
Monday, April 25, 2016

Bright Blaze of Magic by Jennifer Estep

Series: Black Blade #3
Series finalé
368 p.
Published: 4/26/16
Publisher: Kensington
Source: From author for review
Bad Things Always Come In Threes… 
As a thief, I'm good at three things: hiding in the shadows, getting in and out unseen, and uncovering secrets. I put these skills to work for the Sinclair Family, one of the magical mobs that run the tourist town of Cloudburst Falls.

Everyone knows Victor Draconi wants to take over all the other Families--and kill every last Sinclair. What they don't know is that I'm on to him, and no way will I let the man who murdered my mom get away with hurting all the other people I care about. Especially when I've got places to break into, stuff to steal, and Devon Sinclair fighting right by my side…
 My thoughts:

Oh I'm not a general fan of ending books. If you love the series you hate to see it end, and it also seems to be the weakest book. However, while the first half is true... I don't want to leave this world... this was not the weakest book in the series. This series planned to go out with a bang and it succeeded.

As I said everything was leading up to this book, but for the sake of those that haven't read the previous books, I will try to be non-spoilery. AND that is going to be hard.

The worldbuilding was expanded further with the monsters in the book. While the second book expanded that aspect more, we get a bit more personal here. The characters which are my favorite aspects of the series stayed consistent. While we see a glimpse of an expansion of Blake, it is only a glimpse which was my only disappointment... but then I really wasn't in the series for Blake. The rest of the characters came through and I just wished we could get more time with them. However, the series ended complete and I was satisfied.

I give this book 5 stars. I recommend the series to those that love YA PNR/Fantasy and love a female protagonist to not only root for, but admire. This is only a trilogy so start at the beginning. Those that like Jennifer Estep's other books, look out for the easter eggs in every book. :)


  1. I think I'm weird int hat I like an end date. I get bored when things go on too long so this might be perfect for me to binge.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. Oh I get that, but ending books tend to be either feel like it is thrown together to end it... or it is a beloved series. However, I'm impressed by this one!

  2. I'm doing a happy dance over here! Love this series and so sad it is over. I'm hoping there will be future books down the road though, the ending certainty left it open for some.

    1. I can't wait to see what other adventures the author has in store for us... and worlds to explore. :)

  3. I have yet to pick up an Estep novel but I'm so glad that this is an author that simply does not disappoint. I might start with this series of hers since a trilogy is less daunting than her long adult series. Great review, Melissa!

    1. I think you'd have fun with this one. Her YA (both series) isn't as long as the adult Elemental Assassin books.

  4. I enjoyed this one as well. I found it interesting though that she left the door open, it doesn't feel like this series is done.

    1. I can see other things being written in this world. I wouldn't object at all to more books in the series. :D

  5. I've got the audio for this one preordered. I'm excited for it to download in the morning. Can't wait to start it. Glad to see you enjoyed it.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

  6. I have the first two on audio and can't wait to get started on the series!

  7. It's bittersweet. sure. I know that I'm going to cry once Anne Bishop's The Others series ends next year. *cries* This series is new to me and that sucks because yours is the second review that gave this book their stamp of approval. Sigh. I'm always behind!

    1. I still need to start that series. You do need to read this series. :)

  8. Glad this ended on a high note for you. I had terrible luck with series finales a couple of years ago and now it's made me a bit weary of them.

    1. I often have trouble with series finales but not here. :D

  9. Oh yes I totaly loved it as well! it was such a great one!

  10. Gah! I need to read this series already! I was going to wait, but I don't want to anymore.

    1. Yes you do! At least this one is only 3 books so you aren't too far behind.

  11. Great to hear this book ended on a positive note rather than simply fizzled out. That said its sometimes easier to come to terms with the ending of as series when you know its past its sell by date or certainly heading that way.

    1. Or even with those that just rush the ending. I think I hate those even more. No probs here though!

  12. Yes...happy dance. I want to visit this world!

  13. Dang. That's awesome it ended on such an awesome note! So many of mine do like you said and are seriously weak reads compared to the series.

  14. I'm on a fantasy break so I'm skimming y'all's reviews. I'm loving the consensus of this being an amazing read/ending. Woot!

  15. I just read the first two books in this series, and can't wait to read book 3! Glad you loved it Melissa.
    ps love your new bloglook, the roses!

    1. Oh I do think you'll love it!

      I also think I may keep the roses for next month... may... flowers... :D

  16. Okay, after seeing you say trying to keep it non-spoilery, I decided I better skip for now. I'm starting the audio today.

    1. I swear it is pretty darn non-spoilery. :) Hope you enjoy!

  17. So happy every blogger is loving the ending. I am reading it right now. Love it so far.

    1. So happy you have joined us. Yes... be one of us... ;) LOL

  18. Yay! 5 stars! I'm glad that this story was the ending you needed!


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