
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Book Boyfriend

Meme hosted by The Unread Reader

Oh I don't think it is much of a surprise that I pick Creek from Flesh and Blood from the latest book in the Commarré series. Now Creek does look like a bad boy. He has a mohawk, rides a harley and did time in prison. Now, before you think I've gone off my rocker... he was convicted for protecting his sister who was being strangled. It was the only reason he would do harm to another human is to protect an innocent. He is a Native American (Seminole) belongs to a secret slayer society and is charged with protecting Chrysabelle. Now, I think he could easily leave the protecting to Mal and protect me! 

Shh... No, don't tell him I have no vampires after me. He doesn't need to know that! If you tell him, I won't show you the pictures I found that might suit Creek.

 Now, I did have trouble finding a full-blooded Native American model to fit the bill (hey, boys! Get busy and model! We need some eye candy!!) but I did find one who is at least half. His name is Greg Kheel and he looks like this:
can't leave without posting...

So, stop drooling and tell me who your book boyfriend is this week! ;D


  1. Drooling? On the last pic this guy looks as if he was immersed in oil...yuck.

  2. *do not know where to look*
    *wipes away drool*

    Well if any will not have oily guy then I will sure take him

  3. Oh no! For some reason none of these are showing, I'm just getting an empty box with a 'x' in the corner.

  4. i...uh...huh? oh right..MY book boyfriend. *hands off link w/o averting eyes* Here's PiF's

  5. Whuh. Sorry, I need a minute after that last picture...


    *tucks tongue back in mouth*

    Okay! I'm good now. If that's what Creek looks like, Chrysabelle's desire to have him in her life is more than understandable. And her ability to refrain from pouncing on him admirable:):) Love this series!

  6. Thanks to you I just burned my tongue! Sipping coffee while reading this post is not good! Though all I have is damnnnnnnnn! LOL :)

  7. GEEZZZ!!! That was can lowly hair do that???


  8. Damn! Where’s the pic where he takes it ALL off????

  9. *melts into a pile of goo once known as Missie*

    *drowns in drool*

    *makes plans to break into Mel's harem and kidnap Creek*

  10. it sounds like a really great choice! Too bad I'll not discover him in the first book

  11. OMG *fans self* that last picture is mighty fine. I think I want to steal your book boyfriend now.

    *fans self some more*

    My book boyfriend

  12. I don't think it's possible to stop drooling

  13. What's with that last picture? OMG! Hubbah! I need to get a drool bucket! ;)

  14. ummm...did you say something?? Sorry...I was too busy staring...and drooling...and

  15. I'm with everyone else. That last picture is amazing! I would love to borrow your book boyfriend sometime! Great choice and I need to read this series!

  16. *gets out mop bucket*

    Hm... Looks like I need the shop vac... No, perhaps a sump pump. You girls and Ryan! *throws hands up in the air*

    hee hee...

  17. I am literally drooling. Like in real life. I'm not even joking. Phwoar!

  18. Oh my dear LORD! I'll take TWO please!! Yum!!

  19. I am on Chapter 4 and haven't met him yet. I have had zero reading time this week grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  20. Oh my! Are you allowed to publish photos like that last one! :D Well, this was a lovely surprise in stopping by. ;D Inspirational. hee hee.

    Hope you are doing wonderful! I have to say I miss stopping by and chatting with you. Things seem to be going well with Nano, I'm not liking all the characters so much now, and might try killing them off again... But, I'm hitting the word counts at this point, and ahead of the class (or where we are suppose to be by the numbers) :) So no need for the wipe just yet, but keep it handy for the end of the month when I'm sick of them and ready to throw in the towel.

    Hope you are doing well! *hugs* Take care! :)

  21. Oh wow.... yummy! I'm at a loss for words right now. Add one more to my TBR pile!

    Reading Lark's Book Boyfriend

  22. I'm sorry, what was the question?

    droooooooooooooooooooooooooolll ;)

  23. Right, I'm going to make a midnight raid on your harrem and steal Creek from you! Yum!

  24. *puts extra security on guard* ;D

    *also gets second sump pump to deal w/drool*


  25. Well hello...*fans self*'s very nice to meet you naked boy with the dream eyes. What was that? You need me to rub oil ALL over your WHOLE body? OKAY!!

    Geesh, Mel! What am I going to do. I think I'm going to hyperventilate!

  26. Ummmmmmm... I need to read this series ASAP.
    My mind is kinda fried from the pics (especially the last one)... ;)

  27. Oh. My. God.

    I almost swallowed my tongue.

  28. Breathe Kristin, breathe. And blink.

    I knocked my review for this book down 1/2 a star because, though I liked Creek as a character, I hate him as part of a love triangle (I love me some Mal).

    However, if this is what he would look like, I may have to rethink that.


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