for the full series to come out before I read it especially with cliffies! I love to see how excited you were about this! A daemon in Faerie? Hmm, interesting.


  15. I just read A Brush of Darkness last week, and I'm definitely planning on reading the sequel, especially since you enjoyed it, Melissa! And I love Phineas as well. He's just the funniest little thing!

    Also, I'm curious to see what I'll think of the Talivar development. I wasn't the biggest fan of Brystion in the first book (though I didn't hate him either), so I'm interested to see how I'll feel about Talivar.

  16. One of the real strengths of the Abby Sinclair series is the fresh and innovative mythology and worldbuilding. The supernatural species may be familiar (fae, angels, unicorns etc.), but the rules for this world are anything but. Creative, yes, but unfortunately, it's a little confusing too.


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