
Monday, December 14, 2015

Annual Puppy B-day Celebration

Alternate title: Tonks and Griffin... we will miss you! 

If you have been a part of this blog, you know I celebrate my puppy's b-day every year. In years past I gave away different things and Felicia, The Geeky Blogger also had a pup with a Dec. birthday. We celebrated together after that:
Sadly, in March of this year, her sweet baby went over the rainbow bridge. I donated money in Tonks's name. Not too long ago another bloggy friend Jenny of Supernatural Snark also lost her baby Griffin

So, since I donated in Tonks's name in March I'm donating the money I would have given in the book giveaway in Griffin's name. You can do this on several websites, but I often use Morris Animal Foundation since they do a lot of research to improve pet health. Betty White is a big contributor for the foundation.

Also don't forget the other great animal organizations that always need help in one form or another. Remember you don't always have to donate money. You can donate time, gently used items or donate while you shop. Some of those links are below. Also, if you have a good link not listed, be my guest to list one.

I did have plans to make something to give away. I messed up. This is sort of what I wanted to give away:
I was in the process of the machine embroidery when the machine messed up the lowercase b.

UGH! I hated it. I tried to make another but the machine decided to eat ALL THE THREAD. :(

It got fixed (good thing since I was borrowing it... *eek) but I ran out of time to get this one done again. I was convinced by certain individuals to go ahead and finish what I had, so I did. I also put the zipper on backward. So, the zip opens up from right to left. Yea, I was on a roll. I decided that this could be a metaphor and see if anyone wants to adopt the not perfect bag that needs a home. The fabric on the inside is black with white paw prints. The prints can be either cat or dog. 

So, I will not require anything but knowing that you are getting a flawed product. I do still encourage you to do something or anything for animals and put what you've done in the comments. I always think that seeing what others do helps bring a bit of joy to the season. 

If you want this poor bag w/o a home just fill out the rafflecopter form below. Yes, I'll ship internationally, but will not guarantee it's delivery (it is so hard to do international *sigh*)


  1. I appreciate the effort so I'll take the bag! As long as it zips, I don't mind the flaws.

    Great post about the pets too!

  2. Dammit Melissa. Why'd you have to go and make me cry again?! I know I already said it, but THANK YOU for honoring Griffin this way, it means the absolute world to me (and Kevin). *wipes away tears* *gives you the biggest hug ever*

    1. ((HUGS)) to Jenny, Kevin, and Felica! I'm so sorry for your loss. I do know what that feels like and how hard it is to lose your babies. :(

  3. Tomorrow is my Indy's B'day and I have a bag of doggie beds and toys that I'm donating.

    I was also going to donate to Canine Warriors again and I'll be sure to do it in honor of Tonk's and Griffin.

    It was a rough year for fur parents :-(

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. Oh how wonderful. My big red pup just had his b-day! :) Give Indy lots of treats from me!

  4. Aw so many blogger friends lost herd babes this year. It was really heartbreaking but at the same time so wonderful to see so many people who truly loved their babes. I love knowing that my reader friends are also such animal people <3

    1. I so agree! It is one of the bad things about having a pet. :(

  5. Ahh... what a sweet thing to do. I cried when I read about both Tonks and Griffin. I still haven't gotten over losing my Bruno and it has been a year and a half. They leave paw prints on your heart for sure. What a lovely bag you made, flaws and all. You are amazing. I donate every time I go to the Pet store to their charities. Just something little I can do :)

    1. Every little thing counts. :) I'm so sorry about your Bruno. I still cry when I think of those I've lost.

  6. You are amazing! I don't mind a flawed product, it makes it more special, I think.
    My baby dog that we got last Christmas (yes, we still call her baby dog) is turning one (with being with us, her official birthday was October) and when I bring her in for her check up I plan to donate food to the shelter here. And maybe I'll get some toys to donate as well. This is a great cause and a good reminder to us to not forget the animals!

    1. LOL! I hope to have one not so flawed. :)

      I call mine puppies. I get weird looks when I do that. *shrug* ;) My vets do the same thing. They collect for the shelters in the area. Thanks for doing that!

  7. You're awesome! It's so great to do things for animals in need. I've volunteered at the local rescue, and rescued an emaciated, mangy pit bull in October.

  8. This is a great idea... to celebrate and remember furr babies!! Love it!

  9. Good for you for your effort..and as a left zipping backwards is awesome!! I love that you donate. We give to our local no-kill shelter every year ;)

    1. LOL! I've done that a few times, but it was usually for me or people who don't care. :)

      Thanks for giving! <3

  10. I love that you do this every year.So sad about losing the dogs. I think our pets should live at least as long as we do!I am caring for one of my cats that has terminal cancer right now, so this really did hit home for me.

    1. I agree.

      I'm so sorry about your kitty. ((HUGS)) from me and my fur ones to you and yours! <3


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