
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Accidental Empress by Allison Pataki

512 p.
Publisher: Howard Books
Published: 2/17/15
Source: Kismet Book Tours for review
The year is 1853, and the Habsburgs are Europe’s most powerful ruling family. With his empire stretching from Austria to Russia, from Germany to Italy, Emperor Franz Joseph is young, rich, and ready to marry. 
Fifteen-year-old Elisabeth, “Sisi,” Duchess of Bavaria, travels to the Habsburg Court with her older sister, who is betrothed to the young emperor. But shortly after her arrival at court, Sisi finds herself in an unexpected dilemma: she has inadvertently fallen for and won the heart of her sister’s groom. Franz Joseph reneges on his earlier proposal and declares his intention to marry Sisi instead.

Thrust onto the throne of Europe’s most treacherous imperial court, Sisi upsets political and familial loyalties in her quest to win, and keep, the love of her emperor, her people, and of the world. 
With Pataki’s rich period detail and cast of complex, bewitching characters, The Accidental Empress offers a captivating glimpse into one of history’s most intriguing royal families, shedding new light on the glittering Hapsburg Empire and its most mesmerizing, most beloved “Fairy Queen.”

My thoughts:

While reading this book I became curious as to how close the history was to the real Empress of Austria. What I found by doing a quick search is that the book closely aligns itself to what was reported and what happened. She brings clarity to some aspects of the Empress Sisi's life with reasons that made perfect sense to me. Where some of the details just fantasy? No doubt, but yet it felt like reasonable assumptions.

While I did like Sisi I really didn't like the Emperor's mother Sophia. Ugh. I so wanted to see Sisi throw her out a turret window! I won't say why but when you read it, I have no doubt you would agree. I also didn't care for Franz, the Emperor when it came to being a husband and who still acted as a child when it came to his mother. These parts worked in the book, however, since I don't think we were supposed to praise either one highly.

I give this book 4 stars. I recommend it to those that have an interest in history. This follows her life well and gives potential insight to her behavior and the world this was set.

Bloggy Note:
Don't forget to visit the blog post by Allison Pataki describing how she researched the book! Also there is a great giveaway for $120 gift certificate to the ebook retailer of the winner's choice. Just click HERE to go to the post!


  1. Always a bonus when a character in a historical fiction novel aligns themselves closely with the actual individual.

  2. I love history so I'm definitely going to check this out as it's been awhile since I read a good historical fiction novel. Thanks for putting this on my radar, Melissa!

    1. Oh I think you'll enjoy this one. I think you'll really like the research too!

  3. I definitely have an interest in history and this time period in particular, so I want to check this one out! Glad you enjoyed it!

  4. This sounds good! I love when books follow historical events, at least as much as possible with added fictional bits. It just brings it alive and I love learning stuff along the way!

  5. I so want this one, I have even watched a cartoon about her adventures ;)

    1. There is something vaguely familiar to her story. I think I may have seen a cartoon or something about her when I was young as well. :)

  6. I am in my historical fiction glory! Historical fic/Historical romance, especially when they take place during certain time periods are my faves!
    This sounds pretty cool. I can't wait to check it out..

  7. Historical fiction is an interesting one. I've been slowly trying them out and finding some really great reads and always seem to land on the internet researching the real info. lol

  8. It's nice, I haven't read a book about her but I would love to.

  9. I don't read much historical fiction Melissa, but the couple I have picked up have been fascinating, so I'm thinking I'd really enjoy this one. Even with a mama's boy of a king and a miserable excuse for a mother-in-law:)

  10. Ooo I love to watch the 3 movies that were made of her life, with Romy Schneider playing her. If the book is the same as the movies, I will certainy love it. No idea if you can see those movies in America, they are old and German but sooo beautiful.

  11. Oh this one looks interesting! Like I've mentioned before, i'm not a historical fiction reader but I can definitely see the appeal. I do love how this character seems to closely resemble the real life person they are supposed to be.
    Lily@ Lilysbookblog

  12. I don't read much HF but Sisi does sound like a good character

  13. This is neat how if follows her history. :) Thank you!

  14. Sounds good, Melissa! Sometimes it's good to have characters to hate.


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