
Monday, June 3, 2019

Audiobook Review: Tempest Rising by Nicole Peeler

Series: Jane True #1
Publisher: Brilliance audio
Published: 11/20/10
Narrator: Kate Reinders
Length: 9 hrs. 47 min.
Source: Owned

During her nightly, clandestine swim in the freezing winter ocean, a grisly find leads Jane to startling revelations about her heritage: she is only half-human. 
Now, Jane must enter a world filled with supernatural creatures that are terrifying, beautiful, and deadly all of which perfectly describe her new friend, Ryu, a gorgeous and powerful vampire. 
It is a world where nothing can be taken for granted: a dog can heal with a lick; spirits bag your groceries; and whatever you do, never ever rub the genie s lamp.
My thoughts:

I have had this one for a while now but never got into it. I have been wanting to bring down my tbr and I was glad I had. I love a good mermaid tale and while she was a selkie (close enough) it still ended up being a fun PNR/UF romp.

While I did really like Jane, sometimes I felt she might have been too naive for what she is going through but I also know that in a UF the protagonist who is clueless at first really has some growing to do and as long as that happens I don't mind in the least. I really do like this author so I have no worries on that front. I think the biggest problem I had with the book is that I didn't have access to the next right away to see if that growth starts to occur at even a faster rate. Interlibrary loan here I come! LOL

The romance was cute and hot but I am still uncertain about Ryu. I think he is a good guy and I hope that I am right. Right now I'm rooting for another but I'm happy to take him if Jane doesn't want him. ;)

I give this book 3 1/2 stars. I reall loved Kate's narration and she voiced all the characters well. I hope she does the rest of the series as I do think I want to audiobook the whole series.


  1. Oh wow - I remember when this came out and it looked good. I like audiobooks, so maybe I'll give it a go. Thanks for the review.

    1. I'm very curious about the next one I hope to interlibrary loan the next audio.

  2. I haven’t seen this one before but it sounds like a fun urban fantasy. And that cover is dreamy! :)

  3. Glad this ended up being a fun read even if it didn't blow you away. I like mermaid/selkie tales once in awhile as well.

    1. UF can be tricky to start so the next books can do that for me... even if it doesn't... it is fun and I do recommend it! :)

  4. Oooh, a selkie heroine. That sounds good. I'm with you on not minding a heroine who needs to grow so long as I can see it happening as the story progresses.

  5. Mermaid, selkie...I love a good PNR read. This sounds pretty good.

  6. I remember this series back in the day. I wanted to try it too, but never did. Glad to hear the audiobooks are well done, if I do get around to it, that is they way I will do it.

    1. I do want to get the next one. Probably interlibrary loan!

  7. This sounds cute. I hope Ryu is a good guy. The cover is adorable!

  8. I've only read one selkie book but they're kinda cool. This one looks like a lot of fun. :)

  9. I remember this one! I really wanted to read it, but you know how that goes sometimes....haha Glad you enjoyed it overall.


  10. Gosh, I read this one AGES ago, and remember nothing :/ Srsly nothing! Must check Gr!

  11. I've been out of PNR realm for a while and I don't have a big desire to go back, but if I saw this at a library I might give it a whirl. You don't come across a selkie story quite often.

  12. I like the cover for this one. I don't often see Selkies in books. :)

  13. Dang it. You talked me into it, it's now on my tbr! lol

  14. Loving the cover. What sounds like a cute read, I had to laugh at the thought of spirits bagging groceries

  15. I think I tried this one years ago but dnf'd. The covers are so pretty though.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  16. It's always a bummer when you can't get into a book, but it feels GREAT when you can lessen the TBRs. This cover looks like a tarot card... ;)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. Actually I didn't have problem getting into it but it did have the UF first book curse me thinks. :)

  17. Hmmm interesting. I probably would have skipped from the cover but sounds like one I might need to try. Hopefully book 2 picks up like they tend to do in UF

  18. What age bracket is this for? To me it looks like a childs read, so I wouldn't pick it up. Glad you enjoyed it though!

    1. Adult. I've seen so many cartoony covers, it doesn't bother me. :)


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