
Monday, September 25, 2017

Arts and Crafts: Annette Bag with Accessories

First, I want to say thanks for those still sticking around while I change a few things. I really appreciate it. 💝

As you see I have a new header for the arts and crafts post and it may get tweaked... or not. LOL I'm still playing around with other things to change the look in the blog. Hope you like it.

Well, it has been quite a while since I've done one of these posts in what I created. I'm going to catch up one day. I have a few things I still need to photograph. I will share one I did for my mom back in May. Yea, it's been a while. 

This is the Annette Handbag (affiliate link) with a Necessary Clutch Wallet (affiliate link) a Zig Zag eyeglasses case (affiliate link), a Small Tissue holder (affiliate link, but this one is free), and a dog lip balm holder from Nana's Handmade Baby Embroidery Designs. I'll go more into the details below.

The Annette Handbag by Swoon Patterns*. The floral blue panel is made from a obi sash that I got from ebay (you can get some good bargains if you are patient). I think that was the 3rd one she chose that I didn't get outbid or go over my bargain price. I also used an alternative leather that is also eco friendly on the sides and handle of the bag. Cork from Sew Sweetness* has become a popular fabric and it was the first time I sewed on it. If you try it, use a slightly longer stitch and don't overstitch since the fabric perforates but also don't overworry it. Backstitching (which is not recommended in leather is no problem here. I also used a cotton batik for the pop of color on the inside which my mom picked out. It makes it a bit fun. I also added a bit of twill blue to cut down on the bulk in the cork in the handles and it also matched perfectly. the side pockets and side panels inside are also lined with the blue twill.

I changed a few things from the pattern. My mom isn't much of a handbag person and likes the shoulder strap length. This pattern comes with the mesurments for the handles at hand length and a way to connect a removable shoulder strap. I just added inches to the handle portion and it was an overall 28" each if I remember correctly. It was nice to sort of measure it before I made it since my mom knew she was getting this one. I also got the long john handle metal holders from Emmaline Bags. The overlay included in the Annette pattern is beautiful but would have covered the floral pattern too much. This was a happy medium. I also added a key lanyard I stitched into the lining so she could attach something that she may have to pull out of the purse easily (I usually put my keys or wallet at the end of it). The other thing I changed was the small flower at the end of the zipper. This was a zipper end that I machine embroidered from Stitch Soup and then glued on the end. 

I also added some chicago screws you can get in most craft or leather craft stores. The small detail of the handmade tag (Emmaline Bags) and the love you charm (buggalena embroidery) were the finishing touches to the bag. I was not done with her pressie, however. 

The Necessary Clutch Wallet* by Emmaline Patterns was the wallet I made to go with her bag. I had made one for her before and she loved it and wanted one to match. I had a small scrap of the silk obi left but I thought it was a bit plain. I but this butterfly out of a embroidery file and stitched it on the silk. As long as the silk is stabilized properly (I did with SF 101) and I used cutaway in my hoop. I changed the flap by squaring it out and using a magnetic snap. The inside mimics the bag and I secured the sides with smaller chicago screws. The outside of the wallet is cork.

Zig Zag Eyeglasses Pouch* by Moments Designs was the next project. This one actually opens up flat which I thought would be great if she wanted to stow it away when not in use. I embroidered another butterfly in the same file I used in the one on the wallet and in the same color. I also used the same file from Stitch Soup for the zipper end. Of course, I also added a zipper charm to top it off. The hardest part of this one is making sure the zipper is solidly on and doesn't slip. Also closing felt a bit tricky so I did use some basting glue to make sure it didn't move in the final stitching. However, if you want to try this one, don't worry about it and go for it. It actually was easier to do than I thought and it even surprised me in how quickly it came together. This is a fun one I will do again in the future.

Last but not least was the small additions I added to the overall pressie. The tissue bag was quickly whipped up with some batik material I had (from the bag and the blue is from another project). She had also asked for a balm holder (from Nana's Handmade Baby Embroidery Designs) like what I made myself so I had some better tan vinyl so I added that to the present. (The links for those products under the group photo).

*whew* I guess now you know where I disappeared! Not really since I did these in May but I can still claim it, right? 

Well, I think I now need to get busy on some holiday projects as a few personal ones. I also have to get busy in taking some pics.

Hope you enjoyed!

Bloggy note: Affiliate links are either identified directly or by a *. Not all links are affiliate links and I tried to identify all project pattern makers. 


  1. I absolutely love and admire how talented and creative you are Melissa! These all look amazing.

  2. I am seriously in awe of your creativity and talent! When it comes to sewing... I just don't have it. And I think that makes me even more impressed with those that can. I love how you say you just "whipped up" the tissue holder like it was no big deal. LOL These are all awesome! And I love the new header, too!

    1. Actually once you are comfy with the sewing machine the tissue really is a quick project. :)

  3. OMG! It's so gorgeous Melissa and it makes me want to steal it hehe. I'm not sure if I could do it myself (since I'm very clumsy hehe, the only thing I'm good at is reading books I guess) but my! Look at those beautiful floral pattern! I just love it!

    1. You have no idea how clumsy I am! :D If I can do it, then you can as well. I do thank you for the compliment!

  4. Oh my goodness. These are stunning! Absolutely gorgeous.

  5. Those are great! I love that. I love doing crafts too.

  6. That's a beautiful color of blue and the flower patterns are simply gorgeous. Love it!

  7. I need to try some more crafty things! I've been in a rut. They look lovely by the way :)

  8. I'm so jealous of your talent and craftniness!!

    For What It's Worth

  9. wait, did you make that bag? holy wow Melissa, I love it. Do you sell them?

  10. WOW! I am in awe! I have no crafty talents, but I love see what you come up with!

    1. Aw thanks! I doubt you have no crafty talents. I've seen the creativity in your blog!

  11. I'm with everyone else... WOW and HOLY SHIT!!! You are amazing!! I've sewed before and even attempted patterns and I can't imagine the patience for a handbag, with the different fabric types, needles, and threads!! Nope, not me!!! So cool!! I'll stick to my basic Singer and hemming my son's pants (HA!).

    I also love your mannequin... plz don't tell me you use him for drawing, too. #toomuchtalent :)

    1. Aw thanks! I think handbags are easier than clothes but I haven't fully tackled that yet. I don't think I'd do a good job hemming pants. :)

      That is my girly mannequin (since it was my mom's gift) and I usually have her in a dance pose with my man one on a shelf but I need to spend time drawing them instead. LOL

  12. You are so talented!! Each creation is better than the previous. Sorry, I haven't been by, we were away for 10 days attending a celebration of life for my Uncle. It was bittersweet.

    1. Aw thanks!

      I'm so sorry for your loss! ((HUGS)) I'm glad you got to honor his life.

  13. Too cute, Melissa! I love the flowers on that blue.

    1. Aw thanks! Can't take credit for the flowers even for picking it out. My mom picked that one out. :)

  14. Wow that is amazing. I am so not crafty and am in awe that you made that stuff!!!

    1. What is crafty? :) I know you are creative! I've seen your blog.

  15. Love the new header for these posts. And wow, you made some adorable things. I love that dog lip balm holder. How cute!!


    1. Thanks! My mom has wanted one since I made one for myself.

  16. These are so cute. I'm not crafty at all. I love your stuff.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

  17. Oh some great works! My mom's made the clutch wallets and I love mine. :)

    1. Thanks! Oh I wonder if it was the same pattern? Very cool!

  18. Dang, girl! Look at you getting all crafty and artsy! Love it :)


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