Friday, October 30, 2009
Happy Halloween
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Intertwined by Gena Showalter
One can time-travel.
One can raise the dead.
One can tell the future.
And one can possess another human.
With no other family and a life spent in and out of institutions, Aden and the souls have become friends. But now they're causing him all kinds of trouble. Like, he'll blink and suddenly he's a younger Aden, reliving the past. One wrong move, and he'll change the future. Or he'll walk past a total stranger and know how and when she's going to die.
He's so over it. All he wants is peace.
And then he meets a girl who quiets the voices. Well, as long as he's near her. Why? Mary Ann Gray is his total opposite. He's a loner; she has friends. He doesn't care what anyone thinks; she tries to make everyone happy. And while he attracts the paranormal, she repels it. For her sake, he should stay away. But it's too late....
Somehow, they share an inexplicable bond of friendship. A bond about to be tested by a werewolf shape-shifter who wants Mary Ann for his own, and a vampire princess Aden can't resist.
Two romances, both forbidden. Still, the four will enter a dark underworld of intrigue and danger but not everyone will come out alive....
I also loved the character of Mary Ann. Yes, at times I was irritated with her simplistic good/bad view of the world, but it still wasn't so overwhelming it lost her charms. I think the coupling of Mary Ann and the werewolf was the most interesting part when talking romance in this book. I am looking forward too seeing why Riley couldn't resist her from the beginning even if it is obvious why he fell in love with her as their friendship progressed. He holds a lot of grounded knowledge for one that was simply seen as a servant in his world.
As for the rest of my review. I recommend this book. I only gave it 4 stars because of the ending. Be prepared to feel let down as major parts of this book have yet to be resolved. I didn't even see this as a good cliffhanger book in the way it ended. It just resolved one problem and then "poof" the end. I did know this was going to be a series, but that was almost too irritating. If I hadn't enjoyed the rest of the book so much I would have reduced my stars significantly. So, with that warning, I do say go and get it. You will enjoy this book.
Oh, and if you need more incentive to learn about the book, Harlequin Teen is holding a contest with this book. You can win $10,000 or instantly win swag. Details are at the site. So, go enter the sweepstakes!
Blog with Bite Questions:
#1 Do you feel the ending was cut short and needed more to be resolved before the book ended?
Not so much cut short, but without closure. So, I would agree more about needed more resolve. I know she was going for a cliffhanger, but even that was "off". The book needed to resolve a bit more of the story that seemed important to this book. It could crescendo again before the "end" of the book.
#2 Regarding Question #1, what are your thoughts on series books? For one you get more and more and more - depending on how long the series drags on - for another some series leave you with very little resolution at the end of the novels, i.e. the Merry Gentry series where only a couple of hours pass within the time span of one book. Do you find this is just an authors way of having guaranteed book sales - or do you really enjoy series and love reading about your fav characters over and over again?
I like series books and this obviously is going to be a series because of how it ended. I usually don't like cliffhangers, however. You can still resolve what the characters were working on within the book and keep it as a stand alone book and still have a series. Many authors do this and I enjoy those series books. As for sales. I don't think that has to do with the authors but more to do with editors and publishers. Authors usually are concerned about telling a good story. Editors and publishers are worried about sales.
#3 Which "trapped" soul was your favorite and do you see potential in the future story lines with the remaining three?
I didn't have a favorite trapped soul as they were all underdeveloped. So, all have the potential in future story lines. It seems to me we will learn more of Caleb next.
#4 When a larger-than-life character such as Vlad Tepes aka Dracula is used as a side-plot character do you believe it gives the story a more factual base, or makes it less real?
I think it makes it less real. I like it when they make a totally new story line on how supernaturals come into being. While she did take a more than traditional turn, the mentioning of Dracula made the vampires less interesting.
#5 What did you think of the side plot involving Tucker and Penny? Do you think the issues from that plot were adequately resolved?
I feel that they were resolved enough for the present book. I can see both in future books especially due to Tucker's "ability" but I'm not sure how much more Penny can be changed to make her character live in the new world they discovered if Penny and Tucker end up together.
#6 What is your best guess as to what Aden Stone's superpower is - the power he possess without his souls?
Maybe he can bring those powers into himself just as Mary Ann keeps their powers at bay.

More Mash-ups
Monday, October 26, 2009
Immortal Contest
The contest ends on Nov 7th.
Threadless T's!!!
This zombie one was perfect. In fact I was thinking of making my own, but heck for that price, if I add up everything, it comes out to be about the same so why do it when someone can do it for you for the same cost? Besides, I love the play on words with this shirt. Gotta love those zombies. :D
This shirt is called "Art is my Weapon". How could I resist? Ah, I know I'm so sad, but just had to get it. Loved the look and the name. I was doomed.
If anyone also likes these Ts or just something a bit unusual, go sign up for their newsletter. You get info on all their sales. And I don't seem to be overwhelmed by every little thing that goes on in the shop.
Have fun!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Disney/Marvel Mash-up
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Because Your Vampire Said So (Broken Heart Vampires #3)
"Because Your Vampire Said So" is the third installment of Michele Bardsley's Broken Heart Vampire series. Like the other two books, this one mashes together humor, adventure and romance into the book. Like the other two it comes out successful. With this story you also get a look into the history of the Ancients as Patsy gathers their powers. That was a nice break since the Consortium have been a bit too mysterious and this was a good way to venture a bit into their stories.
My only criticism is that again, the main character needs a good dose of self esteem. While she gets it in the end in good measure, it becomes a bit annoying at the beginning. Thankfully, that isn't long as this book is only 282 pages. Still it is a book I would recommend, especially those who have already been enamored by the broken hearted vampires sense of humor.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Angelic (Women of the Otherworld)
Kelley Armstrong is coming out with a novella to go along with her Women of the Otherworld series. Angelic should be due to come out sometime in December and is less than 100 pages. So, if you are a fan of Kelley Armstrong preorder your book. It sounds like it is worth it.
From the book: As a half-demon master of the dark arts, Eve Levine isn’t what anyone would call angelic. That’s exactly why the Fates chose her for the job. She’s their secret weapon against the forces of evil.
However after five years, Eve is tired of being the designated rebel of the angel corps, expected to break the rules, then penalized for it. When the leaderless djinn stage an uprising, Eve sees the perfect chance to get herself fired. As she plunges deeper into the demon world, though, she realizes she’s in danger of losing a lot more than her job.
Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Witch and Wizard by James Patterson

James Patterson is coming out with a new book, "Witch and Wizard". This will be the first book in this new YA series. I'm a bit excited about it because if you have a Kindle or iPhone/iPod Touch, you can get it free. Well, it will be pre-ordered for you and delivered by October 26 to your device. And as long as you get it by December 14, it's free! Just click on the title in this post to go there to get it.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Blog with Bite Contest!
You Have to be Blog with Bite Follower
Open to US, Puerto Rico & Canada only. Also no PO Boxes.
Contest ends Halloween @ Midnight CST.
Friday, October 16, 2009
I Kissed a Vampire

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
First Drop of Crimson

Covet (Fallen Angels, #1)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Feeling under the weather? Do you or someone you know suffer fromMIGRAINE, HEART DISEASE, ASTHMA, ARTHRITIS or DIABETES? MediClim® can help.
Sign up to MediClim® for FREE and you will begin to get email alerts the day before your health problem may be aggravated due to changes in the weather. You will also gain access to our forums where you can meet people with health problems similar to your own. MediClim is a FREE service currently available to everyone in Canada, the USA (lower 48 states), the UK, Ireland and France.
I have tried MediClim and found it to be something I can rely on. I use it because I get frequent migraines. So far, I have noticed it has been pretty on target. I don't get a migraine every time I get an alert, and I get migraines when I don't, but it has helped me be more cautious when I get an e-mail from them. Often even if a migraine does not present itself, I do feel tired or altered in some slight way. Makes you more aware of it anyway. It is a good and FREE program to try if you have any of the problems that weather may exacerbate. Give it a try.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Blood Bound (Mercy Thompson #2)