
Monday, July 4, 2016

This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab

Series: Monsters of Verity #1
464 p.
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Published: 7/5/16
Source: From Edelweiss and publisher for review
There’s no such thing as safe in a city at war, a city overrun with monsters. In this dark urban fantasy from author Victoria Schwab, a young woman and a young man must choose whether to become heroes or villains—and friends or enemies—with the future of their home at stake. The first of two books. 
Kate Harker and August Flynn are the heirs to a divided city—a city where the violence has begun to breed actual monsters. All Kate wants is to be as ruthless as her father, who lets the monsters roam free and makes the humans pay for his protection. All August wants is to be human, as good-hearted as his own father, to play a bigger role in protecting the innocent—but he’s one of the monsters. One who can steal a soul with a simple strain of music. When the chance arises to keep an eye on Kate, who’s just been kicked out of her sixth boarding school and returned home, August jumps at it. But Kate discovers August’s secret, and after a failed assassination attempt the pair must flee for their lives.
My thoughts:

This has an interesting world where humans create the monsters by their heinous acts and then are preyed on by their creations. While we know this, we do not really see the connection to their actions until we were told. I would have liked to have felt that aspect of this world more, but it still was interesting.

August Flynn is also a monster, but of a special sort. He seems to have more free will than the others and can affect his behavior by his choices more than the rest. He befriends Kate Harker who is the daughter of his rival and who is also a heartless human. Like every good YA romance, there is a spark but neither knows what it will do to the other. They both start to care for others outside of themselves and both transform. There is an HEA of sorts at the end, but not the one you usually expect. Also there are a few twists that I did not expect as we follow our two main characters. It is an interesting mystery and the door is wide open for the next book but this one does NOT end with a cliffie. YaY!

I give this book 4 stars. It was an unexpected surprise and these monsters come out of the nightmares of our own making. I highly recommend it to those that enjoy YA fantasy with a dark edge to it.


  1. This sounds like it could be a much more complex read that the blurb suggests. Not too sure about the cover though.

    1. It was surprising. Wasn't what I expected in a good way. :)

  2. I liked this one quite a bit, too, but it was far from perfect. I had trouble getting into it, despite the fiery start, and the first half and second half were so different in pacing that it too some adjusting. But overall it was original and good.

    1. I agree about the pacing. I think it got high marks from me because it did surprise me. :)

  3. This book has been on my wishlist for a while now so I am pleased to read that you enjoyed it, it sounds quite unique.

    A lovely review! Sharon - Obsession with Books

  4. This woman knows how to transform monsters into beautiful creatures. I can't wait to read my copy!

  5. Well now this is interesting I may actually pick this up! I like dark :)

    1. :D YaY! I made you want one of mine instead of the other way around. ;)

  6. Sounds very interesting! I really need to pick up something by this author.

  7. YES, I love the darker turn in YA recently and this is such a fantastic novel. I'm so glad this totally worked for you, as well, Melissa--fantastic review!

    1. I was surprised at how dark it was and it worked here. :)

  8. I'm assuming the monsters are made that way through no fault of their own, but through the actions of others. If that's the case, it could lead to some interesting storytelling.

    1. Yep, they were born out of the monstrous actions of humans.

  9. The blurb really didn't capture my interest but your review make it sound a lot deeper.

  10. I have this on my pile but it's one I haven't managed to fit in yet. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it. Maybe I'll squeeze it in at some point. It certainly sounds different!

  11. I loved And I Darken so will definitely sample this one too. 4 stars is a great rating for a first book in a new setting

  12. Oh interesting. It's always awesome when a surprise turns out to be a good one.

  13. Hmm. I've not heard of this one until now. Sounds like an interesting concept. Thank you!

    1. I do think this one makes me want to seek out her other work.

  14. This sounds AWESOME! I have to try and find some time to squeeze this book in.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  15. OMG, this sounds sooooo good. I love books like this.

  16. I'm hearing great things about this one. I'm really looking forward to picking it up!


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