
Friday, December 30, 2016

Happy New Year?

Ugh. So much loss. Not just in the entertainment group, but I noticed a lot of personal loss with people that were important to them. The election. Ugh again. Actually I sort of predicted who would win by a sort of joke. I was wondering if there was a reason for all this loss because Drumpf will win. WHY did I have to say that?

I have to also say one of the hardest entertainment losses was recent. Carrie Fisher was my big one. She was Princess Leia to most of us. That character was the first princess character I knew of to save herself. She was the first one I noticed to also save everyone else. She lost everyone important to her and yet she forged on and led a rebellion. That character was one of the main reasons I loved Star Wars. Plus, if you heard Carrie Fisher in her forthrightness and strength in what she advocated and revealed about her life, I'd have to now say she could be the only one to play that character right. She would be the only one to get that character. Her mom also had a bit of that so losing Debbie Reynolds was so sad too. Geeze 2016! I just needed to see more gumption coming from strong women like they were... especially in the 4 years to come.

Fave tweet:
Hellz yeah!

Now for some hopeful laughter....

 I think we all feel a bit like this skit from John Oliver's show Last Week Tonight. Be warned that this is NSFW because of language. 😆


This one is VERY NSFW (probably more than the one above).. so be warned... 😂


Don't say I didn't warn you... 😜

2017 is already going to be a trying year for a lot of us. Instead of wishing you a happy new year I'm going to instead wish you lots of love in the year to come. Remember that this political climate isn't normal and you should fight, if not for yourself, then for your loved ones. Uplift each other and do not let people distract you from having your say (a tactic to watch for).

Now if you haven't done so, go and have some fun.



  1. Wishing you and yours the very best for 2017.

  2. Right? I'm weirded out by simply saying "Happy" followed by "New Year". God, did this year ever sucked.

    In any case, yes. Let's be motherfucking generals. We're going to need it.

  3. I do hope 2017 will be a good year

    1. The bar is rather low for the year so hopefully it will do well. :)

  4. Great tweet and Much love to you and yours as well, Melissa!

  5. I definitely hope 217 is a bright and happy year for all of us! I hope your's is safe and wonderful Melissa!!

    1. I know it will feel like some political aspects are trying to reach 217. LOL Sorry, couldn't resist. You can shame me now. 😉 Hope you have a safe and wonderful New Year as well!

  6. I love this post! 2016 was such a rough year and the world at large seems like such a bleak place, more so now than it did a year ago. Still, I hope 2017 improves (although January 20th is going to be SUCH a rough day!). Thanks for this wonderful, aware post, Melissa!

    1. I so agree. I am not acknowledging Jan 20th even though it won't do a thing, but I'll feel better. Have a good New Year!

  7. I loved everything you said. So completely agree. I wish I was a lot younger, I would be marching for the next 4 years for everything the idiot is going to crap on! And against everything that he stands for. I won't be anywhere near a tv on the 20th for fear it would have me nauseated all day! I pray for better times and a good new year, because come January 20th the year will be officially shot to hell!

    1. There is always something we can do and be empowered, so just look to those things. I also will have the tv off on that day. :)

  8. I loved all the empowering Princess Leia tweets. WE WILL OVERCOME! Here is hoping we all find some happiness in 2017. <3

    1. I also loved those. I needed her but I'm glad others are picking up the strong fight. :)

  9. I'm seriously excited for this coming year and so glad to be done with 2016. The celebrity deaths never really get to me though I feel sad for their families but goodness so many friends lost pets or family this year it was awful. Hoping everyone stays real healthy this year.

  10. I felt Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds' losses for the same reasons you did. I grew up with the first Star Wars, too. And to see a mom go right after her daughter... heartbreaking.

    Last year (and yikes, looking up at the comments, looks like this year, too) was a scary, hateful year so hopefully our love can overcome :) Hopefully... Happy New Year!!!!

    1. I loved what she had to say and what she represented so that was also why it was hard for me.

      I know year ends and beginnings are really arbitrary but I'm hoping we still do better this year.

  11. Carrie Fisher hit me really hard too. I mean, I knew she has been part of my life since I was a young child (Star Wars came out 14 days after I was born and I remember watching it as a really small child with my father). I was crying at work when I heard the news. I've also learned so much more about her since her death, as if I needed more reasons to love and respect her. She was so much more than Princess Leia.

    I love the videos. I had seen the John Oliver one, but it was great to watch it again. I hadn't seen the song and I loved it. Here's to hoping that 2017 can be better.

    Also, here's a clip to remind you that 2016 wasn't all bad.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. Aw baby Melanie! :D

      Love that vid. True it isn't all bad but the bad was just so... well... bad. :( Hope all the progress from the video doesn't get trashed. Yea, I went there... can't take me anywhere... :)

  12. It has been a hard year with all of the losses and things going on. I hope you have a wonderful 2017!!

  13. Yes many difficult thigs but I wish you the best for 2017!

  14. Happy New Year! I can completely sympathize with really feeling the loss of Carrie Fisher - she really was one of the first big screen princesses to be anything other than needing rescuing. I hope 2017 brings positive change and hope for you :)

  15. It was a rough year. So much loss and anger. I'm really wary of 2017 but hope that we all band together and make something good happen!

    Happy New Years Melissa!

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  16. Wishing you a healthy, peaceful 2017, Melissa! I'm fighting this year. First thing this morning I called my congresswoman. I'm done hiding in my cubby, trying to stay sane and safe. I'm fighting back! We can do this! *HUGS*

  17. I can say I wasn't sorry to see 2016 end, Melissa. But I try to think of the positive things that helps me endure all the bad. I wish you lots of love, good reads, and all the best for 2017!!

    1. Yes there were positives... there are always positives. I just think so much shocked us this year it was hard to remember. :) Have a good 2017!

  18. You know I am one who is extremely glad to have 2016 behind them. Still, I am trying to keep a positive spirit no matter what I have faced, and my word for the new year is Hope. I hope you will be back to blogging soon!

    1. I hope you are back to it as well! Hope your new year goes very well!

  19. It's been a hell of a year...No matter what the new year brings: Happy New Year.

    1. You are braver than I for saying that. ;) It should be better... I don't want to see worse. :p

  20. lol. I love the blowing up of 2016. That's awesome! And I've heard the girls song. It was great too. :)

  21. I wasn't in the hurry to celebrate 2017, you know why... now I have to wish that the next 4 years fly by with little to no damage, but it's going to be vexing on women, and anyone that isn't in the top 1%

    1. Totally with you. And with what is happening now... smh...

  22. Happy New Year. I do hope this year isn't quite as bad as I fear it could be. But yes, keep fighting, but be kind to yourself too.


  23. 2017 is going to teat all of us, I think... Even down here in Aus!


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