
Thursday, November 10, 2011

North of Need by Laura Kaye

While attempting to escape the agonizing memories she associates with Christmas, twenty-nine-year-old widow Megan Snow builds a snow family outside the mountain cabin she once shared with her husband and collapses in tears against the snowman at the sight of what she'll never have. 
Called to life by the power of Megan's tears, snow god Owen Winters appears unconscious on her doorstep in the midst of a raging blizzard. As she nurses him to health, Owen finds unexpected solace in her company and unimagined pleasure in the warmth of her body, and vows to win her heart for a chance at humanity. 
Megan is drawn to Owen's mismatched eyes, otherworldly masculinity, and enthusiasm for the littlest things, and her heart opens enough to believe he's a Christmas miracle. But this miracle comes with an expiration before the snow melts and the temperature rises, Megan must let go of her widow's grief and learn to trust love again, or she'll lose Owen forever.
Although I labeled this one as 18+ I have to say that there was as much romance as there was smex in this book. In fact, I would label this more romance than erotica because that is what takes precedence within this story.

Megan is a sympathetic character who has been widowed 2 years ago. She was unable to break the bonds of grief and was barely living. She builds a snowman family to exert herself to exhaustion to avoid her feelings. It doesn't work and as she sees the family she built she grieves for the one she will never have with her deceased husband. However, that night she finds a stranger on her doorstep. One that worms his way into her grief and gives her permission to feel once again. To laugh again. Now, she must decide if she wants to linger within fear of the guilt that is sure to follow or find the strength to move forward to a new life. One with a love possibly even greater than the first.

Yes, this is an emotional read, but those emotions just make the romance sweeter and the smex scenes hotter. The paranormal aspects were in the realm of elementals which were also seen as gods. This is also book one in a series and I suspect they will all be stand-alones as we make our way though the different gods and how they love.

I give this book 4 stars. I recommend this book to PNR with a heavy emphasis on the "R". If you like romance, I think you will enjoy this book. It's also a great read for the holiday. Yes, even my inner Grinch approved of this book. Go HERE to the publisher's site for a little excerpt of this book.
I received this book from the publisher and no compensation for my review was given.

Btw, come back on the 17th for a author post and a giveaway of this book!! :)


  1. Not something I would like to try but thanks for your review - having read an erotica position not so long ago I think I have enough for now. Maybe later, maybe not. I am terrible at romance, I know!

  2. don't usually like PNR because there is more sex than romance, but since you say that isn't the case here I think this sounds like a book I might enjoy. Especially since, for some reason, I've been craving romance novels lately,

  3. Hmm, interesting. I think this might make a different read for this years Christmas reading challenge, thanks for mentioning it.

  4. Well, it just so happens that I love PNR with an emphasis on "R" so I'll be reading this one for sure! I love finding new series, especially ones with stand-alones for each installment. Awesome review Melissa!

  5. Have it on my Kindle and plan on reading it during the recuperation process :) Will need a little Northern escapism LOL

  6. Oooh! Emotion, lots of smexy stuff and ROMANCE? WIN!!! Adding this right now!!

  7. Daaaaaaaamn! I'd love to open my door and find a guy like the one on the cover unconscious. Maybe it's time I move out some place with colder weather.... but then again... maybe not.

    Melissa! I love the sound of this book. Emotional romance reads are my favorite and I like the sound of the series, each book being about a different god. I'm ready to worship them. LOL

  8. I'm glad you liked it. It sounds like a nice book but I don't know it I would like it, I'm very difficult for now with these kind of books.

  9. Nice review, I think I will like this book.

  10. So it is erotica or romance? Cos sure I can read the first, but sometimes the sex is too much and I want a story, not just smexing

  11. From the excerpts I've read I can't wait to read this one.

  12. @Ana... no, I don't think this is your type of book. It is very much a romance!

    @Simcha... I think you'd really enjoy Owen!

    @...Petty... Yes, I think it would be great for that challenge!

    @Jenny... Yes, I can see you liking it. Do we fight over Owen too? :D

    @Felicia... Oh I think this is a good one for recuping! You stay healthy!

    @Ashley... Total WIN

    @Missie... I know! I don't get enough snow any more! I needs to go to the high country!

    @Melliane... Hm... I think it would depend on if you were in the mood for a sweet romance. It is emotional, but light at the same time.

    @Aurian... Oh yes. I think you would too!

    @Blodeuedd... More romance than erotica, but there were plenty of smex scenes so I put my 18+ up top.

    @Victoria... Oh I think you'll enjoy it if you love the excerpts!!

  13. I am with Missie. Nothing like him ever shows up on my doorstep, snowstorm or not!

    Sounds like a great book! But I don't like tears with my romance. Just how much heartache was there?


  14. I really like the sound of this one - smexy scenes combined with some depth of emotion. I'm not usually a fan of snow, but I'd take an unconscious snow god and nurse him back to health anytime!

  15. Love that it has romance and love in it. I like that the elements make the book better.

  16. @Heather... No, not too emotional like that. I hate to cry!!

    @Stephanie... me too! WHY doesn't it snow that much here anymore and WHY can't I find HIM on my door?? LOL

    @Savy... Oh I think you'll love the romantic aspects!

  17. So....the synopsis totally makes me giggle because apparently I'm still a child. But, I still want to read it. I mean, come on!! Christmas + Smex + Romance =WIN! It's like positively calling my name. *Jen...Jen...reeeeaaad meeeee*

    See, didn't you hear it??!


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