
Friday, July 8, 2016

Audiobook Review: The Dirt on Ninth Grave by Darynda Jones

Series: Charley Davidson #9
Narrator: Lorelei King
10 hrs. 11 min.
Published: 1/5/16
Publisher: Macmillan Audio
Source: Library
In a small village in New York Charley Davidson is living as Jane Doe, a girl with no memory of who she is or where she came from. So when she is working at a diner and slowly begins to realize she can see dead people, she's more than a little taken aback. Stranger still are the people entering her life. They seem to know things about her. Things they hide with lies and half-truths. Soon, she senses something far darker. A force that wants to cause her harm, she is sure of it. Her saving grace comes in the form of a new friend she feels she can confide in and the fry cook, a devastatingly handsome man whose smile is breathtaking and touch is scalding. He stays close, and she almost feels safe with him around. 
But no one can outrun their past, and the more lies that swirl around her-even from her new and trusted friends-the more disoriented she becomes, until she is confronted by a man who claims to have been sent to kill her. Sent by the darkest force in the universe. A force that absolutely will not stop until she is dead. Thankfully, she has a Rottweiler. But that doesn't help in her quest to find her identity and recover what she's lost. That will take all her courage and a touch of the power she feels flowing like electricity through her veins. She almost feels sorry for him. The devil in blue jeans. The disarming fry cook who lies with every breath he takes. She will get to the bottom of what he knows if it kills her. Or him. Either way.
My thoughts:

I almost couldn't wait for this book on audio. The ending for the last book left me reeling and I needed to know what was going on. Finally found time and the audio at the library (couldn't get it streaming, but had it on CD! WHEE!). And as with the other books in the series I found myself enjoying all the characters and the smaller mysteries Charley always seems to find even in this state (don't want to give too much away if you haven't read the others). Laughter as always (bathroom scene with horse... all I'm sayin') and quite a few "aw" moments with Reyes. *sigh* The end is quick and quite dark and no evil cliffies in this one. Of course the arc mystery only deepens and we must have the next book to find out what comes next (I've recently been accosted by great reviews of the next book which only makes me drool for it more. Hey! Library! Get on the job and get me the next audio pronto!).

As I said, this gave you the answers you were seeking from the last awful cliffie (I hate all cliffies, no exceptions) but doesn't answer all questions in the story arc. I give this book 4 1/2 stars and need the next audio NOW. :D I highly recommend this seres for those that love a good UF/PNR, humor and mystery. Also, I highly recommend them on audio and I love Lorelei King's narration and that has made me want to do the whole series on audio.


  1. I liked this one quite a bit too. It was great to see Charley in a different environment. I also loved Reyes in this one. As for the audio, Lorelei King is the best, no question.

    1. I just want to do the whole series on audio. So far so good. Just need the last one on audio now. :D

  2. I think I'm the only one not in love with these books! Sadly! :( But I need to pick up the first one again and hopefully join the bandwagon because I know most readers are head-over-heels for this series. Wonderful review, Melissa, and I'm glad this series hasn't disappointed! :)

    1. I would love to know what you think. These are just so much fun for me.

  3. You are going to love LOVE book ten. ;)

  4. I'm glad you're still loving this series! I have a long ways to go to catch up.

    1. I think you'll hit a point where you start devouring them all quickly. :)

  5. Yay for no cliffies! I still haven't made it past book #1 even though I enjoyed the humor.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. I know that some people had problems with the first few books but oh my... when it takes off. I'm one that loved it from the beginning. :)

  6. I liked this one, too! I just finished The Curse of Tenth Grave audio, and it was fantastic. Lorelei King really becomes Charley!

  7. I love this series! Love, love, love, love, love.

  8. I really enjoyed this one too and I'm so curious for more. I was happy because I thought that the previous one wasn't as good.

    1. Every series has it's ups and downs, but overall, I do enjoy this series.

  9. An audiobook with her would be fun :D

    1. I want to do the Mercy ones with her after this series. :)

  10. lol! The Headless Horseman ... that was great. I love this series too. Just wait until 10 ...

  11. Oops gremlins ate my comment. I loved this one too Melissa!

    1. ...and I had a hard time commenting. You tick those gremlins off in some way? Better leave a meal out after midnight. LOL

  12. Oh I soooo need to get to this series. I'm going to be SOOOOOOO late to the game when I get to them. lol.

    1. But then you can go right from one to another... not so bad. ;)

  13. I have 3 of these on my Kindle and have only read one so far. I really need to get to it! I am glad there wasn't an evil cliffhanger this time. You make me want to jump back in but I have several Net Galley ones I need to get to first. Great review!

    1. Oh man... you so need to read these! :D Hope you get to it soon. :)

  14. Ahhh those dratted cliffies! One day I will start these, though. And gah on the library. Hurry, hurry, hurry!

    1. I cannot believe you haven't tried one of these. You would enjoy them. I'm on hold for it. :D

  15. A great series! And, yes, I fully agree with you about cliffies, especially ones like the eighth book. Oy.

  16. This one had me choked up for a lot of it, especially the moments with Reyes. I will agree that I'm also anxious about the next book which apparently has a lot of big surprises.

    1. How sweet was Reyes??? *swoon* :) I'm anxious, but excited and it is on hold for me at the library! :D


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