
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Audiobook Review: Alex Approximately by Jenn Bennett

Published: 8/15/17
Publisher: Tantor Audio
Narrator: Amy Melissa Bentley
Length: 9 hrs. 58 min.
Source: Hoopla/Library

Classic movie buff Bailey "Mink" Rydell has spent months crushing on a witty film geek she only knows online by "Alex." Two coasts separate the teens until Bailey moves in with her dad, who lives in the same California surfing town as her online crush. 
Faced with doubts (what if he's a creep in real life-or worse?), Bailey doesn't tell Alex she's moved to his hometown. Or that she's landed a job at the local tourist-trap museum. Or that she's being heckled daily by the irritatingly hot museum security guard, Porter Roth-a.k.a. her new arch-nemesis. But life is whole lot messier than the movies, especially when Bailey discovers that tricky fine line between hate, love, and whatever-it-is she's starting to feel for Porter... 
And as the summer months go by, Bailey must choose whether to cling to a dreamy online fantasy in Alex or take a risk on an imperfect reality with Porter. The choice is both simpler and more complicated than she realizes, because Porter Roth is hiding a secret of his own: Porter is Alex . . . Approximately.
My thoughts:

This is a YA romantic comedy and a retelling of "You've Got Mail" which is perfect for these two movie buffs. This one had me completely engaged and invested in this romance. I really enjoyed the characters and how they move from hate to sorta friends to love. This was simply a fun ride and a great audiobook. Amy did a great job narrating the story and even though I did listen at 1.5 speed I enjoyed her voice and expressions.

My only real issue was a hint of a possible "bad guy" that never amounted to much. This was supposed to affect her and give her some slight PTSD but it was pretty much dropped and I found that disappointing. I also though there would be more about her anxiety but it was solved rather abruptly. However, these actually ended up being minor niggles and I didn't want the story to end.

I give this book 4 stars. If you are looking for a good romantic summer read, then this one might be a good fun read while at the beach (can I come too? LOL)



  1. I'm trying to remember if I listened to the audiobook, but I know I've read this one. Happy you enjoyed!

  2. I picked it up because it made me think of You've Got Mail! xD I want to re-read this again soon.

  3. glad you enjoyed this one, I love this one. I love the anon letter thing going on, it was so cute

  4. I liked that movie, it was good. I like the sounds of this one.

  5. I thought this one was adorable, too. I thought their shared movie interests were the best.

  6. I adored this story and listened like you. I am glad you liked.

  7. I remember thinking this sounded good when I first read the synopsis, but I haven't picked it up yet. Glad to hear it turned out good! Jen Bennett is an author I want to try, and it sounds like audio is a good way to go on this one!

    1. Oh you so need to try some of her stuff. It is all good.

  8. Oooh I'm so hoping this is available as a tree-book. Despite the niggles that you mention this otherwise sounds like a perfect summer read.

  9. I loved this one too! But I agree with the thing you didn't like. The big moment felt OTT and then dropped but otherwise a cute one.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  10. THis was more first YA by her last year, I do like her now :D

  11. I've never read a Jenn Bennett and despite the beautiful covers of her more recent books (and all the praise-filled word of mouth) I've never had the urge to read them. This one though? I never new it existed and it sounds like something I'd love.
    Great review and thanks for adding to my wishlist, lol.

    1. Oh try! If you don't care for YA, she does have adult titles.

  12. I've seen this one around, but I haven't tried it. Glad you enjoyed it. Great review.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart

    1. Considering that I don't usually try contemporaries in audio I was pleasantly surprised.

  13. I had a good time with this one as well and I saw that it was just translated in French too

  14. I really enjoyed this one. I had to seek out the original Jimmy Stewart movie "The Shop Around the Corner" after I finished reading it. Such a great summer book!

    1. Yea, I haven't seen all of that one. I do need to check out that movie.

  15. This is still one of my favorites from her! She really is just a fantastic writer!

  16. This was my first Jenn Bennett book, and it made me fall in love with her stories. I think the bad guy thing was thrown in there to help us understand the use of a pseudonym online. I had a lot of fun with these characters, and really enjoyed reading this book. I am smiling just thinking about it.

    1. Yea, but it still didn't quite work for me, but it really was a minor niggle since I really enjoyed the rest. LOVE her adult books.

  17. Glad to hear that you enjoyed this one. I've read a lot of raving reviews on this book and it sounds super cute. One of these days my number will be called at the library and I'll have a chance to read it.

  18. I did love You've Got Mail, so this sounds like fun! A shame that a thread didn't really build into anything though.


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