
Monday, August 10, 2015

Audiobook and Craft Review: Long Black Curl by Alex Bledsoe

Series: Tufa #3
Narrator: Stephan Rudnicki
10 hrs. 39 min.
Publisher: Blackstone Audio
Published: 5/26/15
Source: Audiobook Jukebox for review
In all the time the Tufa have existed, only two have ever been exiled: Bo-Kate Wisby and her lover, Jefferson Powell. They were cast out, stripped of their ability to make music, and cursed to never be able to find their way back to Needsville. Their crime? A love that crossed the boundary of the two Tufa tribes, resulting in the deaths of several people. 
Somehow, Bo-Kate has found her way back. She intends to take over both tribes, which means eliminating both Rockhouse Hicks and Mandalay Harris. Bo-Kate has a secret weapon: Byron Harley, a rockabilly singer known as the "Hillbilly Hercules" for his immense size and strength, who has passed the last 60 years trapped in a bubble of faery time. He's ready to take revenge on any Tufa he finds. 
The only one who can stop Bo-Kate is Jefferson. Released from the curse and summoned back to Cloud County, even he isn't sure what will happen when they finally meet. Will he fall in love with her again? Will he join her on her quest to unite the Tufa under her rule? Or will he have to sacrifice himself to save the people who once banished him?
My thoughts:
I have enjoyed this series from the beginning. This is a series that is best read from the beginning because the Tufa are a mystery that needs to be solved through the other two books.

We know the major mystery of the Tufa and so we aren't frustrated with that mystery going into this book. In some ways it is relaxing but in others I sort of missed the curiosity of what was really going on. However, with the Tufa you are not without mystery and this book takes you not just back in the Tufa history, but in music history as well.

I don't want to give too much away to those that have not picked up this series, but I did enjoy trying to figure out exactly what Bo-Kate was up to in this book and how Mandalay (a 12 yr. old girl) will figure out a way to defeat her or be defeated. There were a few interesting twists and several aspects to the book that surprised me.

I also want to say something about Stephen Rudnicki's narration. At first I thought I would have a hard time getting used to his low and gravely voice however, I did seem to find myself enjoying the narration after a couple of chapters. He did seem to be a bit nasal at the beginning (like he had a bit of a cold) but as I got used to his low voice, it also seemed to lose the nasal quality. I also thought I would have problems with the voices of the women and especially a 12 yr. old girl. I didn't. It didn't seem odd to me nor did his voices take me out of the story. It worked.

I give this audio 3 1/2 stars. I enjoyed moving to another mystery while finally knowing what or who about the Tufa. This is a series I recommend to those that enjoy some twisty aspects and mysteries to a close knit community where music is life.

Crafts I did while listening to the audio:
I did 2 bags and 1 wallet. I finished another Butterfly Sling by Emmaline Patterns (the one with the butterfly material which I started from the other audio) and I started on some holiday gifts. I made a Snappy Mani Wallet (free pattern) from Noodlehead Designs. I finished a Teardrop Sling by RLR Creations (size small) for a little boy. I will do his sister's sling next and hopefully show it to you in the next audiobook/craft review! :)
Click for bigger pic


  1. I haven't tried this series, and not sure I'd be able to do audio books for long -due to my attention span. Greetings!

    1. This is the only one I did on audio. I read the rest. :)

  2. Not a fan of audio books but as you know but I suppose being able to do other things like this would be a draw. Impressed with your crafts, I especially love the butterfly sling.

    1. I cannot draw with audio. I can't paint. It takes too much concentration. This is following a pattern that has all the kinks worked out. :)

  3. I really think I would like the mystery aspect of this! Great review!

  4. The mystery sounds pretty well done and nice to hear you've enjoyed the series

  5. Huh..I didn't read the whole review b/c it really sounds like one needs to start at book 1, but I am intrigued!

    1. Yes, you do need to start at book 1. It makes more sense and there is a mystery to be solved before you get to this book.

  6. Ooh, your crafts are amazing--you're so creative and talented! I love audiobooks so perhaps I need to check this one out, despite the few flaws. Fantastic review, dear!

    1. Aw... *blushes* Thanks! :D

      I do think you'd enjoy this one. It is different but start with book 1!

  7. Hm, it sounds interesting! The title is really creepy for some reason, haha.
    Love the butterfly sling! It's so adorable. <3

    1. Actually this is probably the least creepy of the series. LOL

      Thanks. :)

  8. Replies
    1. I would be so curious to see what you think. It is considered adult fantasy!

  9. Tufa? Now I'm curious!

    And those are very crafty! Are you gonna give it away? Hehe

  10. You have me curious about the overall mystery. I enjoy fantasy and like the twist.

  11. Well you have me interested :) I'm going to check him out as well. I'm still trying to get my audio-feet :D

  12. Thanks for the review Melissa, I am not sure this is something for me though.

  13. Look at you crafty girl!

    Love that cover too. So pretty/

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  14. It's funny how you can slip into the voice of the narrator in a few short chapters. I've noticed that lately too. :) Thanks!


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