
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Holiday Post: Halloween!

Hope everyone had a good Halloween!

Thought I'd give you a quick look at how monster pup dressed. 

Pic taken by Terri at PetCo

If you can't tell, she is a Gryffindor student! I made her costume with a toddler's shirt (I really needed a larger one as she barely fit when it was time to wear it! I swear it fit when I tried it on her when I finished... one week ago!).  I did eliminate the hood as it would have been a chew toy. I also made her a collar, leash and poo bag to go with the outfit. 

A better look:
The collar and leash say "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" and the poo bag says "Mischief Managed".
Heh... I think I was the only one who laughed at that. *sigh* LOL All are done in glitter canvas and I'll see how it all holds up over time.

The big boy didn't dress up so he was saved that humiliation but was ready to share any treats she got. I did take her to PetsMart where they were having a photograph with a big costumed pup (guy in costume) but she took one look at him and noped it out of there. I didn't force it. She needs more bravery so that is why I put her in that house... although she is cunning enough to be in Slytherin. LOL Yea, I put too much thought in it but it is all in fun. 

Hope you all had a safe and fun holiday!


  1. Oh my gosh how cute and how fun!!

  2. SO adorable!

    I dressed Beau as Harry Pawter once. Indy and Lily were Dumbledore and Mcconagall but they didn't come out as well as I hoped. Beau was too cute though.

    For What It's Worth

    1. Aw so cute! It was cuter on her when it fit better. LOL Plus I did it quickly so I didn't put as much detail in it as I wanted. :)

  3. Love it! I actually just took a quiz the other day to determine which house my dog would be in. LoL So, you're not alone on this. And I love the Mischief Managed poop bags ;)

  4. That's adorable and lol @ the bag holder, if it holds up well I bet you could sell them :D

    1. I hope it holds up too. I think she will test it for me well.

  5. omg, she's too cute. I love this idea so much!! And that poo bag is hilarious! I would have died laughing if I saw it. Too clever. :)


  6. Pup monster is a Gryffindor? I totally thought she would be a Slytherin! LOL

    1. Well... I actually was going slytherin but we thought house gryffindor would help with her bravery issues like Neville. LOL I actually think she fits between the two.

  7. This is more than adorable! :)

  8. What a great costume, the bag an amazing and very practical addition.

  9. Oh how cute! Ha! Yeah, I'd nope out of that, too. Don't blame her one bit. lol

  10. ah my, this is adorable! And I love the details on the leash and the poo bag, it's practical and hilarious ;)

  11. omg how cute!!! I hope you had an amazing Halloween!

    Thanks for sharing,
    ~Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  12. aww so cute, I have to ask how you did the mischief managed wording? looks like machine emboidered

    1. It is machine embroidered! I put it together with a program.

  13. oh my goodness Melissa, she is super adorable <33 and aww look at her costume!!

  14. You made all of this?! I love it! I wish I were half as creative, lol. Your dog is very lucky. :)

    Do You Dog-ear?

  15. Okay, Blogger seems to hate me today (sorry I left you, Blogger) but I will try one more time and say: amazing job on the costume. I wish my doggie would wear clothes!
    Jen Ryland Reviews


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